Chapter 183: 179: Dawn

I've been differentiating and integrating... I have no idea what I'm doing anymore....


"These three people are quite cunning. I never anticipated such a challenge so soon..."

Confronting the unending array of attacks from these three, Madara found himself in a bit of a dilemma. In his prime, this level of opposition wouldn't even warrant serious consideration, as it was akin to battling children. However, at this moment, his aging body was far from its prime. Whether it was physical strength, reaction time, or the amount of chakra at his disposal, he was nowhere near his peak.

In this condition, neglecting to take the fight seriously would inevitably lead to unfavorable outcomes.

In this situation, not taking the fight seriously would inevitably lead to unfavorable outcomes. Each of these three might not be overly powerful individually, but together, they formed a powerful trio. Even a ninja one level stronger than them would likely be bested by their combined might.

The blue water python coiled around Madara's Susanoo, a manifestation of torrents with the troublesome ability to restrain and absorb the opponent's chakra. Allowing it to continue absorbing chakra would only deplete his already insufficient reserves faster.

Hence, Madara didn't hesitate to infuse more chakra, causing the two blue giant swords in his hands to shine brighter than before.

A thunderous boom resounded. There was a mournful cry from Soryu as two deep sword gashes appeared on its body, with traces of blue chakra flames fluttering around the wounds like snowflakes.

Madara's chakra-infused swords had inflicted damage.

Soryu released its grip on the tightly encircled blue chakra giant and submerged itself partially in the water. Only its head, with its fierce, scarlet vertical pupils, remained above the surface, creating a menacing image against the dark night backdrop.

The forest had been transformed into a vast inland lake by the Soryu's Water Release jutsu, altering the terrain into a battle-friendly environment.

"It hurts!"

"Don't let it disturb Madara-sama again!"

A large number of White Zetsu figures stood on top the water's surface, their adaptable bodies capable of enduring diverse environments. The sudden transformation of the lake due to the water release jutsu hadn't dealt any substantial damage to them; they had managed to remain unscathed.

There were still a considerable number of White Zetsu even after some of them had been eradicated by Shiraishi's group. A conservative estimate suggested around 2,500 remained.

These White Zetsu advanced aggressively toward the Sortu. Their attacks were weak, as they lacked weapons, so they could only resort to Taijutsu.

Soryu lashed out with its tail, creating a towering water wave that extinguished the White Zetsu attempting to close in. It then retreated into the distance.

"What a waste." Madara muttered, disheartened by the weak power of the White Zetsus in battle.

Despite their arrogance and fearlessness, they proved to be of little use in battle. Whether they numbered a hundred or three thousand, they seemed mostly content to watch from the sidelines and occasionally cheer.

Venturing to the frontlines was unnecessary, as they were far too fragile, and they would be overwhelmed by the collateral damage of battle.

Compared to the regular ninja troops of the Five Great Ninja Countries, the White Zetsu were leagues apart.

The only aspect of their performance worth commending was their unwavering loyalty and their willingness to fight fearlessly until their last breath.

The water's surface of the lake, generated by the Water Dragon God, extended to the chakra giants' thighs, nearly submerging half their bodies. Their expertise in Water Release jutsu was impressive.

Madara also observed that Susanoo's movements became slower in this environment due to the resistance produced by the water. Adjusting to it would require some time.

However, Ruri manipulated the red chakra giant under her feet with remarkable agility, moving smoothly despite the water's resistance and launched an attack on Madara without any signs of lag. Clearly, she was already accustomed to this environment. In preparation for this battle, she'd considered the lower-body water resistance but was handling it better than Madara.

The two chakra giant blades sliced through the air, clashing with the red chakra giant's sword that cleaved through the atmosphere.

The resulting shockwave left their ears ringing involuntarily.

The pressure from the twin greatswords exceeded expectations. Beads of sweat formed on Ruri's complexion, and her lips remained tightly pressed together.

Shiraishi placed his hand on Ruri's shoulder to alleviate her fatigue and restore the lost chakra. Maintaining a chakra giant of this magnitude was incredibly demanding, and the chakra consumption was immense. Their battle had pushed them to the limit.

After all, according to the Uchiha clan records, only those who had unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan could wield the ultimate ocular jutsus.

