Omega Summoner

Chapter 2036: Bedaubler


Monster Name: Bedaubler

Barrier Health: 91%

Description: A being that is said to be created from the dust of creations that has achieved some sentience. It is a being that does not adhere to the laws of reality as it is an independent being born from the dust of creation. It can absorb other beings in order to recover but it can never kill another being. It can also be created when specific conditions happen due to an unnatural phenomenon.


"Foolish lower beings!" The Bedaubler stated as it created thousands of tar hands that stretched towards all of the players near it.

The Bedaubler managed to catch some players while some easily destroyed its hands with swords or magic. Those that were captured are those that could not move due to them being caught in an awkward position. They were unable to repel the hands that bound them as they were either caught by the neck, by the eyes, or by restricting their hands. All of the players that are caught were immediately pulled towards the Bedaubler and became like hanging ornaments.

As soon as the players were caught, they were unable to get free as they got covered in more tar hands. The players looked like mummified beings wrapped in a black cloth instead of a bandage that is off white in color. The players also started to get their health sapped while the barrier health that the Bedaubler possessed started to get recovered. As soon as they saw that the Bedaubler could recover using the players, all of the melee players made sure to look and check around them since they might get captured.

"Universal Threat!" Adrian stated as he appeared behind the Bedaubler and hit it directly with his scythe.

The Bedaubler did not mark Adrian as a dangerous being because he was not part of the attack force earlier. The Khadasha Leviathan might have paid attention to him since he was a demon, but the Bedaubler has other thoughts. An entity that just attached to another being will not have the same tendencies and perception as that of the host. The Bedaubler marked Hou Yiwei as the most dangerous due to his powerful attacks that always hit its health barrier.

[You have dealt great damage to the Bedaubler's barrier health.]

[You have decreased the barrier health of the Bedaubler by 15%.]

Adrian used all of his nether energy in the attack and hit the Bedaubler. A powerful crack could be heard as the barrier health shattered in the backside of the Bedaubler and some of its eyes were also destroyed. A strange scream was emitted by the Bedaubler as it suddenly became erratic. The Bedaubler suddenly bent time and space to create a wormhole to escape from.

"Cosmic Cull!" Adrian followed up before the Bedaubler entered the wormhole.

Adrian might not have hit the Bedaubler using his Cosmic Cull skill, but he was able to destroy the links that trapped the players. He managed to cut the black tendrils that linked the players to the Bedaubler. As soon as he did this, the captured players were freed from the restraint, but they are clearly somewhat weakened. The life force was clearly sapped from their bodies which made them move sluggishly.

"Thank you." One of the players that Adrian freed weakly said as she tried to drink the health potion she got from her inventory.

"It is not finished yet." Adrian stated as he tried to trace the wormhole, but he was unable to.

Adrian was the most sensitive to changes in time, space, and even force among the Arch Demons. The fact that he could detect nothing meant that the Bedaubler was indeed a strange being. It could easily bend time and space without even leaving any evidence or record of its tampering. This made Adrian's head hurt because an enemy that leaves no traces could easily escape.

"Fortunately, the Bedaubler cannot leave the area where it started metamorphosis until it emerges." Adrian muttered as he heard the screams of players from behind him.

Adrian did not need to turn around as he already commanded all of his soulbounds to act independently and kill the Bedaubler as fast as they can. The first to respond was none other that Charon as he was behind Adrian hiding. As soon as the Bedaubler appeared near Charon, the chains immediately got deployed to trap the being, but the Bedaubler is faster in movement.

Before Charon could even subdue the enemy, the Bedaubler has already sent out hundreds of hands to capture the nearby players which prompted the screams. Still, the players that were caught served as a great distraction as Charon's chains managed to coil around the Bedaubler. The Bedaubler tried to escape by creating a wormhole, but Charon's chains emitted nether flames that burned the life force of the Bedaubler.

"Nice one, Charon." Adrian stated as numerous attacks were suddenly fired towards the Bedaubler.

The players that were caught could be seen getting caught in the attacks but that was the state of the battlefield. They needed to destroy all the barrier health or else a being capable of destroying the world will be hatched. Even the players that were caught by the Bedaubler knew what their fate is, but they still felt a bit angry for what will happen to them. "Megaton Crush!" A deep voice erupted from the watery skies as Elder Bronx used another one of his signature skills.

A powerful force shield coated his body which easily destroyed a large chunk of the Bedaubler's barrier health. Due to Adrian making sure that the Bedaubler did not escape or move, Elder Bronx was able to smash his body towards the enemy. It looked like a comet slammed into a small and strange planet as a shockwave ensued when it happened. The players were not knocked back much but it enables the capture players to destroy the tendrils that bound them.

The impact was so powerful that some players were also affected by it since they were closer to the Bedaubler. The players that barely had any defenses became dust when the Bedaubler and Elder Bronx hit each other. Still, Elder Bronx managed to destroy 40% of the barrier health in just one attack. The downside is that he also destroyed the chains that bound the Bedaubler as it proceeded to create a wormhole to escape from.

Just as the Bedaubler was about to enter the wormhole, Sirius suddenly appeared behind it and plunged shadow spikes towards the Bedaubler. The destruction of the barrier health was low, but the Bedaubler became unable to move. The Bedaubler is once again caught by the beings that it called lowly.

"Mega Force Crush!" Onyx along with the Daemos Corps members suddenly appeared next to the Bedaubler and coated their spears with force shell. This was an easier but still deadly application of the force shell as they reinforced a lethal item. They might not be able to do what Elder Bronx is doing but they can deal as much when they group up.

Each of the Daemos Corps members were able to destroy 2% of the barrier health. They were able to collectively destroy 32% of it with their unified attack. The large barrier health that the Bedaubler previously had was destroyed in a matter of seconds. The Bedaubler now only held about 8% of its barrier health which was easily destroyed by the combined attack of Kimat and Kanlaon.

[The barrier health of the Bedaubler has been destroyed. The being inside of it has failed in mutating completely.]

A loud explosion erupted as soon as the Bedaubler got destroyed and it revealed the failed mutation of the Khadasha Leviathan. The Khadasha Leviathan that looked elegant and fierce was no more as it became a monstrous being that would terrify even adults. The Khadasha Leviathan or rather the Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation) had the shape of its original look, but it was no longer fish scales.

[The Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation) has come out of the Bedaubler prematurely.]

[The Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation) has only recovered 10% of its health.]

[The Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation) has only increased its stats by 15%.]

[The Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation) has lost its rationality and will attack anything that is near it.]

The fish scales that covered its body became eyes that moved on their own while the rest of its

body looked like the substance that the Bedaubler was made of. It did not look like the primordial beast that it once was. A scream that was like a mix of five different beasts emanated from the Tumultuous Leviathan (Failed Mutation).

[You have been affected by Tumultuous Scream.]

[You have managed to negate the confusion due to your special constitution.]

[You have managed to negate paralysis due to your special constitution.]

[You have managed to negate fear due to your special constitution.]

[Your stats shall be reduced by 5%.]

[All of your elemental resistance has been decreased by 30%.]

[All of your status resistance has been decreased by 50%.]

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