One Moo'r Plow

Book 1: Chapter 37: Proposition II

“I don’t know where to start.” Ishila admitted, voice heavy. The orc lass was slouched forward, staring into the crackling flame. The mood was quiet tonight, almost pensive. Even Artyom seemed to realize that something important was about to happen and sat subdued on his own, much smaller stump. Gol whined and insisted Ishila scratch at his ears, which she distractedly complied.

“Their offer tempts you.” I spoke, both a statement and a way to open the topic.

“Yes, it does.” She admitted bluntly. “But I have reservations’, ya’know?’

A slow nod was all I could offer in return.

“I don’ know ‘em, first of all.” Ishila sighed. “Seems stupid to entrust my life to a band of strangers. You prolly’ know that better than I do.”

“That is a large part of adventuring, yes.” I admitted. I did not know that, but Garek did.

“No one’s heard a peep of this supposed dungeon either. If there were really one, the entire land would know.”

Garek proved to have very little experience with those sorts of places, I found. Hurried scouring of his memories revealed he held a disdain for their enclosed spaces and traps. Honorable combat given upon the open field of battle had been his preference, and those wants had been followed like sacred tenants.

“They’re places of some interest, I take?” I prised, tone soft.

“No. They’re not of some importance.” Ishila snorted and poked a stick into the fire. “The discovery of a dungeon is, no two ways ‘bout it, a monumental thing. Which makes me suspicious ‘bout how casually the tiefling was throwing it ‘round.”

“I have very little experience with them myself.”

The young woman’s expression was tight as she glanced at my shrug, and then back into the flame. Her scent came as a mix of anticipation, uneasiness, and sweat. Almost drowned out by the stench of Gol next to her. Ishila held, in my eyes, few faults, and I had not yet decided if wearing her heart upon her sleeve was one of them. She was open, excited, seeing no need to conceal what she thought or felt. And I envied her for that, some days.

“Look at it this way. In some ways, his story could be true. Nobody has ever poked around Redtip Peak. It’s just some random place in the middle of nowhere. Who’d wake up one mornin’ and decide to go there? Even Ma’ and Pa’ came here simply because it was empty. Hullbretch was just a small town when they got here, far as I understand. So, it could be plausible that there’s a hidden dungeon just slumberin’ up the mountain.”

“Hmmmm.” I rubbed my chin, weaving among the streams of thought that flowed through me. “Le’rish might know. She seems to be the only one who actively traverses the mountain and explores it. Perhaps you could ask her for any further information.”

Moments of silent passed on the wary breeze as Ishila considered.

“Things have been quiet on the mountain since she settled into the area, to tell yah the truth. Ma’ sometimes sees her stalkin’ the valleys, but never really near the peak. And with the Apex showin’ up now, I doubt she’ll want to go pokin’ up there herself.”

“Still well worth the attempt.”

“Yah.” She agreed. “But that brings me to another point. I don’ know these people. Don’ know their reputations, their histories, all that muck. Always imagined if I went adventurin’, it’d be with friends I knew and trusted.”

“You have reservations.”

“Plenty.” Ishila snorted. “But understand that this is my dream. I have waited so long for an opportunity. And I’m nervous that if I let this slip, there may never be another. What if there isn’t another chance? What if this falls through and I don’t have the means to find another?”

“If you’re concerned with work, there’ll always be a job for you here,” I spoke softly, reassuring as best I could. “You’re young, Ishila. You have a chance to chase your dreams. I say you take it. I wish that I had when I was your age. Be careful. Be thorough. But don’t let yourself become steeped in regret.”

The young woman laughed, a deep and throaty sound.

“I expected yah to try and convince me to stay here, Garek. Not shove me off on some half-plausible quest for adventure. Is my company so stale?”

Sad was the smile upon my face as my head slowly shook.

“Your company is always welcome, Ishila. But I am not fool enough to stand between you and your ambitions. If you chose to go, I will miss you and your help, but you have my blessing.”

Her smile sobered, followed shortly by a deep sigh.

“I know the harvest is close, and you could sorely use help. I’ll try my best to accommodate that. Gonna sleep on it and make a decision in the ‘morrow.”

“And your parents?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“I am a woman grown.” She shrugged. “My help around the farm comes from courtesy and respect. But if I chose to go on my own way, they would not stop me. Ma’s heart would be broken, yes. But time will heal that. I hope.

“Make your matters right, first.” I advised. “Do not let the sun set over regret and hard feelings, if it comes to that.”

“It won’t. But that’s all jus’ speculation. I haven’t decided wether or not to go with them. And even if I do, it could likely just be for this quest. Go up the mountain, poke around, probably won’t find anything and come back home. Pray we don’t meet the Apex, and run away if I do.”

“And if you find a dungeon?”