Following Shiraishi's treatment and chakra replenishment, Ruri's countenance improved significantly.

"This man is truly a monster."

Ruri couldn't help but acknowledge Madara's power; he was undoubtedly stronger than any of the three of them. When facing him individually, none of the three could hold a candle to Madara. Even in his old and weakened state, it was hard to fathom the staggering might he possessed during his prime.

Sharing the same era with him was both an honor and a regrettable reality.

"He's indeed as powerful as a monster... but... he's just one man, and this is our chance."

However, the 2,000 remaining White Zetsu on the battlefield weren't included in Shiraishi's calculations. Ruri had employed a tactic that would likely be deadly for anyone lacking a ninja of similar strength or ample chakra. These White Zetsu were mere foot soldiers, unarmed and defenseless against high-level ninjas. To them, the White Zetsu were living targets on the battlefield.

Understanding Shiraishi's intentions, Ruri nodded and adjusted their battle formation.

"Alright, I'll take the lead."

Madara was undeniably powerful, but Shiraishi had predetermined an upper limit of his strength for this engagement. As long as Madara didn't surpass the estimated threshold, they should be able to handle him and overcome any challenging situations.

After their earlier clash, Shiraishi had nearly identified where Madara's current strength peaked following their head-to-head clash. In general one-on-one situations, Madara had an overwhelming advantage. Nevertheless, Shiraishi recognized that no ninja was all-powerful, and every person had weaknesses.

For this reason, teamwork was vital in order to compensate for individual vulnerabilities and even convert them into advantages.

On the other side, Ayane had already sprung into action. Standing on the water's surface, many White Zetsu attempted to attack her, but Ayane had no intention of engaging these cannon fodders. She spread her arms slightly, releasing a terrifying chakra flow around her. Her movement caused a devastating storm in her path as she made her way toward Madara's controlled Susanoo, eliminating any White Zetsu she encountered along the way.

"Are you planning on using that destructive gentle fist again?"

Madara observed Ayane's advance while still engaged in combat with Ruri. Although Ayane was smaller and agilite compared to the massive Susanoo, she had the capability to challenge Susanoo and posed a significant threat as Madara's Uchiha junior.

While pondering, the blue Susanoo found itself once again entangled by Soryu. Although the water dragon's attack couldn't pierce the Susanoo, its ability to restrain and absorb chakra proved problematic for Madara.

Madara was aware of the Water python's role in the battle, but with his Susanoo engaged by Ruri, he had no means to stop the python. And Ayane presented a greater threat than the water python.

Without hesitation, Madara withdrew one arm and swung the blue chakra giant sword toward Ayane, cleaving through the atmosphere.

Though Ruri's Susanoo wielded a two-handed sword and should have the advantage in a one-on-one fight, there appeared to be a qualitative gap between their Susanoos.

"Air God Strike!"

Ayane used her right palm to confront the powerful Chakra giant sword. In the face of the enormous Chakra giant sword, Ayane's body seemed like a small boat at the mercy of a fearsome wave, teetering on the brink of capsizing.

The outcome was unexpected.

With an explosion, the blue Chakra giant sword was repelled by a fierce force and did not shatter instantly as before. It seemed more resilient now. Ayane took a deep breath, sweat streaming down her forehead.

This represented the most powerful Air God Strike within her capabilities. Among her techniques, no Gentle Fist surpassed this one in terms of sheer power. However, the energy required surpassed what her body could endure, and she had reached her limit for using her right hand. To maintain her right hand's combat effectiveness, she would need to join Shiraishi to heal her injuries and replenish her lost chakra.

Although the power was astonishing, it came with tremendous chakra consumption.

After flicking away the Chakra giant sword, Ayane didn't pause. She bent her knees slightly and expertly gathered chakra in her feet, propelling herself upward.


The water erupted, spewing foamy waves that engulfed the White Zetsu below. The panicked White Zetsu were helplessly swept away by the waves.

Using the momentum generated by her foot-propelled explosion, Ayane soared high into the sky like a projectile, landing on Madara's Susanoo shoulder. "Fire Dragon!"

