Chapter 439 – Departing for War 02.
[Chapter Size: 3200 Words.]
Third Person POV
New Word.
Luffy returned to the port along with his companions while having to carry Rayleigh and his wife, along with the entire bar, through the air, thanks to his strength and ability to fly. He flew directly back to the port where the ships were preparing to set sail.
It didn’t take long for him to place the Shakky’s Rip-off Bar on the ground.
“Rayleigh!!” Lucy exclaimed upon seeing her trainer there.
“Oh, Lucy, how have you been?” Rayleigh smiled as he saw her again.
“We’re good, and you too, Shakuyaku. Will you be staying in Dressrosa? Luffy said you’d be here,” Lucy said, smiling.
While Lucy was talking to Rayleigh and his wife, Luffy returned to the main ship, where his entire crew, except for Lucy, was gathered at the port, waiting for the ship to finally depart.
He ignored the others as he returned to his initial spot full of Den Den Mushi, connecting them all.
“How are we looking for departure?” Luffy asked.
“We’re ready, Admiral!” replied one distinctive Den Den Mushi.
“We’re ready too!” another one said.
“The Gran Tesoro is ready to set sail at your command!”
“We’ll be ready in 10 minutes as well.”
“We’re just waiting for your order to depart.”
“We only need to load a few more weapons supplies.”
The Den Den Mushi began chiming in from all the captains, reporting their statuses. Luffy listened attentively from his spot, nodding at each report.
“Very well. Those not ready yet, let me know when you are. Everyone else, be prepared to start moving,” he ordered, and all the Den Den Mushi acknowledged, continuing their preparations to set off at any moment.
Luffy observed the last crew members boarding the ship. Some headed to the port to speak with Rayleigh and his wife, but others were arriving as well. Rebecca’s own father appeared, approaching alongside his daughter, hopping on one leg using Geppo. He declared that he, too, would join the war, as he didn’t want to leave his daughter alone in this battle.
Another person who appeared was Lola, who arrived leaping through the air with a backpack on her back, landing in front of Luffy.
“You really want to do this, Lola? You know facing your mother won’t be easy,” Luffy said, addressing her.
“That’s exactly why I want to go, my husband! It’s time to face that family again. Besides, I want to ensure some of my siblings don’t die in this war,” Lola responded with determination.
Luffy nodded, understanding her reasons. She cared about the Charlotte family despite all the issues with her mother and her madness, which was understandable. After all, having a mother like Big Mom didn’t seem healthy for any child.
It was curious to observe Lola, who resembled Big Mom in her prime before aging and gaining weight. This resemblance would surely impress her siblings, and in addition, her strength was remarkable—perhaps not as powerful as the three strongest in the family but still superior to the rest.
“I’m taking my things to your room,” Lola said as she boarded the ship with her backpack, planning to share the space with Luffy.
He shrugged and continued supervising the fleet’s preparations. Shortly after, the Den Den Mushi began ringing again.
“We’re ready to set sail, Admiral!”
“Straw Hat, I’m ready!”
“Heading to Wano. All ships are ready!”
The confirmations came in as Luffy listened carefully. When the last captain gave their approval, he took a deep breath, satisfied.
“That’s great! Get everyone ready. We’ll depart on my order,” Luffy said, and then returned to his crew, who were outside the ship.
“Let’s go, everyone! The entire fleet is ready. We’re setting sail now!” he commanded. Lucy, Nami, Vivi, and Robin, who had been talking with Shakky, nodded and returned to the ship.
Nearby, the King of Dressrosa and the King of Prodence watched from the port. Also present were Red Patrick, Fujitora, and others who would remain to protect their territories and families, along with the crew.
“Good luck! Say goodbye to your parents!!” Gloriosa said, holding all six of Luffy’s children around her as she approached Rayleigh and Shakky, watching them finally depart.
“Good luck! Don’t lose this fight, Straw Hat,” the King of Prodence said, crossing his arms.
“Don’t worry. From now on, we won’t just face Kaido and Big Mom, but we also won’t lose a single fight,” Luffy replied with a smile, then turned back to Gloriosa.
“Goodbye, my children. Daddy will be back soon!” Luffy said as the mothers on the ship and others nearby waved their farewells as well.
He now set that aside and gave his final instructions to his crew.
