Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 1224 - 1224 George Gets Angry

1224 George Gets Angry

She would stop after every step for fear of falling, or perhaps it was because her body was too heavy.

Every time she stopped, Edward would stop with her. Then, they went upstairs together and walked to the room.

However, he watched as Jeanne walked past their room and went to another room before she slowly closed the door on him.

The next day, Monica woke up.

She looked at the somewhat unfamiliar place, and it was only when she saw Finn in the room that she remembered that they had slept together last night.

Now, she was on his bed.

At that moment, Finn had already gotten changed and seemed to be preparing to leave.

When he turned around and saw that Monica had opened her eyes, he hurriedly said, “Did I wake you up?”

He did not wake her up. In fact, she had woken up on her own.

If she did not wake up at that time and was alone in the empty room, she would probably think that yesterday night was a dream.

“I have an operation in the morning, and the patient is in an emergency. I have to go and take a look.” Finn opened the door and said, “You can sleep a little longer. It’s still early.”

After that, he left.

Monica watched as the door closed, thinking he was probably in a hurry, and that was why he left in such a rush.

Monica laughed at herself.

She would always give Finn all sorts of reasons for why he left.

With that, she turned over and covered herself with the blanket. Then, she continued to sleep.

That same morning, Jeanne woke up and went downstairs for breakfast.

After she got pregnant, not only was it easy to fall asleep, but it was also easy for her to wake up hungry.

She sat at the dining table and ate the breakfast that Teddy had prepared.

Teddy had lived with her for a long time, at least during her pregnancy. Hence, he knew all of her routines.

Once she woke up in the morning, the first thing she would do was eat. Otherwise, she would vomit from hunger.

Jeanne wondered whether her baby would become a foodie in the future. Would she be fat? Would she look like her?

It was better that the baby did not look like her. After all, she could not be with her child as the latter grew up, so she did not want to leave too much of herself behind.

However, looking at George and Edward’s looks, she could deduce that her genes were not as good as Edward’s. Therefore, she did not need to worry too much.

She ate her breakfast in silence and took out her phone to read the news.

Today’s headlines were all about Edward and Susan’s engagement. As it involved politics, business, and entertainment, it was sensational.

Jeanne read through all the news articles in the sections. As each section targeted a different audience, the focus of the news was also different. However, there was no doubt that they were all written in a positive direction because the whole nation gave their blessings.

At first, she could not understand why he had to announce Edward and Susan’s wedding now. She did not think that Alex had nothing better to do than torture her before she died. He could have waited until she died before matchmaking Edward and Susan. Perhaps, the transition would have been smoother.

However, she finally realized that Alex’s announcement of Edward and Susan’s marriage was to attract the media’s attention.

During this period of time, everyone’s attention had been so focused on the newly-appointed Alex, and he, too, would feel suffocated. As he had just taken office, there would always be a lot of news that could not be exposed. He was also afraid that the media would find out if they kept talking about him, so he needed to divert the people’s attention.

It was obvious that it was a success.

After all, Edward’s current status, his past love history, and Susan’s newsworthy nature in the entertainment industry had caused that piece of news to blow up in Harken in an instant, and everyone was talking about it.

Jeanne even searched for trending topics, and any news that involved Edward and Susan would be listed. Even if they were not listed on the trending topics, they were still quite popular.

She just flipped through the news articles casually, and most of them were attacked with collages of photos.

The only photo that was not collaged was a little dim. It was of Edward, Susan, and George leaving the banquet hall. Some said the three of them looked like a family.

As Jeanne looked at it coldly, a figure sat opposite her.

She looked up, put down her phone unhurriedly, and finished his breakfast. Then, she got up and wanted to leave.

“George will be leaving today,” Edward said.

“Alright.” Jeanne nodded.

Then, it seemed like there was nothing else for her to say. Hence, she left and returned to her room.

On her way back to her room, she saw George getting up in a daze. When he saw Jeanne, his face lit up with joy. “Mom.”

“George, come to my room for a moment,” Jeanne said sternly.

George frowned and hurriedly followed Jeanne into her room. However, it was not the room she shared with her father.

That was good too. After all, his father had already fallen for another woman. He did not want his mother and father to live together.

In the room, George sat upright and obediently on the sofa.

“You should know about Susan,” Jeanne said.

George’s eyes flickered.

He did not want to tell his mother.

Last night, he had run back to the living room in a huff. Although he saw his mother, he was afraid that she would find out. Thus, when his mother called his name, he found an excuse to say that he was tired and went upstairs.

Now… Did she know everything?

Jeanne could see the worry on George’s face.

“Try to accept her,” she said.


“Why?” George was furious!

He had had enough. She would abandon him just as she wished; she would send him to such a cruel place just because she wished, and now she was here to interfere in his decision even though he did not like that woman called Susan?

Jeanne was slightly shocked as she did not expect George to suddenly lose his temper. Growing up, George had listened to her every word.

“I won’t accept her.” When Jeanne remained silent, George gave his answer. “In this life, I will only accept Jeanne Lawrence as my mother and no one else.”

Jeanne smiled helplessly.

Unknowingly, her son seemed to have grown up and had his own thoughts. He was no longer the boy who would do whatever she said.

“Mom,” George called out to her. He looked angry, and his eyes were a little red. “Why did you have to compromise like this? Why did you let dad be with another woman?! I can tell that dad likes you. He doesn’t like that woman at all!”

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