Madara had anticipated Ayane's move. With just a single hand seal, Madara's mouth released five fire dragons. Each descending from above, below, left, right, and center—effectively blocking all escape routes for his opponent.

The jutsu had an extensive attack range. The air's temperature soared, and Ayane could already feel her skin stinging from the heat, as the fire's radiance illuminated her face. The strength of the Fire Release exceeded that of Ruri. Furthermore, the Fire Dragon's rapid speed left no time for evasion, making it practically unavoidable.

Ayane swiftly released her arms and executed a rapid spin.


The five fire dragons were caught in the tempest created by the enormous chakra sphere, forming an incredibly fearsome flame tornado.

The sparks dispersed and ignited in the air, transforming into fleeting strands of flames that quickly dissipated.

Madara felt the giant Susanoo's shoulder sink as the rotational force affected the shoulder's speed, making the body somewhat unsteady. Even the Chakra giant sword's strength diminished under its influence.

This vulnerability provided an opening for Ruri to strike. The red chakra giant sword cleaved through the atmospheric barrier and slashed across Susanoo's chest, leaving a colossal sword mark visible to the naked eye.

While the attack was clearly effective, it didn't fully satisfy Ruri. As Susanoo raised the red giant sword with both hands, preparing for a more powerful slash, Madara had already adjusted his posture. He took control of the giant Susanoo on his side and used the blue giant sword to meet the red one.

A noticeable gap was gouged in the red giant sword, and Susanoo beneath Ruri's feet struggled to withstand the pressure, taking a step back.


Madara intended to pursue the advantage, but he noticed that Ruri was now alone.

Shiraishi had vanished.

"Madara-sama, look behind you!!"

A White Zetsu shouted loudly and pointed behind Madara.

Behind him? When? Madara was suddenly startled, unable to understand how Shiraishi had managed to elude his gaze, appearing behind him in an extremely short span.

"It's a distraction, initiated by the woman with the Byakugan. No, both of these women were decoys!" Madara realized in an instant.

Swiftly turning his body to the rear, he indeed spotted Shiraishi perched atop his own Susanoo's head, separated from him only by a thin layer of Susanoo's chakra armor.

This wasn't a problem, even the gentle fist was insufficient to pierce Susanoo's chakra armor, and he was only a medical ninja. As Madara thought along these lines...

A dark shadow suddenly manifested at Shiraishi's feet and coalesced into a woman. Dressed in black tights with long black hair, she appeared inconspicuous under the cover of the night.

"Hmm... Who's that?"

Madara inquired with surprise, realizing that the black-clad woman had some connection to Shiraishi.

Naturally, she was Shiraishi's yin clone. Her dark eyes held a cold glint, and her palm pressed against the Susanoo that obstructed Shiraishi from directly reaching Madara

Then, she vanished. Engulfed by shadows. A vast hole gaped in the back of Susanoo's head, spacious enough for several people to pass through..

It was too late for Madara evade, and Shiraishi's figure rapidly ascended. A chakra scalpel materialized in his hand and sliced through Madara's chest.

Blood sprayed from his chest, as the scalpel cut deep into Madara's heart.

His only three-tomoe Sharingan within his right eye socket spun wildly.

The unusual chakra fluctuations didn't escape Shiraishi's attention. The giant Susanoo vanished from under Madara's feet, leaving only his lifeless body.

Shiraishi and Shadow Dancer plummeted freely, landing on the water's surface and steadying themselves.

In the distance, a fresh blue Susanoo once again ascended, with Madara standing on its head, entirely unharmed. The sole change was the right eye's Sharingan, which had dulled and lost its brilliance.

"Is that the forbidden jutsu Izanagi? What a troublesome jutsu."

Ayane approached Shiraishi, acknowledging the convenience of this ninjutsu.

"That jutsu consumes a tremendous amount of Chakra. Although it restores the user to life, the expended Chakra isn't replenished. Even after resurrection, there isn't much Chakra left in his body. Besides, he no longer has a spare Sharingan."

Shiraishi could perceive any changes in Madara through his sensory ninjutsu.

The right eye Sharingan was the sole one left on Madara's body. If Madara could regain the other Sharingan, everything would be fine.