“Well, let’s get started, then!” he said, watching everyone board the ship and prepare. Those with specific tasks rushed to adjust the sails, prepare the helm, and check the ship’s overall condition and route.
“Attention, everyone! We’re departing now!” Luffy ordered his crew and the Den Den Mushi connected to the fleet.
Quickly, a flurry of activity began at the port of Dressrosa and across the islands in the territory. The ships began moving, heading out to sea under the watchful eyes of everyone present.
“Haha, finally!” Lucy exclaimed, running to the bow of the ship and sitting on Ifrit’s head on the Black Pearl, as the main ship moved away from the port. More and more ships began to follow them, all sailing toward the open sea.
The atmosphere was vibrant with excitement about finally facing a new challenge after the war. Luffy also approached the bow, standing behind Lucy. He looked back and saw a massive fleet of ships following them. These weren’t just from Dressrosa but also from other places—small, medium, large, and even giant ships. There were also floating island-ships and the Gran Tesoro, standing out as a golden floating city.
His expression showed satisfaction as he observed an entire fleet advancing into the sea with full force.
Hancock was aboard the Kuja Pirates’ ship. Although she wanted to sail on the same ship as Luffy, she still had responsibilities to her own crew. As they moved forward, the serpents pushed their ship, and her crew was fully prepared for combat after more than a year of training.
The fleet was divided among several ships, and Luffy had the records of all of them in his papers as he continued to observe the vessels.
Fleet Crew 1
Captain: Boa Hancock
Captain’s Bounty: 1,659,000,000
Main Members: Boa Sandersonia, Boa Marigold
Crew Name: Kuja Pirates
Crew Size: 120 Amazons
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some had awakened Haki before the one-year training period, and now they are skilled in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing high-level pirates in the New World.
Fleet Crew 2
Captain: Marguerite
Captain’s Bounty: [No bounty recorded.]
Main Members: Ran, Daisy, Sweet Pea, Aphelandra
Crew Name: Second Ship of the Kuja Pirates
Crew Size: 80 Amazons
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Proficient in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing medium-level pirates in the New World.
Specialize in combat with spears and arrows infused with Armament Haki.
Fleet Crew 3
Captain: Foxy
Captain’s Bounty: 24,000,000
Main Members: Porche, Hamburg
Crew Name: Foxy Pirates
Crew Size: Approximately 500 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Skilled in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing medium-level pirates in the New World.
Fleet Crew 4
Captain: Bellamy
Captain’s Bounty: 195,000,000
Main Members: Sarquiss, Eddy, Rivers
Crew Name: Bellamy Pirates
Crew Size: 70 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Skilled in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing medium to high-level pirates in the New World.
Fleet Crew 5
Captain: Bartolomeo
Captain’s Bounty: 200,000,000
Main Members: Gambia, Maynard
Crew Name: Bartô Club Pirates
Crew Size: 56 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Skilled in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing medium to high-level pirates in the New World.
Fleet Crew 6
Captain: Wyper
Captain’s Bounty: [No bounty recorded.]
Main Members: Kamakiri, Raki, Braham
Crew Name: Shandia Warriors
Crew Size: 180 warriors
Number of Ships: 3
Crew Abilities:
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Skilled in the use of Observation and Armament Haki, capable of surpassing medium to high-level pirates in the New World.
Specialists in the use of dials (Impact, Reject, and others), combining Skypiea technology with high-intensity combat.
Fleet Crew 7
Captain: Page-One
Captain’s Bounty: 290,000,000
Main Members: [No highlighted members.]
Crew Name: Dinosaur Fleet
Crew Size: Approximately 2,000 highly trained and modified dinosaurs
Number of Ships: 1 (Island-Ship)
Crew Abilities:
Genetically modified dinosaurs captured from Little Garden.
They do not use the six combat styles but are extremely intelligent and capable of using Armament and Observation Haki, making them formidable in combat.
Dinosaurs utilize brute strength and basic coordinated strategies under the direct command of Page-One.
Fleet Crew 8
Captain: Greg (Giant Gorilla)
Captain’s Bounty: [No bounty recorded.]
Main Members: [No highlighted members.]
Crew Name: Giant Animal Fleet
Crew Size: Approximately 5,000 giant animals (lions, giraffes, and others)
Number of Ships: 1 (Island-Ship)
Crew Abilities:
Common giant animals with enhanced intelligence and the ability to follow orders.
