Alfred shouldn’t be here. According to the kids’ records, the ‘Investigation of Big Brother Al’s Part-time Schedule,’ shouldn’t he be working at Cheddar’s ranch right now? His shift’s from 8 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock at night. In other words, he shouldn’t be home until nighttime!

As I think this, words of a similar nature also tumble out of my mouth. “A-Al… Eh!? A-Alfred, w-why are you here… Didn’t you go to wor—”

“…Aah. I did go, but only for a while. I came home since they closed in the afternoon.”

“Ehh!? W-Why!?!”

“Er, that’s because… Cheddar-san received a letter from a relative in a neighboring village. I don’t really get it but it seems urgent, so tomorrow he has to leave no matter what. Then he hurriedly moved up his wife’s birthday party that had been planned for tomorrow to today, and closed shop for the afternoon to prepare for the feast and gifts.”

“W-What did you say!?”

W-Wait a minute, Cheddar-saaaaaannnnnn!!? What a devoted husbaaaaannnddd!!!

“…How about you? Were you at the church since morning?”

“Ehh!? Eh, ah, well…”

Ahh, h-how should I explain this? If I tell him I was here since morning, then how should I answer if he asks me why?

I have to come up with a good reason so that he won’t suspect me. My private research and development room in the church should be kept as a secret too.

Since the room doesn’t exist in the original plot, I can’t let Alfred know about it. I can’t let him know about the future events, or else it will greatly influence the development of the story. Everything I’ve done until now will then be rendered useless.

As I’m wracking my head to form an explanation, Alfred lets out a small laugh.

“What the, you don’t have to panic that much. It’s not like I’m reproaching you. If you want to come here, then hop by as often as you want, and if you’re tired then… you can use this room.”

“This room…?”

“Aah, yes. This room is mine.”


So this is your room!?

I mean, this place is so plain. No matter how I look at it, this doesn’t look like a child’s room. There’s nothing here! It’s so empty I almost thought it’s a guest room.

I can’t help but say, “…What an empty room…”

“Aah. Since I spend most of my time outside, I rarely stay in this room. I mostly just come here to sleep.”

“I-Is that so…?”

Since you spend the majority of your time working part-time, huh? Whatever time you have left you use it to look after the children, or help out at the church.

What a hardworking student… This older brother’s tears are about to spill out. The gang of three brats and the rich spoiled kids from around here should learn from you.

“When I first arrived at the church, I also did not have much. It’s better that I only have a few belongings from the beginning, since it’s also lighter this way. Plus… I can’t stay at the church forever. One day, I will move outーI will leave this place.”

That forced smile, those calm words. It’s really unlike a child’s expression. Painful for me to even watch.

However, it’s true that the church is not a place where one can stay forever. This is a temporary place for children without any place to go, where they can be taken care of until they are capable of living alone.

Even so, although it’s technically not a real family, the familial bonds formed between the children and caretaker cannot be faked. Real or not, this is a family in all intents and purposes. A place where the children can feel safe and loved.

But this place where one can belong is only temporary.

For that reason, a kid as smart as Alfred would naturally understand he’ll have to leave this place once he’s become independent.

…For the sake of the next batch of orphans.

Studying my expression, Alfred once again breaks into laughter.

“Why are you making a face as if you’re about to cry?”

“…Am not.”

Did I really make that kind of face? My goodness. I don’t even know myself. This is bad. I have to focus.

“Is that so?” says Alfred. Then he doesn’t speak anymore.

For a moment, silence. The atmosphere between us grows relaxed. Comfortable. It makes me, a guy who hasn’t slept for a thousand years, start to doze off.

Something flashes across his face, and Alfred lets out a laugh again, shoulders shaking.

“Now that I remember it… The kids love you, don’t they?”


“When I came home, those guys broke into a clamor and looked so flustered. They surrounded the sleeping you, desperately trying to hide you from me, saying things like ‘don’t look! Don’t come!’ They even tried to shove me away when I tried to get closer. That was really overwhelming.”