"He needs that Sharingan for the forbidden jutsu. But with what he has left, as long as we prevent him from regaining chakra, the balance of the battle has shifted in our favor."

"Next, Madara will be vigilant against Shadow Dancer's ability. It won't be as easy to pull off another surprise attack." Ayane asserted.

"So, to quicken our victory, I'll have to take some risks. What I'm more concerned about is the whereabouts of the Rinnegan."

With Shiraishi's statement, Shadow dancer formed a flat shadow on the water's surface, merged back into Shiraishi's form, disappearing.

"Then let's stick to the old plan." Ayane said with a smile..

Shiraishi nodded, and the two of them rushed towards Madara's location. The White Zetsu along the way posed no threat, and the two skillfully interchanged positions, adding to the confusion.

Madara observed all of this with an intense gaze. He had initially considered Ruri and Ayane as the primary combatants, while Shiraishi seemed more like a support ninja, focused on medical care and chakra replenishment.

However, their formation was fluid, with the primary actors shifting as the circumstances dictated. The team didn't require explicit verbal communication; often, a mere look sufficed to convey intentions, illustrating their remarkable synergy.

They could confidently entrust their backs to one another, a level of trust only attainable through extensive and demanding special training.

Currently, victory appeared to be out of Madara's reach. This was the unwelcome truth weighing on his mind.

"Don't bother looking around!"

Ruri maintained control over herSusanoo and swung the red giant sword forward, compelling Madara to raise his own sword in defense.

Shiraishi and Ayane moved up the body of Madara's Susanoo, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Air God Strike!"

The Blue Susanoo's waist was pierced, causing its body to twist and stagger backward.

"What an aggressive young woman." Madara muttered. If hit by that gentle fist, his body would likely be ripped apart, resulting in his death.

Shiraishi detected that Madara's chakra was depleting at an alarming rate, and it was evident that he was on the brink of exhaustion.

Madara couldn't hide his admiration. "Although I'm past my prime, you've pushed me to this extent. In this era, the three of you are undoubtedly top-notch ninjas."

"Thanks for the praise." Shiraishi responded with indifference. He stood on the left shoulder of the Blue Susanoo, gazing up at Madara and engaging in conversation.

"In reality, we don't have any direct conflicts of interest. You've been in hiding, preparing to deal with the Five Great Nations. If you're willing..."

"Infinite Tsukuyomi." Shiraishi softly uttered these two words while casting a cold glare at Madara.

Madara's pale Sharingan suddenly widened, and a noticeable change in his aura weighed heavily on those present. It was like the calm before a devastating storm, with something sinister brewing.

"Really? I thought i overestimated you, but it seems I may have underestimated you in the end. My mistake for treating you as second- or third-rate opponents."

Madara remarked in a soft tone. . He no longer held any hope of prevailing against Shiraishi and the others. It was clear that their perspective on life was as grounded as Nagato's, rejecting the illusions of the Infinite Tsukuyomi

"What a shame..." Madara continued before unleashing a formidable blue chakra storm that encircled the imposing Susanoo, making it hard for Shiraishi to advance.

"Ayane, retreat!" Shiraishi shouted, jumping backward. His instincts warned him to distance himself from Madara.

Ayane also stepped back, her Byakugan providing an intuitive awareness of the anomalies within Madara.

The Blue Susanoo was raised again, and Madara appeared to be in excruciating pain, emitting pained whimpers as he coughing up blood.

Then it began.

Madara's Susanoo was encased in an incredibly dense, solid chakra armor, different from its previous chakra solid armor. This was a more intricate, chakra-laminated armor.

Two enormous blue wings unfurled behind the Susanoo. The moment they spread, the forest behind them was obliterated, and countless White Zetsu screamed in the storm generated by the wings.

They gazed in shock at the towering Susanoo, resembling a god of war.

Ruri's senjutsu-chakra-infused Susanoo seemed like a mere child compared to this colossal figure.

Without further ado, the Susanoo raised one hand high, as though it could grasp the entire night sky, emanating a formidable energy as it prepared to strike.

Then, it swung down decisively and coldly. The moment the arm descended, a blue giant sword materialized in its grasp.

A dazzling blue light radiated from the blade, bisecting the world before it, and it descended directly toward Shiraishi.

