Omega Summoner

Chapter 153 - Creating Talismans

Adrian was staring at the vial of poison that he retrieved from Koronn. The vial of poison now had a different description compared to it was before.

Item: Poison that probably came from a Dark God?

Tier: Legendary (???)

Type: Miscellaneous

Effect: Able to possibly corrupt the life of beings without divine power by eating the life out of them bit by bit like poison.

Description: A vial containing a poison appraised by Koronn who is an elder of the Daemos race. It could either be a poison secreted by a dark god hiding in the world or from a mythical monster possessed by a dark god. Further test is needed in order to prove the claim.

"Thanks for helping me. I guess." Adrian said with a judging tone.

"What do you mean I guess? I clearly helped you albeit not completely because we have no idea of the origin of the poison is." Koronn stated with a slight blush as even he is ashamed that he did not manage to find the origin of the poison.

"Uhuh. I was the one who even coined that term to you anyway but still I am thankful. This still does not help me in anyway on how I could cure the dying world tree. Any ideas?" Adrian stated.

"You should probably find an elder dryad or elder leshy to help you with that. They would be more knowledgeable than a dryad that has not evolved to a higher existence. But last time I checked, they are either dead or sleeping indefinitely. Good luck with that." Koronn said and then Adrian was sucked in a hole once again.

Adrian then landed on a sitting position outside of Koronn's house. He stood inmmediately and proceeded to summon his soulbounds. Adrian decided to get help from Evergreen because even his friends do not have a sure way to pass the level 100 threshold. They are in their upper 90s though and just grinding to get to level 99.

Adrian then contacted Cersei as she was the first person he met that is related to the Evergreen guild. Cersei immediately responded as if she was waiting for Adrian to contact her.

Adrian: Do you perhaps have access to a raid boss? I need one so that I could level up. Of course, I would give something in exchange. I hate to owe you guys a big favor.

Cersei: I see no problem with your request. We do have access to one. I can give you a spot for the ten players that will have the top contributions. You just requested it on time as we will raid one three days from now so get prepared.

Adrian: Really! That is great. Thank you very much. I will repay this favor or I will just give you my rewards for the contribution rankings.

Cersei: No worries. We can talk about the payment when we get there. See you in three days in Spiral Peak.

Adrian: Thank you.

Adrian ended the chat and sighed with relief. He now has access to level 100 and just needed to wait for three days and stock up on items.

"What should I do next?" Adrian thought.

Adrian pondered for a while and then suddenly remembered that he has yet to make talismans. He can make talismans that will either have a one-time effect on either friend or foe. He then took his Scribe journal that is collecting dust on his inventory even though dust does not even enter the inventory.

Adrian then read the part on how to create talismans. The first step is acquire a piece of enchanted paper. Adrian has about a hundred pieces of those that was given to him by his Scribe Master Aernas. The second step would be the scribe's pen which he also took out from his inventory.

The third step is to understand the runes that you want to embed. Since he is still a beginner scribe, he is limited to three runes that he can inscribe. It is all about matching the perfect ones. Each rune also has different difficulties to inscribe. It takes both talent and hard work to achieve understanding the strongest runes.

Adrian can currently use ten basic runes, three intermediate runes and one advance rune. He can use those because those are what was given to him by Aernas in the study session or test he was given. If he wanted more then he needed to get back to Aernas when he achieved Intermediate Mastery on being a scribe.

The last step and the most important one is embedding the runes on the enchanted paper. Adrian decided to test his talisman making skills and brought out one enchanted paper.

"What should I make? An offensive one? Or a defensive one? According to blacksmiths, it is easier to make an offensive weapon rather than a defensive one so maybe that concept also applies to talismans." Adrian murmured while he shortly observe his soulbounds playing with each other.

Adrian thought of the three runes he could inscribe. It takes about a hundred mana to use one basic rune. Five hundred mana for an intermediate tune and double that amount for an advance rune. Even though Adrian does not want to fail, he also wants to test his limits and start of by using the advance rune.

The advance rune that Adrian can currently use is called Fortify. He wanted to mix it with two basic runes that is Burn and Blast. Adrian started to first write the two basic runes which he had no problems in writing. The Burn rune was shaped like a fire symbol while the Blast rune looked like a mushroom cloud explosion.

Adrian then tried to write the Fortify rune which is shaped like a shield. Adrian does not know what effect this rune will have on two offensive runes but he wanted to experiment. As he was trying to write down the Fortify rune, he suddenly felt that his mind felt heavy.

It felt like a heavy object was suddenly placed above his head. He gritted to the heavy feeling and tried to finish but he suddenly made a mistake on the stroke. A small explosion then sounded and the thing that produced that was the enchanted paper Adrian was writing on.

[You have received 500 damage.]

[The enchanted paper has been eviscerated. Enchanted Paper -1]

Adrian was shocked because of what happened but the heavy feeling was gone when he failed.

"Who knew that writing on paper could be deadly?! The damage I took is nothing to scoff at. Is this what it means with the famous saying that a pen is mightier than the sword? I need to try again but using all basic runes first. Even with my success bonus, I still managed to fail" Adrian stated.

Adrian once again tried. He used the Burn and Blast runes once more and added the Range rune which looks like an arrow. He managed to safely make this one and a talisman was successfully created.

[You have successfully made the Flame Arrow Talisman.]

Adrian immediately checked the details of the talisman he created.

Item: Flame Arrow Talisman

Tier: Common

Type: Consumable

Effect: Consume the talisman in order to release an arrow made of flames that travels in a straight line. If the arrow collides with something then it will explode and deal damage. The first to be hit by the arrow will be dealt with 100% of the player's damage and the others in the two meter blast radius will be dealt with 50% of the player's damage.

Cooldown: 1 minute

Description: A common talisman made by a Beginner Scribe that has yet to make a name for himself.

Although Adrian was a bit offended by the description, he was still happy that he succeeded. This talisman was useful for long range players caught off-guard by melee players. They could just use the rune to create some distance for the melee player. Adrian made nine more of these and one of them was even uncommon.

The uncommon Flame Arrow Talisman has 10% more damage more damage than the common one. Adrian actually tried to double the mana used and it worked but it only increased the talisman tier by one. It was still a good achievement for his first batches of talismans.

Adrian then decided to make a defensive talisman this time. Adrian wanted to use the fortify rune with this one as he might succeed. He could only hope that he could bear the heavy feeling when trying to draw that rune.

The runes Adrian chose was one basic rune, one intermediate rune, and one advance rune. The basic rune is Block which has the shape of a square. The intermediate rune was Projectile which had the shape of a curved arrow and the last was Fortify.

Adrian managed to write the basic rune easily. The intermediate one though, he felt something weighing on his head but it was not that heavy. It felt like he was wearing a hat. When he was attempting the Fortify rune, he felt that immense heavy feeling once more.

Adrian managed to power through and was about to complete the rune but he made a small mistake once more. The enchanted paper once again exploded right in front of his face and he was once again damaged.

"Ahhhh. This is irritating!" Adrian shouted.

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