President, Our Egg Is Lost

Forty-Five: Uncle Cheng, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Chapter Forty-Five: Uncle Cheng, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Ji XiaoYu went into the bathroom in a huff. After washing his face, he soaked a towel in hot water. Returning to the bedroom, he took Cheng YuTang’s glasses off and wiped his face and then his hands.

When he was working in the little restaurant, he had heard Wu YaoQiang say that drinking milk could relieve a hangover, so he went to the kitchen to find a carton of milk and heat it up in the microwave to take back to the bedroom. He was afraid that Cheng YuTang wouldn’t be able to hold the cup and would spill milk on the bed, so he lifted it to his mouth and fed him.

Finally, he crouched down and pulled off Cheng YuTang’s shoes, muttering, “Cheng Zong, I didn’t work as only a bodyguard and driver today, but also worked extra as a babysitter. You’re going to have to pay me a raise.”

Cheng Zong seemed to be very satisfied with his service, smiling and nodding, “Mhm, baby.”

“……I’m a babysitter, not a baby!” Ji XiaoYu corrected as he blushed.

Cheng YuTang repeated stubbornly, “Baby.”

Forget it, forget it, why am I caring about a drunk’s thoughts? He can call me whatever he wants. Ji XiaoYu had no words, instead he unbuttoned his coat. He couldn’t help but think of a certain someone who had kissed him that one day, put him in a coat, and then buttoned it up one by one. He couldn’t keep his heart from racing.

After he finished, he said, “Put your arms up.”

Cheng YuTang was very cooperative, stretching his arms straight.

Ji XiaoYu helped him take off his coat, followed by his dark gray V-neck sweater, then his snow-white t-shirt – actually, let’s leave that.

His upper body done, Ji XiaoYu turned to his lower body.

Ji XiaoYu first calmed down his shaky heartbeat, then he put his hand on Cheng YuTang’s belt buckle with a serious expression on his face. As he was about to open it, his hands were wrapped up in a pair of large-palmed hands. A certain someone inquired above his head, “Baby, what are you doing taking off my pants?”

Ji XiaoYu’s face heated up at once and he denied it, “Where am I?!”

Don’t think wrongly, he really did want to take off his pants, but he didn’t want to do anything. He was just trying to help this guy sleep a little more comfortably, so he changed his tone and said straightforwardly, “Take off your pants and sleep.”

“Okay, take off my pants and sleep.” Cheng YuTang opened his belt very smoothly and stripped his pants off, revealing a pair of muscular, long legs that were both strong and beautiful and also a very weighty male part wrapped up in black underwear so tight it left contours in the fabric.

Before Ji XiaoYu could even have time to be envious, he found a certain someone’s finger had been slipped into the edge of his underwear. It seemed that he was going to take it off and completely free himself, so Ji XiaoYu hurried to shout, “Stop! Don’t take it off anymore! That’s enough!”

Cheng YuTang furrowed his good-looking brow, “How can I sleep without taking it off?”

“Sleep without taking it off!” Ji XiaoYu flushed. “If you take that off, I’ll, I’ll leave right then, no matter what you do!”

Although as long as conditions permitted it, Ji XiaoYu himself would sleep naked, but for Cheng YuTang to get naked in front of his own face, well, forget it. Last time I got a look, I almost changed into my original form. This time, I don’t want my self-control to be tested.

Cheng YuTang’s expression was both unhappy and unwilling, but the momentary stalemate was broken as he gave in and took his hand off the edge of his underwear.

“That’s good.” Ji XiaoYu heaved a sigh of relief, then ordered, “Now lie down on the bed and cover yourself with the quilt.”

Cheng YuTang didn’t object to this time. He got in bed and lay down under the quilt. He left half the bed open and looked at him with a keen gaze.

Ji XiaoYu’s little heart leaped a few times quickly and he endured it as he said, “You sleep by yourself, good night.”

Just as he was about to turn and leave, the man who had been walking so unsteadily before suddenly threw back the quilt and swooped up in an unusually vigorous and smooth way. Like an eagle catching a chick, he pinned him in his arms firmly and said without a bit of doubt in his tone, “Let’s sleep together.”

Ji XiaoYu’s face heated and his head ached from the rush of blood. He can’t help but scold, “Sleep together, what sleep together?! When you’re so old, do you to be accompanied to sleep by someone? Uncle Cheng, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

He had suddenly remembered Luo LanLan’s term for Cheng YuTang, so he blurt it out just to mock him.