They do not use the six combat styles but are extremely strong and utilize Armament and Observation Haki, making them dangerous in combat.
Combat relies on brute force and coordinated strategies under the direct command of Greg.
Fleet Crew 9
Captains: Dorry and Brogy
Captains’ Bounties:
Dorry: 100,000,000
Brogy: 100,000,000
Main Members: [Only Dorry and Brogy.]
Crew Name: Giant Warriors of Elbaf
Crew Size: 2 (Only the captains)
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Extremely skilled swordsmen, combining brute strength with refined techniques.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Mastery in the use of Armament and Observation Haki, placing them on the level of a Yonko commander in terms of power.
Extensive experience and skill in naval and land combat, accumulated over centuries of battles.
Fleet Crew 10
Captain: Gild Tesoro
Captain’s Bounty: 1,500,000,000
Main Members: Baccarat, Mr. Tanaka, Dice
Crew Name: Gran Tesoro Crew
Crew Size: Approximately 3,000 members (including elites and subordinate workers)
Number of Ships: 1 (Giant Ship – Gran Tesoro, a luxury floating city)
Crew Abilities:
Gold manipulation through the Gol Gol no Mi (Gold-Gold Fruit), used by the captain for large-scale offense and defense, empowering the entire crew.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Many members have developed skills in Observation and Armament Haki, making the crew formidable in combat.
Fleet Crew 11
Captain: Chinjao
Captain’s Bounty: 542,000,000
Main Members: Sai, Boo
Crew Name: Happo Navy
Crew Size: Approximately 800 warriors
Number of Ships: 10
Crew Abilities:
Masters of the Happo Navy combat style, a unique technique blending brute strength with martial arts and specialized weapon techniques.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Many members, including the captain and Sai, possess skills in Observation and Armament Haki, capable of challenging high-level pirates in the New World.
Fleet Crew 12
Captain: Orlumbus
Captain’s Bounty: [No known bounty.]
Main Members: [No highlighted members.]
Crew Name: Yonta Maria Grand Fleet
Crew Size: Approximately 4,300 warriors
Number of Ships: 56
Crew Abilities:
Soldiers organized into tactical formations, functioning as a true naval army.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Fleet leaders possess skills in Observation and Armament Haki, while the rest of the warriors rely on brute strength and basic combat techniques.
Equipped with naval weaponry and supplies for prolonged campaigns.
Fleet Crew 13
Captain: Ideo
Captain’s Bounty: 150,000,000
Main Members: Blue Gilly, Abdullah, Jeet
Crew Name: Ideo Pirates
Crew Size: Approximately 50 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Masters of martial arts, with a special focus on hand-to-hand combat and traditional combat styles.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members, including Ideo, possess skills in Observation and Armament Haki, providing an edge in battles against medium to high-level pirates in the New World.
A ship well-adapted for swift missions and direct combat, emphasizing efficiency and speed.
Fleet Crew 14
Captain: Cavendish
Captain’s Bounty: 330,000,000
Main Members: Farul (Cavendish’s personal horse)
Crew Name: Beautiful Pirates
Crew Size: Approximately 75 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Cavendish, an extraordinary swordsman, is known for his split personality (Death Knight), making him extremely dangerous.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Cavendish possesses skills in Observation and Armament Haki, capable of rivaling elite swordsmen. He also gained control over his other personality after intense training with Luffy for a month.
Fleet Crew 15
Captain: Hajrudin
Captain’s Bounty: 150,000,000
Main Members: Stansen, Road, Gerd, Goldberg
Crew Name: Dressrosa Giant Pirates
Crew Size: 5 giants
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Hajrudin and his crew possess overwhelming physical strength, capable of causing mass destruction in naval and land combat.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: All members possess Observation and Armament Haki, equivalent to elites in combat.
These were the most well-known members, bringing the total to over 16,000 members. However, there are others, less renowned, who also form part of the fleet, completing nearly 18,000 men in total and 25 pirate captains.
Fleet Crew 16
Captain: Ryujin
Captain’s Bounty: 320,000,000
Main Members: Ayaka (sniper), Gyomo (swordsman)
Crew Name: Deep Sea Pirates
Crew Size: 150 fish-men
Number of Ships: 2
Crew Abilities:
Masters of Fish-Man Karate, focusing on both underwater and surface combat.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Many members possess Observation and Armament Haki, making them a lethal force at sea.
