Chapter 8: 8: The Caged Bird

Ever since that day, Shiraishi felt that his relationship with Ruri had taken a strange turn.

Although on the surface, everything seemed normal—passing notes during class and training together in the evenings—Ruri seemed distant, silent, and rarely spoke.

A few days passed like this.

On that particular day, Shiraishi went to the academy as usual, but when the first class was about to begin, he noticed that Ayane, who usually sat to his left, hadn't arrived.

This struck Shiraishi as odd.

As a member of the prestigious Hyuga clan, Ayane would never skip or be late for class. It simply wasn't in line with the conduct expected of someone from a powerful clan.

Just as the first class was about to end, footsteps could be heard outside the door.

It was Ayane, standing alone at the doorway. Without saying a word, she bit her lip, a sense of sadness and despair enveloping her.

What was even stranger was that Ayane had tied a white ribbon around her forehead, as if trying to conceal something. It was a sudden change that caught everyone's attention.

Previously, Ayane would never wear such an ribbon on her forehead.

The class teacher, Mr. Fujimura, glanced at Ayane, intending to reprimand her. However, upon noticing the profound despair and sadness in her eyes, he sighed softly, as if he understood something, and simply said, "Come in, just make sure not to be late next time."

Ayane nodded and, under the curious and puzzled gazes of her classmates, made her way to her seat and sat down.

"Good morning, Shiraishi-kun," Ayane forced a smile, trying to greet Shiraishi as usual. However, her smile seemed forced, and tears welled up in her eyes, as if they were ready to burst forth.

Before he could respond, she buried her head on the table, as if ashamed of being seen in this state, afraid of being mocked and looked down upon.

And indeed, the rest of the students looked at her with strange expressions, whispering and pointing, as if they were privy to some secret.

However, those who were unaware of the truth were merely curious and concerned for Ayane.

Shiraishi's face was filled with question marks, but he didn't ask any questions.

Ruri glanced past Shiraishi, casting a brief look at Ayane, but remained silent.

——Ruri, do you know what happened to Ayane?

Shiraishi wrote the question on a note and handed it to Ruri. As a member of a prestigious clam, Ruri must have some knowledge of the situation.

——What else could it be? It's the "excellent" tradition of the Hyuga clan.

Ruri put the word "excellent" in quotation marks, indicating her sarcastic tone.

The "excellent" tradition of the Hyuga clan?

He wasn't aware of it, but Ayane's current state must be connected to this tradition that Ruri mentioned.

What could it be? Unable to come up with an answer, he gave up pondering on it.

At noon, Shiraishi and Ruri were eating their packed lunches together.

"Hey, Ruri, what is this tradition of the Hyuga clan you mentioned?" Shiraishi couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

Ruri fell silent for a moment before responding, "This matter isn't a secret amongst ninja in the village. Most Chunin and Jonin in the village are aware of it. The Hyuga clan has a peculiar tradition that dates back to ancient times—an unacceptable tradition known as the division between the main and branch families."

"Is there something wrong with the distinction between the main and branch families?"

"The branch family is tasked with protecting the main family, bearing the duties and responsibilities," Ruri explained.

"That seems normal," Shiraishi replied, unable to grasp the issue.

The lower status protects the higher status. While it may not be fair, it forms the basis of a "social" structure Society is built on classes and hierarchies. In Shiraishi's eyes, it was a natural progression for members of the Hyuga branch to protect those from the main family.

"If it were only that, it wouldn't be so rare. However, in order to ensure the complete dedication of the branch family to protect the main family and to prevent the dilution of the Hyuga bloodline, there is a predetermined destiny that controls the branch family."

"Control?" Shiraishi was taken aback.

"Yes, control in the truest sense," Ruri glanced at Shiraishi and spoke seriously. "For the main family's safety, the branch family willingly bears a curse seal known as the 'Caged Bird'. It signifies that the main family holds control over the branch family's life and death. If a member of the branch family commits any misdeeds or fails to fulfill their obligations to the main family, the curse can be activated to execute them instantly."


"In other words, Ayane... her life and death are under the control by them. If Ayane were to show dissatisfaction or harm anyone from the main family, the clan members have the right to punish and even execute her."

Shiraishi suddenly realized something and asked, "Is the curse mark located..."

"Yes, the mark is placed on Ayane's forehead. That's why she covered it with a cloth. Whether it's a matter of honor or the nominal protection of the main family, it ultimately means that the branch family's existence is confined. That curse mark is truly a symbol of being a 'slave'."

Shiraishi fell silent. He couldn't help but feel that Konoha like a terrorist organization, where such things were considered normal.

Though he found it repulsive, Shiraishi realized that he was powerless to do anything. This was the helplessness and compromise imposed by reality.

For Ayane, having a 'slave' mark engraved on her forehead was even crueller than being killed outright..Indeed, what a dreadful era they lived in.

If such matters were confined to the shadows, Shiraishi could reluctantly accept it. However, the Hyuga clan's rules were openly known.

What did it mean to publicly treat the other half of one's clan as 'slaves' without any attempt to conceal it?

At that moment, Shiraishi looked towards the Rock Monument in Konoha, which depicted the three carved figures of Hokages', symbolizing their great achievements in the village.

Especially the First and Second Hokage, revered by the world as the ones who ended the era of constant warfare.

And what happened afterward? The wars continued.

There was no discernible difference from the time of constant warfare, as children were still sent to battlefields.

Nothing seemed to have changed.

The only difference was that the shinobis had formed a larger village composed of various clans, establishing a system of one country, one village.

Shiraishi couldn't help but feel that their existence was filled with irony.

So-called families, if they were only at this level, the Hyuga clan's tradition had been incompatible with Konoha from the very beginning.

Logically speaking, such a Shinobi clan shouldn't have been allowed to join the Konoha Shinobi Village governed by the "Will of Fire".

The tradition of this clan was a clear denial of the "Will of Fire".

If they couldn't cherish their own clan, how could they claim to have the belief to love and care for the entire village?

Shiraishi questioned this matter with a big question mark.

In the end, he sighed and said nothing.

These days, living peacefully with Ruri had almost made him forget that he was a "heretic" in this village, destined to become a "traitor" sooner or later.

But this tranquility had made him almost forget his identity as a "traitor," and he couldn't help but yearn to blend into the village.

At that thought, Shiraishi broke into a cold sweat.

Comfort breeds complacency.

From the beginning, he had never submitted himself to Konoha. He was grateful to Konoha for teaching him the ways of the ninja, but his gratitude only extended to that aspect.

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