Thank you… Thank you, everyone… You guys all worked hard keeping your promise to me… Sorry… This is my fault… I let my guard down back then…

“…Maybe they thought I’d get angry. I did tell them not to play with the kids outside the church too much.”

Did you really say that?

As soon as I look up, Alfred averts his eyes to gaze outside the window.

“It’s because I don’t know what will happen if they do. Even though Granny takes in all the kids that have nowhere to go, from the streets or other churches, kids like me, it doesn’t mean everyone is as nice and sympathetic. A lot of people in the village just don’t like people like us.”


So that’s how it is.

There’s definitely a lot of kids who can’t accept the orphans. Who make Lian and his friends the target of their scorn.

It’s sad, but most of the villagers won’t willingly accept them.

Not to mention, there are some who believe that the mere presence of the orphans will court calamity. That the orphans will cause trouble. Some despicable people even complain that the donations needed to keep the orphanage running keep increasing.

It’s those types of people that are likely to hurt the children.

To hurt them when they are still very young and innocent… Certainly, once these kids grow up, things will be better, since their hearts will be able to endure more pain.

“Accepting someone with a questionable origin… is hard.”

The moment I hear him calmly say those words, I look up without realizing it. “That kind of…”

I stop myself before I can say all that I am thinking. That kind of thing. Alfred’s words surprise me.

“I mean, it’s true, right?” Alfred says, turning his head to stare at me. His eyes a calm blue, unreadable.


They’re different from usual. Darker.

The depths of his eyes are gradually corroded with an unknown substance. His eyes are unfocused, seeming to swallow everything reflected upon them whole.

I know those eyes.

I remember Alfred holding me before with those same eyes.

Although an outsider will always be an outsider, that doesn’t mean Alfred’s heart will willingly accept it.

Yet, no matter what, humans will always be alone in the end. They will never be able to avoid it, even though they try to compromise with others to keep them in their lives. They’d feel resigned and succumb to despair.

These are things I’m aware of. Still, I want to erase those feelings no matter what. So I start to speak.

“…I-I like being here…There’s always someone here… Everytime I come to the church, people will welcome me. Accept me. It feels like I’ve been here for a long time… Like all of us are family.”

Even if this family and this feeling of belonging are temporary…

I can’t deny that they’ve existed.

Warmth and love.

These are all real.

“…I see.”

The shadows within Alfred’s eyes fade little by little. Seeing that, I feel relieved.

His hand, which has grown larger than mine, strokes my head shyly.

It’s like he’s asking whether it’s okay to touch or not.

I return his stare, not moving from where I am. Alfred smiles in relief.

Taking in his gentle smiles, I decide it won’t be good if this goes on. He shouldn’t be looking at me in such a warm way.

Perhaps I should correct the course of the story.

Alfred and I should not be getting along.

We shouldn’t be friends that forgive each other. Or else, the plot will derail. Because he won’t have a rival anymore.

There needs to be a hateful rival whose entire existence motivates Alfred to be stronger. So that he can completely defeat that eyesore. In other words, my role.

That’s why, I need to hurry up and tell him to stop touching me.

I should say something like ‘can you please stop touching me with your dirty hands’, ‘go away’, ‘don’t come closer’, or ‘I hate someone like you so much’.

Abuse him. I should give him a look of contempt as I say those hurtful things.

Just like how the original Lian would.

But I can’t. Even though I want to say these words to the extent that my throat is quivering, those words won’t come out.

Alfred slowly leans on me.

He wraps his outstretched arms around my back, resting his head on the dip of my shoulder, the tips of his golden hair brushing against my nape.

That Alfred hugs me tightly, like back then, illustrates that he relies on me, if only a little.

I’m aware that if I shake him off now, he will definitely be hurt. So I won’t push him away even if that’s the right thing to do. No matter what.

Alfred’s body feels very warm… When he starts to cling to me, I can’t seem to find my strength.



A moment later, Alfred raises his head until he’s staring at me once more.

His eyes, so close and so blue, tremble.

