Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 202: 198: The Land Of Snow

Chapter 202: 198: The Land Of Snow

"Is this the Land of Demons?" Tsunade thought aloud.

In Tsunade's perspective, the Land of Demons had always been considered a neutral nation situated in a secluded corner of the world. Being a neutral country made it one of the rare paradises in the ninja world. It was known in Konoha's records. They had peace but carried little significance in the past.

What set them apart from other countries was their mystery. The daimyo and noble system had existed for thousands of years and it still remained in practice today. However, a country free from the rule of daimyo, like the Land of Demons, was indeed unique in the ninja world.

The origins of this traced back to the past in the Land of Demons. According to legend, every Miko in the Land of Demons had some kind of mysterious power to suppress "demons" and they also had thr ability to predict the future.

For the demon..., in Tsunade's view, they might be something similar to tailed beasts. After all, the world commonly referred to tailed beasts as demons. In the Land of Demons, these demon.were likely be like the tailed beasts. Tsunade believed that the Miko's act of suppressing demons was related to sealing them within their bodies, much like the Jinchuriki sealing method.

However, after her arrival in the Land of Demons, Tsunade realized that the records regarding this country in Konoha needed to be completely updated.

The roads extended in all directions, bustling with business travelers. Even the common civilians walking the streets wore clean clothes. This was natural in the Land of Fire, but throughout the Land of Fire, most civilians wore coarse clothing, had sallow complexions, and were burdened by heavy taxes. The majority in those regionsappeared lifeless. And once those places become wealthy they get attacked regularly by bandits. Konoha often received missions to eliminate these bandits, sometimes as many as thirty to fifty times a year.

The Land of Demons was different. The villages and towns here were well planned, there were numerous shops, and their residential and commercial areas were neatly organized, creating a pleasing view.

What was even more important wae every town was guarded by well-equipped, strong and seemingly well-trained guards. These guards weren't random security, they appeared to have undergone militarized training.

This country has a large number of institutions that benefitted their population, including schools and medical facilities. Although it couldn't rival Konoha in terms of resources, the country's integrity seemed on par with Konoha.

However, Tsunade had only seen this level of organization in a town, not even a city. The wealthier cities would probably be more shocking to her.

"Tsunade-sama, the food here is so delicious. Do you want me to buy more to take with us? After all we're still far from the capital city." Shizune, who accompanied Tsunade, asked while savoring the takoyaki from a roadside vendor.

This time, Tsunade set out from Konoha for 'business,' with Shizune being her only entourage. Initially, Minato had considered assigning two more guards to accompany them, but Tsunade flatly refused.

"Just enjoy the food yourself."

Tsunade's focus wasn't on the delicious foods but to its splendid and luxurious goods.

Her purpose for coming here at the beginning was to consult the Miko about the prophecy. She also wanted to visit the Purple Rose Medical Company in Oni City to explore their medical ninjutsu knowledge, potentially establishing a cooperative relationship with Konoha in that regard. This desire had only intensified since her arrival in the Land of Demons.

Despite the gravity of her goals, this country left her confused.

In her eyes, the Land of Demons was a strange and powerful country. Yet, its strangeness and essential difference compared to the Land of Fire remained unclear.

All she could say was that a nameless country like this was undeniably unique.

"Is something on your mind, Tsunade-sama?" Shizune slowed her eating.

"No, I'm just surprised at how perfect the system is here." "Really? Isn't this normal? Konoha is much more prosperous than here." Shizune replied, finding nothing unusual about it.

Though this small town was pleasant, it couldn't compare to the prosperity of Konoha, be it in terms of size or population. Tsunade couldn't help but smile wryly, realizing that she had focused her efforts on teaching Shizune medical ninjutsu over the years, neglecting critical aspects of socializing. Comparing Konoha, one of the most prosperous villages in the Land of Fire, and this little-known town in the Land of Demons made it clear that Konoha had already lost.

"How about comparing it with the villages and towns in the Land of Fire?"


Shizune wasn't stupid, she quickly understood the key point.

The prosperity of the Land of Fire was limited to a few places, with Konoha being just one of them. While on their way to the Land of Demons there were no news or even bandits running rampant in any area. If there was even a problem in any of the places the security guards will be there shortly to suppress the commotion.

