Omega Summoner

Chapter 159 - Raid The Mini-boss

"Should we continue then?" Cersei asked.

"It is a good option but we have already travelled this far and our guest does not look like he wants to retreat. Am I right?" Mariposa asked Adrian.

"I think that we already reached this far so why not go down fighting instead of retreating like cowards." Adrian replied but his thought was really, "I already used about five hundred gold worth of resources for this raid so I wanted my level."

"I also think it is a waste to not continue. This hidden dungeon would still not change unless it was cleared. We can be called a scouting team or so they call." Mariposa said with a bit of a laugh.

"If anyone wants to back out now then I would not blame you as we are now threading in unknown territory." Mariposa stated but the others had also resolved their hearts.

"If we retreat now then we would be seen as cowards that are more fearful than a guest. That would make the guild lose face. I will not retreat!" the burly man shouted.

"Same here!" A voice shouted.

Bit by bit different voices shouted that they would stay and venture into the unknown. Adrian who saw this seen could only be in awe as the solidarity of the Evergreen guild is strong and unwavering. Although the only thing on Adrian's mind was to clear the raid and not scout the hidden dungeon.

Adrian was very excited to clear his very first extreme cycle dungeon. The others could not see but his face was making that demonic grin of excitement. It seems he has fully awakened his battle maniac trait but he was not aware or rather chose not to accept the fact.

"Alright. All of you check everything and get ready. We will go to the next area after you are done." Mariposa commanded with renewed vigor.

After everyone was done checking their equipment, they set off to find the next room. Thankfully, no enemies sprang forth and attacked them. Also thanks to the buff they got, they could traverse easily and no longer worried that their stamina bar depleted much faster.

It did not take long for them a cavern that was much wider than the one where the Rock Recluse Spider Queen was staying. Adrian observed the cavern and could feel that something was watching them. Even Mariposa tensed up when she entered the room and told everyone to prepare for a fight.

Adrian could not shake this feeling of being watched so he activated his Evil Eye to scan his surroundings. Using his evil eye, Adrian could see the color of all living being's souls. For game characters, their soul was characterized depending on the richness of their color. For players, their soul was different as it was only of one color and that was green.

When Adrian activated his evil eye, he saw a silver soul with a red tinge. Adrian has seen this red tinge before and that was from hostile monsters that wanted to attack him. Although in Adrian's eyes, all souls had the same shape so he could only know the general direction of the entity and not see its full body shape.

Still, Adrian could fire off a shot to scare the boss from its camouflage state. Adrian had to warn Mariposa though as he might trigger the aggro of the boss.

"Miss Mariposa, I know where the enemy is. I just want to give you a heads up before I attack it." Adrian said to Mariposa.

Mariposa was stunned but she could only nod and tell the others to prepare for battle. Mariposa could no longer be surprised about Adrian's abilities because the kid in front of him makes her skin crawl. Adrian then ordered Kanlaon to fire its breath attack to the location where the soul of the enemy was.

Kanlaon fired of its breath attack towards the location Adrian pointed at. The others saw what the cool looking dragon did and was surprised even though they were ordered to be ready for battle. They all thought that the soulbound was acting up and not listening to its master. There have been cases like that reported on the forums to summoners who abuse their soulbounds.

A loud screeching hiss was then heard when the attack of Kanlaon hit something invisible. Adrian received a notification that Kanlaon damaged the monster.

[Your soulbound Kanlaon has greatly damaged the mini-boss Magma Titanoboa by 124,254.]

[The Magma Titanoboa has been attacked and lost its camouflage.]

The Magma Titanoboa finally showed its whole body which glared at the whole raid group but mostly at Kanlaon as it was the one that attacked him. Its body was as big as a one story house and it was atleast a hundred meters long. It really looked like a raid boss.

Kanlaon looked little compared to the Magma Titanoboa. It is said that big snakes are considered as dragons so Kanlaon was sneering at the Magma Titanoboa which infuriated it more. It did not take long for the Magma TItanoboa to lunge its head towards Kanlaon.

Kanlaon effortlessly evaded using his body and even counterattacked with its breath attack.

"What are you guys doing? Attack it!" Mariposa commanded which snapped the onlookers of the battle between two great creatures.

The raid members rained down their attacks on the Magma Titanoboa which confused it for a bit but it still focused on Kanlaon as he dealt the most damage to it. The raid members did not know whether to be thankful or infuriated because they are considered as bugs. Still, they did their best to damage it bit by bit but the snake would only whack its tail towards them.

The tail would then be guarded by the tanks but they would show pained expressions everytime they soak the damage. Saena's heal would the tanks when they soak the damage of the tail whack. She could heal 7% health in an area and she also increased the effectiveness of heals of the other healers.

Adrian inspected the Magma Titanoboa and was surpired by its immense vitality.

Monster: Magma Titanoboa

Level: 110

HP: 29,426,852 / 30,000,000

MP: 450,000 / 500,000

Description: A Magma Boa which underwent a mutation to make it bigger than before. It is much fiercer and much stronger than a Magma Boa. It can now use a camouflage skill that its inferior version cannot. It is the ultimate surprise predator for areas where volcanoes or places with magma.

The mini-boss had monstrous health but scant amount of mana. Adrian no longer contained his hunger for battle and charged towards the Magma Titanoboa. Mariposa was about to say something to him but she can only bite her tongue. She was sure that the young man was sure that he would survive which made him bravely charged in.

Cersei was shocked though and wanted to support Adrian but she was casting one of her long cast time spell. She wanted to summon an icy wind that could potentially weaken the Magma Titanoboa. The tanks that was on Adrian's group could not follow him because all the tanks were supporting the long range players from any stray attacks of the Magma Titanoboa.

Sirius also joined the assault using his shadow domain. He did try biting the snake but its scales were tough that it damaged Sirius instead of damaging the mini-boss. Thorns made of shadows would pierce areas where the scales of the Magma Titanoboa could not protect. Sirius dealt a good enough of damage with this that was in the five figures.

Adrian fused his Twin Fangs together to make a single sword and used Geoforce to enlarge it. Adrian then plunged this at a section where its scales did not protect. A pained screeching hiss was once again and the Magma Titanoboa turned its head towards Adrian.

The Magma Titanoboa opened its mouth and striked where Adrian plunged his sword. The raid members who saw this could only shout in horror was they saw that the strike was faster than before. They thought that Adrian was done for but Kanlaon and Sirius was still attacking the Magma Titanoboa.

They then saw that Adrian appeared a few feet away from the strike of the Magma Titanoboa. They were shocked once more because the mini-boss actually missed. What they did not know was Adrian activated Blink at the last second so he evaded the attack by a hair's breath.

Even Adrian was feeling the rush of adrenaline because he was nearly bitten and crushed to death by the mini-boss. Adrian did find out something important though and that was the snake damaged itself greatly with this attack. He now has an idea on how to finish the raid on the mini-boss early.

He shared this news to Mariposa via the chat but the latter could only frown. She believes that no one in their party other than Adrian could do something craz….courageous like that. She is not looking down on her guild members but she knows their capabilities and so are their limitations.

Mariposa only replied with thank you for the information and asked the speedy members if they could do what Adrian had done. When they heard this, they could only shake their head as even they will likely fail to dodge that attack or even react in time. There was definitely one thing on their mind now and that was they invited a monster instead of a cute looking young boy. He was even smiling while facing a monster several more times bigger than him.

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