As I study them, the strength of his hug increases.

And then, his lips crash onto mine.



After pulling the shirt off his back, he releases the kiss.

”Wha—wait, you—what are you—”

He’s pulled away, but he’s close enough where our breaths intermingle. “… Can I give you some of my magic power?” says Alfred. “I feel like I might… rampage again.”

Magic power.

So magic power is the cause of it again, huh…?

I observe Alfred’s face.

His skin color is normal. He’s not even sweating. He also doesn’t seem to be in pain.

…In fact, he looks completely normal. Is his magic power really on the verge of rampaging? Seriously?

As I’m trying to diagnose Alfred’s current condition, he suddenly flashes me a wry smile. Then he kisses me again.


Pressing his lips hard against my own, he inserts his tongue into the gap.

Upon finding my tongue, he gives it a lick, then moves it as if bent on entwining our tongues. A mysterious shiver runs down my back.

My body writhes out of reflex. He presses down on me with his larger, heavier body. Pins me down.

His hands grab on to my flustered shoulder, then my taut hands.

I can’t escape.

He bites my lips like he’s trying to eat them, his hot tongue caressing the cavern of my mouth. I shiver from the sensation.

“…Nngh, …uu…!?”

W-What is this?

Wait a minute. Is this really …?

Like how I remembered it in the past, this time I also feel something akin to hot liquor pouring into me.

This is Alfred’s magic power.

Not caring about what I want, his magic power enters my body. Even if its nature is different from mine, it mixes and melts inside my body by its own accord, so much that I’m growing accustomed to it.

Even though it is my body, I can’t stop Alfred’s magic power from entering me.

However, the hot sensation circulating through my body feels very pleasurable, and my body grows weak on its own.

Inside my mouth, Alfred’s tongue moves around as it pleases, mixing our saliva. I can’t tell my tongue from Alfred’s apart anymore.

The saliva accumulates in my mouth, and after I swallow it by accident, my whole body feels numb. The same warmth from drinking hot liquor.

Somewhere within my thoughts I know that it shouldn’t taste sweet.

Yet it does…

Without thinking, my tongue also responds, and I’m drawn into the sensation while feeling confused.

The way Alfred suddenly shakes indicates he’s laughing.

Everytime our lips and tongue move, I hear wet smacking.

Even though I thought I didn’t want it, it feels sweet, hot, and somewhat pleasurable—

The bed creaks.

I suddenly break out of my trance, eyes flying open.

Oi oi oi what the hell am I doing?!!!

This isn’t the time or place to feel good, alright!? Why am I getting carried away!?

Come back to your senses! I have to keep my composure. Why did I think it feels pleasurable? Get a hold of yourself, Lian!

Wait, wait, wait…!

This, isn’t this a little bit…?!!

Scolding my body that surrenders without my permission, I summon as much strength as I can to move away. Then I kick Alfred’s heel several times.

He finally moves his body away, albeit reluctantly. And our lips separate.

“Hah… A-Alfred, stop… already! T-This is a little…”

This feels… dangerous in a lot of ways! In a lot of ways!!

But Alfred only responds, “Just a little bit more…”

Dundundun…! Alfred finally did something! Will Lian still think of himself as Alfred’s father? But father and son don’t kiss each other right? ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و

…Well, they might be… in some *cough* manga and doujinshi *cough*

On the side note, I will be posting another ko-fi bonus update next Morning or Tuesday, so that all of you won’t kill me for this cliffhanger. ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

I got a cold since two days ago, now my nose is super uncomfortable and I have a sore throat too… Everyone should bring umbrella everywhere, okay! Don’t run home in the middle of rain like me! Health is super important, so please take care of yourself too^^

So for the reader who is still not sleeping even if it’s 2A.M., I ask you to sleep now! (・_・)

Also, special thanks for Tonbo-san for the ko-fi! I’ll try to check my ko-fi more often…

And thank you for everyone support…! I love you lots, muah muah~ (○´3`)ノ⌒♡*:・。

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