"Remember when we entered the Land of Demons?"

"Of course." Shizune replied with a nod.

The gates to the Land of Demons were strictly guarded by soldiers who conducted thorough inspections on all travelers. Without a valid identi6, entry was denied.

Shizune and Tsunade also went through the series of strict reviews before they were allowed to enter. They were granted short-term residence permits, each valid for one month.

Exceeding this period will result to a polite "invitation" to leave the country.

For extended stays, one must apply for a long-term residence permit through the appropriate official agency. Illegitimate entry or overstaying your permit results in a less pleasant "invitation" by special personnel. Residence, entry, and exit were all managed with very strict, ensuring no unidentified person or people within the Land of Demons.

Ninjas who were wanted or had defected couldn't survive in this country.

"Let's go."



It took half a day to reach Oni City by carriage. As the capital of the Land of Demons, it stood more prosperous and majestic compared the towns on their journey.

The city's entire planning, buildings, and greenery were organized in an orderly manner, without any clutter, and they looked appealing at a glance.

Different from Tsunade, Shizune, however, found herself completely attracted by the various street food and the towering, well-maintained buildings.

Tsunade took a deep breath.

She had underestimated this country and, in fact, all countries had underestimated the Land of Demons.

Tsunade had never been to the Land Of Demons before, and her knowledge of the country was limited to books and some fragments of information.

The rise of Purple Rose had expanded the country's influence beyond the label of "Miko" and had strengthened the medical industry.

Yet, it went beyond that. The Land of Demons had made significant developments in various other areas, as evidenced by the presence of international business operating there.

For some personal reasons, Tsunade has close contacts with businessmen and women from various countries. Many of the stores they saw in Oni City had the marks of famous brands of international companies. Behind these companies are those well-known businessmen and women who were behind them.

These businessmen and women, driven by self-interest, wouldn't stay in a country without reaping huge amount of gains, and the Land of Demons was offering them just that. Tsunade believed that one day, the Land of Demons would surpass the Land of Fire economically.

Perhaps, the Land of Demons had already closed the gross income gap with the Land of Fire in recent years.

Buy taking advantage of the Third Ninja War,Purple Rose had aggressively expanded yheir branches, and its brand was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They collected a large amount of funds from various countries around the world, even causing Konoha, with their relatively strong medical infrastructure, to become complacent because of them.

If one day Purple Rose ever stopped its medical supply, the consequences would be disastrous, and Tsunade couldn't bear to imagine it.

Fortunately, the Land of Demons remained a neutral country, unaffiliated with the Five Great Powers, and they had no ambitions of expanding their country, treating all nations equally.

Tsunade believed it was better for such a country to stay neutral.

From her view, she appreciated the various wild and unconstrained policies of the Land Of Demons, however she's a Konoha ninja, and the entire Land Of Fire stands behind her.

But if the Land Of Demons continued to develop at this terrifying speed, sooner or later it will affect the Land of fire, affect the total production value of the Land of fire, and then affect the development of Konoha. She couldn't ignore the potential implications of the Land of Demons' rapid growth on Konoha's development.

Once the Land of Fire's gross income decreases, the funds provided to Konoha would also decrease, a situation Tsunade hoped to avoid.

She decided it was best to report her observations to Minato, after her meeting with the Miko.

Tsunade sought out a diplomat from the Land of Demons. Her visit was official, with documents from Konoha, making it a diplomatic event.

Without these documents, meeting the Miko wouldn't be possible, as the Miko held a status equal to that of a daimyo.

Meeting the Miko required a complex procedure. As a non-citizen, Tsunade would be subject to the Miko's discretion if she lacked official documents.

With Konoha's official documents, the process was considerably start forward, eliminating the need for such compilations.

"Tsunade-sama, I am very sorry, but Miko-sama is temporarily unavailable for meeting with any person."

The diplomat regretfully informed Tsunade, returning Konoha's documents to her.

"What does this mean? Why can't she see anyone at the moment?" Tsunade was surprised.

"Miko-sama withdrew her maids and guards from the palace since May last year and issued an order restricting access to the shrine where she stays for the next 19 months."

"Did something happen?"