Compared to Ruri and Ayane, Shiraishi posed the greatest threat to Madara among the three. Removing the most significant threat to Nagato in the future, this was his final act.

A shadow sprang forth from Shiraishi's body and rushed toward the descending blue giant sword.

The pitch-black figure clung to the sword, gripping the blade with both hands. An abyssal darkness capable of corroding everything emanated from the giant sword.

Anxiety filled Shadow dancer's dark eyes. This power was in a league of its own. Her ability to dissolve the shadow had no effect on this powerful force.

The massive sword struck the earth, creating a hurricane of immense pride. The sword's residual pressure rendered Shiraishi incapable of movement due to the aftermath's force.

The blue brilliance descended, splitting the sky and the ground into two. This was the final blow.

The sound reached them a few seconds after the storm had passed.

The Blue Susanoo disintegrated into countless specks of blue light. Madara plummeted rapidly, opening his parched lips as if attempting to speak, but no sound emerged.

'Next, I leave everything to you, Nagato...' Madara held this thought before his consciousness was devoured by the infinite darkness and coldness.

"What have you done!!!!!!?"

Ruri gazed at the scene before her with a trembling body.

The forest was divided down the middle by an extraordinarily narrow and extensive sword mark, which extended into the distance and even cut open a mountain several kilometers away with precision. After a moment, she regained her composure, having felt the overwhelming might of Madara's power. She released the Susanoo beneath her and hurried toward Shiraishi.

Shiraishi lay on the back of Soryu, covered in blood and gasping heavily. His right hand had been completely severed, and he had no idea where it had fallen.

Shadow dancer inside his body was gravely weakened, injured by Madara's sword. Shiraishi struggled to speak, fear still lingering in his voice.

"His power is truly exaggerated. I nearly lost my life."

Shiraishi spoke with difficulty, his fear lingering and his entire body in severe pain. It was the first time he had been hurt so severely.

Both Ayane and Ruri reached Shiraishi at the same time. Ayane had Madara's body slung over her shoulder, holding Shiraishi's severed arm, which she placed directly over his missing limb.

Green light emanated from Shiraishi, enveloping his body. Granulation sprouted from his wounds and began to miraculously mend.

Approximately thirty seconds later, the arm had fully regenerated, only a slight soreness remaining. Aside from the dried blood on his clothes, the wounds had nearly completely recovered thanks to medical ninjutsu.

Shiraishi moved his lower arm, clenched his fist firmly, and cast a reassuring look at Ruri and Ayane.

"Don't worry, I'm alright."

"Shikkotsu Forest's Sage Mode is truly powerful." Ruri remarked in admiration.

"After all, it's a healing Sage Mode passed down for thousands of years. As long as there's still a breath, it would be extremely difficult to die." Shiraishi said, subtly implying that this Sage Mode was ineffective on the dead.

"How much chakra remains?" Ruri inquired

"Less than a quarter." Ayane replied.

Shiraishi added, "There's less than a third of the dragon vein's chakra remaining. It's just enough to contend with another ninja of Madara's caliber."

Shiraishi rose from Soryu's back and gazed into the forest's depths.

"Now, only the Rinnegan remains to be dealt with."

"Ayane, do you know the Rinnegan's location?" Ruri asked, directing her gaze toward Ayane.

Ayane employed her Byakugan to survey the surroundings but eventually shook her head.

"It's not here. It must be located somewhere else."


An explosion erupted ten meters ahead, sending numerous gravel and smoke into the air.

A figure stood there, with his back turned to Shiraishi and the others, remaining untouched as the gravel fell around him.

"He came as soon as we mentioned it, the Rinnegan." Shiraishi murmured with a low voice, his eyes showing vigilance.

This figure had eluded his sensory ninjutsu and rendered Ayane's Byakugan ineffective, demanding their full attention.

The underground lair of Madara was directly beneath this very spot, something Shiraishi hadn't anticipated.

As if hearing Shiraishi's murmur, Nagato, facing away from them, tilted his head slightly and then turned it back, calmly gazing at the eastern sky.

"It's dawn..."

The twilight of dawn ascended in the eastern sky, cloaked in dark clouds.

Daylight was about to wash over the land.


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