Since Lian’s father is out on a business trip in the capital and his mother is busy frolicking there too, I give the summer training camp contact flyer for parents to the steward Loendal. He’s an old, dandy, white-bearded steward with silver-gray hair. Ages like fine wine.

I’d like to age just like him. Hm. Let’s make that a goal.

“I see. Understood. Then please rest assured that I will do everything within my capabilities to accomplish this task. I will check again with you later, and if there is anything else you need please let me know.”

“Thank you. I’m saved because of you.”

Lian’s father and mother are often out of the estate. Besides, they don’t seem interested in school events, so I can’t rely on them.

The old steward smiles happily. His narrow eyes and oval face reminds me of my grandfather, and my heart throbs with a bit of pain.

“No, no. No need to say that. Please enjoy yourself. I think your three days, two nights trip with your classmates will be enjoyable and full of pleasant memories.”

“Haha…” Enjoy, huh… I feel like that’s impossible.

How good would it be if I can be like those guys, not having to worry about anything and just have fun?

I feel like I already want to go home even before going on that school trip. Can I just go home? Is it not possible?


The dining room door suddenly burst open with a slam.

I whip my head around and see Lian’s brother, wide eyed and standing with a look of surprise. He always behaves suspiciously. I don’t really understand it.

“Y-you’re going on a trip?! W-where?! And with w-who?!”

“W-welcome home brother. It’s just a school trip. I’m going to the mountain in the town suburbs during the weekend for outdoor training. It’s going to last three days and two nights.”

“W-what did you say?!”

Lian’s brother widened his eyes even more, his shock obviously growing. Why is that?

“T-that’s not good! It’s too dangerous!”

“Dangerous? Ah, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. There’s a demon-repelling fence surrounding the premises. Plus, there’ll be teachers there. And my friends are with me too—”

“That part’s the most dangerous!”


“They’ll be around you from morning until night! My beloved, pure and beautiful as an angel, lovely as a flower fairy Lian! That’s like throwing a rabbit into a herd of beasts! It’s too dangerous! If anything happened, even by accident…”

“Ridiculous—I mean, that kind of thing absolutely won’t happen.” What’s this idiot elder brother spouting again? I couldn’t help blurting out my real thoughts because of you, you bastard. Bro-con to the extreme.

“You’re too oblivious, Lian! You’ve got no idea about yourself! Such a defenseless appearance, spending the morning together, taking a bath together, exposing the soft skin reminiscent of snow, sleeping together, showing them such a defenseless appearance and cute sleeping face—if you do these things those wild beasts won’t be able to leave you alone! What if you get attacked in the dark?” Lian’s brother presses his nose as if trying to hold back a nosebleed, leaning forward as he says this.

Sure enough, beads of red drip to the marble floor.

You’re the one who’s dangerous! What the hell is he thinking about me? This pervert!

Completely losing my appetite, I get off my seat. “Loendal. My brother doesn’t seem well so please help him back to his room.”

The old steward gracefully bows. “Certainly. I shall take it as my responsibility to lead master Robert back to his room. We cannot have anything happening in the middle of the night, so I’ll assign some servants inside and outside of his room overnight. Please rest assured, master Lian.”

Two strong men dressed in black suits, who previously stood by the walls, came over. They carried my perverted brother away by his arms.

As expected of a capable butler! You understand me even if I don’t say anything!

Seems like they’ll watch over pervert brother all night. Thank you, thank you Loendal!

I’ll buy your favorite first flush tea from the Twilight Garden Cafe!

“Thanks in advance,” I say out loud.

“Yes, please leave it to me.” The old steward returns my relieved smile with a graceful one of his own.

From now on, I swear to keep away from my brother as much as possible.

In no time, the day of the trip has arrived.

The school is providing five twenty-seater carriages for our trip to the mountains. We’ll be staying at a two-floor wooden building. Looks like they’re renovating the building to be used. Each room will accommodate four people.

Read this at

Perhaps the teachers felt nervous, but they decided to room the rich with the rich, below middle class with below middle class.

And of course, Lian and the bully trio have also been assigned the same room—joking.

We weren’t.

Apparently, that pervert brother pulled some strings and got me my own private room.

How worried can you be? You’re the only one with impure thoughts!

When I tell my homeroom teacher that I’m fine sharing a room he denies my request. According to him if my family finds out I had to share a room, the huge donations to the school will end.

He didn’t have to go that far…

I repeat, just how worried are you?! The most dangerous thing here is obviously you!

“Waah… It’s too bad…”

“Too bad…”

“Yeah, too bad…”

The three bullies are already half in tears. They don’t have to be so disappointed.

“Well, well,” I say. “Isn’t it fine if you guys just hang out in my room?”


“I’ll come!”

“Me too!”

Having a room to myself can be a little lonely. Kind of ruins the mood.

Anyway, fast forward a bit. In front of me is our homeroom teacher who’s dozing off. He explains our schedule for the trip.

A large sigh escapes my lips.

Ahh, it’s coming soon. The teacher’s dialogue that will mark the start of this event.

“—Well then. Rejoice, everyone. Tomorrow night is the test of courage. But it’s difficult for the teachers to prepare by themselves. That’s why I’m looking for some helpers. If seven or eight of you can volunteer, I’ll be very happy.”

It’s here.

While holding my aching stomach, I raise my other free hand. “Yes. I’ll do it.”

“Ohhh! Thank you so much!” The teacher is full of smiles. “As expected of you! I always thought you’d raise your hand! You’ve saved us!”

Flustered, the bully trio rush to raise their hands as well.

“If Lian’s helping out, then so am I!”

“Me too!”


“I’m so happy there are so many kind children in here,” the teacher says. “My eyes are tearing up. Now that you three have joined Lian, that’s four people. Anyone else want to volunteer? We need four more.”

Strangely, several people raise their hands at once.

What’s going on. Why are you guys so motivated?

Well, I know that it’s more fun to be the one who’s trying to scare others than be the one who’ll be scared.

After the teacher assigns four more people to help prepare the test of courage, he looks satisfied.

“Alright then, this is the deadline! The people who will be helping me should stay behind after class. Then once everyone’s dispersed, organize your luggage appropriately in your respective rooms until the next training session.”

The students scatter, chattering noisily along the way. Meanwhile, the bully trio approach me with mysterious expressions.

The event begins.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself.

There’s no other option but to do this.

Making full use of my energy to form a smile, I turn to the three bullies. And I say the lines I’ve long since put into memory.

“…These days I’ve been thinking about that impudent Alfred. Why don’t we discipline him a little? Get him to cry?”

As soon as these words leave my lips, the eyes of the three bullies shine brilliantly.

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