"People in the military might know about that. As soon as the order was issued, the shrine was surrounded by the army, and no one was allowed to near there. But in my opinion, it's likely related to the demons. Miko-sama probably wants to prevent any demon-related disasters from affecting ordinary people." The diplomatic official explained.

'Demon? Was he referring to the legendary demon that has been passed?'

Indeed, Konoha's records mentioned periodic monster-related disasters in the Land of Demons, sealed by the Miko herself. Could it be that the Land of Demons was on the brink of another such disaster?

"It seems the timing isn't right." Tsunade sighed internally.

"If Tsunade-sama has important matters to discuss with Miko-sama, please return in a few months when the ban is lifted." the diplomat suggested.

"Very well. But I've heard that the Land of Demons is currently under military rule. Is that true?"

"I don't have much information on that matter, but the military's actions are always directed by Miko-sama." The diplomat responded.

"Then, can I visit the military?"

"That would require Miko-sama's permission. The military's actions align with her will alone."

Putting it simply, Tsunade's request to investigate the military was being denied. She realized that she wouldn't easily gain access to military information in the official capacity of Konoha.

Understanding the need for discretion concerning a country's military, Tsunade decided to gather more information about the Land of Demons at a later time. After all, this neutral country was not an enemy of the Land of Fire.

"Let's go, Shizune." Tsunade said as they left the diplomat's residence.

Tsunade-sama will you not visit the Purple Rose Medical Company?" Shizune asked.


It was no longer necessary. The Land of Demons has strict security in all place, and the Medical Company's defenses will be even tighter. There hasn't been any breaches so far.. Otherwise those im Kumo wouldn't remain silent. They might have sent people to infiltrate, but those sent were likely long gone.

"Shall we go to another country then, Tsunade-sama?"

"Well, but before we go to other countries, I have another place in mind."


"Purple Rose Merchant Association."

"The Purple Rose Merchant Association?" Shizune looked bewildered.

It was a place mainly for business discussions. Tsunade had no interest in business matters, so going to the Association seemed of little significance.

"The Purple Rose Merchant Association is one of the largest commerce association in the world. I've done my research, especially in terms of loans. Their business network is extensive, their interest rates are reasonable, and they have an excellent reputation."

"Loan.. Loan! Tsunade-sama... don't you mean..."

Shizune suddenly realized Tsunade's intentions and felt a sense of foreboding.

"That's right!" Tsunade grinned. "Official matters are one thing, but my personal matters are more important. Don't bring up frustrating topics now, Shizune, or I'll send you back to Konoha."

"But why do you need a loan? Didn't Hokage-sama give us 500,000 ryo from the funds?"

To Shizune, gambling seemed to be Tsunade's only vice, and she wondered where her sensei had picked up this habit. She wanted to eradicate the root of the problem.

"Shizune, what's 500,000 ryo worth? A few rolls of dice, and it's gone. That boy Minato only gave me 500,000 ryo from the funds. I'll have to give him a piece of my mind at Kushina's place sometime."

Shizune could only sigh, unsure of how to handle Tsunade's eccentric habits.

With Konoha in shambles and the shadow of war looming, there isn't much money to squander. Besides, 500,000 ryo should be enough for them to travel with for quite some time..


Tsunade left from the Land of Demons a week after her arrival. Soon after, she meticulously wrote a letter detailing her observations and experiences in the country and dispatched it to Konoha through a secret channel.

Within a matter of days, Minato received Tsunade's letter.

"The Land Of Demons..."

As he read through its contents, Minato struggled with understanding Tsunade's primary concerns, given his limited knowledge on the focus of the letter.

Despite the complicated of the issues raised in Tsunade's letter, Minato could discern the great importance she attributed to the Land of Demons. Therefore, he decided to consult Shikaku, the strategic thinker with a keen understanding of the bigger picture.

Shikaku had consistently demonstrated his ability to devise inventive strategies during the Third Ninja World War, and his fresh perspectives contributed to minimizing Konoha's losses. He picked up Tsunade's letter and went through it.

"How's it, Shikaku? What are your thoughts on Tsunade-sama's proposal?"

"Well... How should I put it? Although I can't discern Tsunade-sama's specific intentions, there are aspects worth learning from. For example, this sort of children's mental health care center which helps both their physical and mental health, preventing them from going astray due to excessive mental trauma."