“Well,” She took a deep breath, and the scent of excitement made it’s way into my nostrils. “Everything will change, then. But that’s just wild dreamin’. If I do go with them, do you have any advice for me? For fights and stuff, I mean. I’ve gotten into my share of em, but I ain’t arrogant enough to not look for new advice.”

I considered her words for a few moments, sifting through Garek’s memories. The minotaur had experience in this matter. In fact, that very statement was a grand underselling of his capabilities. But most of that experience was him crushing smaller, weaker underhoof. By simple virtue of being the massive, hulking monster did he win most engagements.

“If you must fight, be the first to do so. Strike first, hard, and last. Do not hesitate. Better to realize a mistake later than not be alive to ponder it. If a fight seems nebulous or the outcome unclear, withdraw and attempt to put yourself in a favourable position.”

Her eyebrows raised at that last bit of advice.

“Didn’t expect that from you, pardon my sayin’ so.”

“There is more than presents itself to the eye, Ishila. You yourself should be an example of that.”

She agreed, and we lapsed back into silence. This was a subject we had brushed on before, but I had not expected it to be relevant so soon.

“Perhaps you could offer me some advice in return.” I queried, much to her surprise. She nodded after a moment, and I carefully forged on.

“I have been..stuck, for some time. At my current level. It has always been on the verge of leveling to Thirty, yet despite all the recent bloodshed, there has not been enough to tip me over.”

“Which class?” Came the reply, and I told her.

“Huh.” Was the only thing I got for a few moments. “Honestly, that ain’t too strange. You’re at a point of major advancement. The levels where you could just crush weaker foes and receive the blessings of the Gods Above are behind you now.”

“And that means?” I asked quietly, a sinking feeling deep within.

“If you intend to break through into the next stages of levels, you must prove your worth to the Gods Above. Perform a truly monumentous task in service to the path you have chosen.” She looked me dead in the eye now. “Yer are at a bottleneck, Garek. Yah have already accumulated large amounts of strength and blessins through the Gods’ system. Level twenty-nine is already higher than many people will ever achieve in their lifetimes. But now, your progress in withheld by the System itself until yah prove yourself worthy.”

“Yah need a breakthrough. Yah could drown the lands in oceans of blood from those weaker than you, but yah would not gain another, single level. Understand, that by going in the next set of levels, you will gain strength beyond mortal means. But only if you prove yourself in the eyes of Gods and System.”

“As a Berserker offshoot class, you’ll need to conquer a truly monumental foe, or perform such an act of, well, berserkin’ that the Gods Above allow you through to the next stage. There is no other way. No hidden shortcut. No ancient technique of bullshittery, pardon mah language.”

“Ah.” Was all I replied with. “And if I don’t?”

“Then you’ll stay at level twenty-nine till the end of your days, already stronger than most.”

“That sounds fine to me.” I admitted.

“Stronger than most, but noticeably weaker than those higher.” She nodded, expression flat. “Of which there are an unusual amount in this area. For a place so empty and quiet, the lands around Mount Redtip seem to have attracted folks with the same idea and Ma’ and Pa’.”

“Let me guess; they came here to live quietly away from the stress and danger of other areas?”

“Yeah, same as you. There’s Miss Le’rish, but nobody knows her actual class or level. Pa’ told me hers was cloaked by a skill, and it ain’t what she tells people.Which, to be fair, is her business and no one else’s. The baron is fairly highly leveled, but he’s had years of constant campaigns and seeking out bloodshed in the crown’s name. This Valencia woman with him is highly leveled as well, but even Pa’ don’t know anything about her.”

“That’s a healthy amount of good-leveled people for a large city, Garek. All just here in the bumfuck middle of nowhere. That’s more than strange, but whatever.”

“She concerns me.” I replied. “That woman who works for the Baron. I get this sensation of pure malice and dread whenever she draws near.”

“An aura.” Ishila bit her lip, face concerned. “A manifestation of emotion that physically impacts the world around the wielder. I don’t know who she is, but best be on your guard. That’s a powerful skill to have. I know of kings and queens that would kill for such an ability.”

I sighed and waved the conversation off.

“Here we are, getting all gloomy about what-ifs and could-be’s, when we should be celebrating this chance and opportunity for you.”

“Oh?” Ishila perked up.

“I may have picked up some rather strong spirits on my last trip to Hullbretch, courtesy of an alchemist.” I rubbed my hands and nodded to an eager Artyom. “Get the bottles, if you would.”

He needed no second encouragement, and was vanished into the harsh moonlight before I could finish speaking. Moments later he stumbled back, burdened by the weight of two glass bottles filled with an amber fluid.

“I don’t normally drink to celebrate anything, but I feel as if this celebration is long overdue.” I smiled and handed her one of the bottles. “And so, I propose we quiet literally drink our worries away, and give thanks to a long, fruitful season worked together.”

Little more urging was needed, and the nigh flowed on as I tried liqour in a new world for the first time. Damn tomorrow’s hangover, I refused to let this night end on a sour note.

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