First death and outside perspective
The survivors fled in multiple directs but it was five different shinobi at the jonin level so I only caught two of them. I wiped out this group of Root shinobi because I caught them off guard with my wide range attacks that Danzo simply couldn’t have warned them about since he didn’t know about it himself. The next group however would not get caught in this sort of attack so easily. I was proven correct too as no more than two hours later the second group of Root showed up but didn’t dare to get anywhere close to me and set up the barrier at a distance trapping me inside before unleashing consecutive B rank jutsu’s of all elements on me, killing my mitosis clone.-
I had my consciousness snap back to my true body with a jolt.
‘Such a cheap tactic, how very like Danzo to use such a thing to kill me.’ I thought with a little bit of annoyance because by using the barrier and spamming B rank jutsu so recklessly into it I was effectively drowned in attacks that I couldn’t avoid.
Still I got some good experience from my clones death and since it was active for so long even restored all of my chakra and thus could make another clone.
As for the bodies of the bandits I had lost with that clones death? I wasn’t bothered. The mission was to kill any criminals I came across, not bring proof I did so. While the proof would certainly help it wasn’t strictly speaking necessary. In the end this cleanup wouldn’t make much difference in the long run anyways. The bandits from the neighboring lands would see the land of fire lacking any rival groups and move in to reap the riches from the newly improved economy which in turn will basically reset the board.-
This mission was not about lasting change, that’s the Daimyo’s job, no this was about positive publicity for my sensei. It was the sort of move that stabilized her rule in a very short amount of time by giving her overwhelming public support. The cost however is that Konoha will temporarily have much less missions at the D and C ranks due to the lack of bandits. In this case however that is actually a benefit rather than a loss since we needed to recover from the third Hokages death and this will give us a little breathing room for that purpose.-
Once I had internalized my gains from my clone I created a single shadow clone and dispelled it sending my new experience to the few shadow clones that hadn’t been taken out yet. With that done I created another mitosis clone and took full control of it while my true body recovered from the expenditure. Once my clone reached half full on it’s chakra reserves I had it leave much the same way as the previous one. Oh I had no intention of leaving this hole in the ground I was hiding in at all which was sure to keep Danzo’s attention here and not on what my sensei was doing.-
(Tsunade Senju POV)
My mind couldn’t help but go over all of the extreme circumstances that I had come to accept recently. My sensei was dead, killed by Orochimaru. Dan, Nawaki, the Uchihas and even the Senju’s were almost all dead because of Danzo and Danzo himself didn’t have long to live because he messed with something he shouldn’t have. I still shudder when I think about all the other crimes that my sensei had record on Danzo’s wrong doings. To top all of this giant messy pile of stressful information off I was the fifth Hokage now.-
I couldn’t help but notice that my life was going the same as always until I took Kenzo under my wing. From that moment on everything changed as the boy shattered everything I knew and challenged me in ways I hadn’t been since I was young. Kenzo was a monster the likes of which the world hadn’t seen since my grandfather and Madara. In the short span of a year he learnt all that I could teach him in medical jutsu, taijutsu and even managed to still have time to hone other skills in the process.-
Kenzo’s only real problem was that he underestimated his own power due to his self depreciation on his lack of experience. He was proud and knew that he was stronger than most people but was also frustratingly humble as well. I had no doubt at all that he was an S rank shinobi and not some middling one either but up near Jiraiya and I’s level. The difference is he didn’t reach this point with a mix of power and experience turned to skill but through sheer overwhelming power alone. The frightening part was that as his body matured his power was starting to skyrocket despite his current strength.-
I almost feel pity for anyone foolish enough to stand in Kenzo’s way after he fully matures. Don’t even get me started on his beasts that were a force to be reckoned with individually but together were the stuff of legends. That crane, Shiro I believe it was named, was the most insane thing I had ever seen with a kekkai tota of all things. And not one with a short range like dust release but rather one that could easily cover a vast area.-
Kenzo I discovered was also hopelessly dense when it came to matters of romance. Anyone with eyes could see that the Uzumaki girl he had rescued was hopelessly head of heels in love with him. It was something to see where even the slightest mention of him in a positive manner left the girl practically glowing from happiness. Admittedly I couldn’t exactly blame the girl either as the story of how they met and how he took care of her afterwards was practically storybook material. He wasn’t the most social of creatures that spoke often but he wasn’t terrible company either.-
He could be playful and surprisingly thoughtful at times just as he could also go out of his way to do stuff that was troublesome. This most recent mission for example was a highly troublesome matter to deal with. It was all to distract Danzo while I gathered allies to take him down without giving him a chance to slip through our fingers. It worked too, almost too well in fact as nearly all of the higher strength shinobi of the Root had been deployed by Danzo. The man hadn’t left his base in nearly three days as he waited for news on the mission.-
Thanks to this he didn’t seem to notice the fact that I was meeting with each of the heads of the clans in Konoha. If he did notice he certainly didn’t act like he cared which was a good thing as it meant we were slowly tightening his noose while he was unaware. The Hyuga, Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka clans were all on board the moment I revealed some of his crimes against clans and all wanted to tear him apart but understood that this took preparation for a slimy bastard like Danzo.
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