Shikaku responded sharply. At the same time, he also expressed concern for the Land of Demons. In the Land of Demons, there were already medical ninjas as powerful as Tsunade, who have deduced things unnoticed by many. Those children who haven't grown up yet represent the real future of a country and the village. It can be said that children's mental health is crucial for the ninja profession.

"Is that so? I'll have to speak with the daimyo for instructions."

Konoha's development funds come from the Land of Fire daimyo and nobles. Without their assistance, Konoha's development, though not entirely stagnant, would face challenges. For example, during the Second Ninja World War, Tsunade's proposed medical reforms wouldn't have been possible without the daimyo's help. It just so happens that he also needed a sufficient performance to stabilize his position and gain more trust from the villagers,

"Wait, not now."


"Because the funds involved are too huge. Konoha currently has lot of funds, thanks to the aftermath of the war, but they are mostly invested in cultivating ninja and pensions, leaving limited development funds."

"How much do you need?"

"The initial investment is the sum of Konoha's ten-year military expenditure." Shikaku revealed, emphasizing the staggering figure.

Minato trembled as he picked up the pen.

"So much?"

"If you want to complete all the reforms mentioned in Tsunade-sama's letter, the initial investment isn't that much. As for the later stages, it's an astronomical figure. Money alone wouldn't be enough; you need a suitable system and professionals. Konoha lacks these, and this will be another huge expense." Shikaku explained with a heavy expression.

Konoha's current priority now was to focus on health and recovery after the war, making it challenging to allocate funds for other industries.

"The Land of Demons is so rich."

"It should be related to the previous war." Shikaku thought and answered.


"Yes. In Konoha, there are now a total of six branches of that company. Their products, whether for ninjas or ordinary people, are of excellent quality and complete varieties. For example, the beauty and breast enhancement cream... cough cough" Shikaku gave Minato a sly look.

Opening up the market through ninja wars, from military to civilian use, Purple Rose has completed all of their layouts, thoroughly rooted in almost every country, becoming a giant in the medical industry,

Even earning Konoha's respect.

Minato smiled wryly. While not appealing to men, the so-called breast enhancement and beauty cream have captured the interest of many females in Konoha. In his home, Kushina bought several bottles of such high products, contributing to the Land Of Demon's construction and development.

This situation is similar in other ninja villages and important towns in other countries.

"I see. Let's discuss the reorganization matter at the Jonin meeting. The daimyo also needs to give his permission."

After sitting in the Hokage's seat, Minato understood the immense burden on the Hokage, which was completely different from what he thought when as a child. The Hokage couldn't just do what they wanted to, especially with the pressure exerted by the daimyo.

Moreover, Konoha's internal affairs were not calm


The recruitment of personnel for the Anbu had been ineffective for a long time. There were fe people he could still use.

InoShikaCho needed to stay by his side to guard against the third's counterattacks if the need arises. The only one available is Kakashi.

Now, Minato can't even solve Konoha's internal affairs. The attractive restructuring policies mentioned in Tsunade's letter may not be officially implemented even after a few years.

Because of dealing with the internal affairs, dragging the daimyo for an extended period is more challenging than handling Konoha's internal affairs.

Minato began having a headache. Shikaku noticed his distress, and before offering comfort, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Minato composed himself and let the person who knocked on the door enter. A Chunin entered and presented a scroll.

"Hokage-sama, this is an urgent letter from the Land of Snow."

"Land of Snow? Where's the messenger?"

"He's being treated at the hospital. He was covered in injuries when he arrived"

"It seems like something has happened in the Land of Snow." Shikaku guessed, stroking his chin.

Minato opened the scroll, and after reading its contents, his face turned solemn. He said to the Chunin, "Call Kakashi, who's stull on vacation. I have an important mission for him."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"It seems Kakashi's vacation has been wasted again, he's just recovered from his wounds." Shikaku showed a smile.

Minato sighed, looking out the window at Konoha's scenery. "No way, there are too many restrictions on me. Kakashi is the only candidate."

"Indeed. But the Land of Snow is adjacent to the Land of Demons. After Kakashi completes his mission, perhaps he can go over there to investigate. I'm also curious about the country."

Hearing Shikaku's suggestion, Minato nodded; he thought so too.


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