Fleet Crew 17
Captain: Eletheria
Captain’s Bounty: 270,000,000
Main Members: Zephyr (strategist), Cloudia (sharpshooter)
Crew Name: Warriors of the City of Angels
Crew Size: 120 celestial warriors
Number of Ships: 2
Crew Abilities:
Specialists in advanced dials and aerial combat.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: The captain and her lieutenants possess Observation and Armament Haki, along with agile maneuvers to confuse enemies.
Fleet Crew 18
Captain: Zane
Captain’s Bounty: 150,000,000
Main Members: Arlo (engineer), Mira (navigator)
Crew Name: Black Claw Pirates
Crew Size: 80 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Specialists in stealth, sabotage, and ambushes.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 19
Captain: Ferro
Captain’s Bounty: 300,000,000
Main Members: Mina (sharpshooter), Valtor (gunner)
Crew Name: Iron Corsairs
Crew Size: 200 members
Number of Ships: 3
Crew Abilities:
Utilize advanced combat technology and weaponry.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 20
Captain: Raito
Captain’s Bounty: 210,000,000
Main Members: Eiko (navigator), Taro (fighter)
Crew Name: Southern Thunder Pirates
Crew Size: 100 members
Number of Ships: 1
Crew Abilities:
Specialists in climate manipulation and rapid strikes.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: The captain and some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 21
Captain: Gale
Captain’s Bounty: 250,000,000
Main Members: Aria (scout), Gust (gunner)
Crew Name: Rebels of the Cutting Wind
Crew Size: 150 members
Number of Ships: 3
Crew Abilities:
Masters of agile combat, using wind-based tactical weapons.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 22
Captain: Glacius
Captain’s Bounty: 400,000,000
Main Members: Freya (archer), Bjorn (warrior)
Crew Name: Ice Dragons
Crew Size: 220 members
Number of Ships: 4
Crew Abilities:
Utilize freezing weapons and cold-based techniques.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 23
Captain: Dune
Captain’s Bounty: 190,000,000
Main Members: Zara (strategist), Lumo (swordsman)
Crew Name: Sand Corsairs
Crew Size: 140 members
Number of Ships: 2
Crew Abilities:
Specialists in combat in extreme environments, with desert-adapted weaponry.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 24
Captain: Typhoon
Captain’s Bounty: 310,000,000
Main Members: Marina (navigator), Blitz (fighter)
Crew Name: Storm Travelers
Crew Size: 180 members
Number of Ships: 3
Crew Abilities:
Specialists in combat in violent seas, utilizing advanced navigation and Haki.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
Fleet Crew 25
Captain: Falkor
Captain’s Bounty: 200,000,000
Main Members: Dray (strategist), Vera (medic)
Crew Name: Black Hawks
Crew Size: 300 members
Number of Ships: 5
Crew Abilities:
Combines brute strength with coordinated aerial and naval attacks.
The six most powerful combat styles.
Haki: Some members possess basic Haki skills.
As the ships began to move away, heading toward the horizon, a group of individuals in a distant spot tried to spy on them with a telescope.
“Damn it! We couldn’t get the message out that they’re departing!” a man dressed in black muttered in frustration.
They were agents of the CP, assigned to spy on the Straw Hats and report their activities in real-time to their superiors. However, Enel had blocked all communications within and outside the region, making any contact with the World Government impossible. They couldn’t even take photos, as all Den Den Mushi had been affected—except for those used by the Straw Hat fleet.
It wasn’t just this group. Across various parts of the sea, other teams were trying to monitor the fleet’s movements, but all of them found their communication systems rendered useless. The World Government was desperate to update its information on the Straw Hats, but it faced an insurmountable obstacle with this ability.
Enel’s power to block communications made their operations even more dangerous. He could attack and destroy enemies without giving them a chance to call for reinforcements or warn allies. This strategy constantly put the Government at a disadvantage, especially with the abilities of Luffy’s allies—such as the Door-Door Fruit, once belonging to Blueno, now in the hands of someone else.
The CP agents could only watch helplessly as the Straw Hats disappeared over the horizon, unable to follow them. Any attempt at confrontation would be annihilated by Luffy’s powerful fleet, which was advancing at full speed toward war.
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