Cheng YuTang seemed to be stimulated by the word “uncle.” He took his earlobe in his mouth and bit down in anger.

Ji XiaoYu couldn’t laugh at that, sucking in a breath of cool air. His ear hurt a little and it was like a line of electric current burst out of that point, spreading through his whole body in an instant. And then, as he wobbled in a daze, Cheng YuTang squeezed his waist and knocked him down to the bed and pressed him down under his body. A pair of big hands wandered between his waist and his belly, the force strong enough to rub off a layer of skin.

Ji XiaoYu smelled the alcohol on his body. He felt the roughness of his palms and fingertips that seemed to burn with the heat of a man on his waist. All of a sudden, he went loose-limbed and his brain spun as if he were drunk, and his heart began to run hot. He uncontrollably squirmed his waist and belly, rubbing against those solid thighs.

Then, he felt something moving at the base of his leg. At first, he thought it was the other man’s member and his face became so hot it almost ignited. But a few seconds after his reaction, he realized what it was and he was so stunned he almost broke out in a sweat. He quickly reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the little white egg which had been sandwiched between the two men’s thighs.

To do this kind of thing with the other father in front of his baby’s face, it was really so shameful!

My child, Daddy is so sorry!

If one of them had accidentally crushed the little white egg, how can he still have a face to live in this world?!

Ji XiaoYu was ashamed and did a deep self-reflection. He was still a powerful spiritual beast, so why couldn’t he control himself? His self-control was just so bad!

No, I’m not completely at fault. Baby, blame your lewd father! I was being good and just got pulled along by him!

Hey, I’ve been thinking for a while but why isn’t a certain someone moving? Why didn’t he complain when I pulled out this little white egg to look at it?

Putting the little white egg on the pillow beside him, he looked up. Cheng YuTang had closed his eyes and his head was resting against the curve of his neck, as he breathed deep and even. He had fallen asleep, his hands still holding Ji XiaoYu’s waist.

Ji XiaoYu suddenly didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry.

At this moment, his phone beeped as it received a message from inside the coat he had left at the side of the bed earlier.

Who could it be this late? He stretched out his arm to get enough of the fabric and then fished out his phone to look at it. It turned out to be a message from Liang ShaoGang: “Xiao Yu, happy New Year, may all your hopes be fulfilled.”

(t/n: LSG uses a traditional new year’s greeting)

He looked at the time again: January 01, 2019, 00:00:01.

It turned out that the new year had arrived.

The curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows weren’t completely closed up. Fireworks could be seen rising in the distance, blooming like colorful flowers in the black sky.

The spiritual beasts on Xiao Qing Shan lived long lives and there was no concept there of the passing of old year to new. At this time in past years, everyone would be sleeping in their own nest, not caring about the New Year or the celebrations.

At the moment, Ji XiaoYu looked at this message of well wishes and felt that it was both refreshing and moving. So he typed a message one word at a time and replied: “Thank you, Liang Ge, I also wish you a happy new year and a life of a hundred years.”

He dropped the phone and, feeling the calm and gentle heartbeat of the man on his body and the warmth of his breath spilling across his neck, Ji XiaoYu felt sweet and warm in his heart, a mood that had been repressed for a long time inside had become like a chick ready to hatch, shattering its shell and breaking free.

He purposefully held his breath and, like a thief, pressed a peck to the side of the person’s face and whispered, “My child’s father, happy New Year!”

(t/n: it’s normal in China for wives to call their husbands ‘my child’s father’)

His child’s father didn’t wake up, just unconsciously held him a little tighter in his sleep.

His chest was very thick and broad and his arms were warm.

Ji XiaoYu’s heart got all tangled up, so that he struggled mentally for a long time about going back to the dorm, but finally a wave of sleepiness surged over him and he yawned.

Forget it, forget it, just stay like this, it’s too late, I don’t want to move. He was so sleepy now, so if he wasn’t in good condition, he might drive the car into a ditch. Anyway, his child’s father was too drunk to wake back up, so he has no threat to Ji XiaoYu. It didn’t matter if they slept together like this. He could just leave before the man woke up tomorrow morning.

After convincing himself, he shifted down and sideways a little, turning to nestle in Cheng YuTang’s arms, and then, feeling a little guilty, explained to the little white egg, “My child, Daddy’s tired, sleepy, and unable to move. That’s why I’m sleeping here, it’s not that I’m deliberately not going back. You see, we’re just lying together, nothing else is happening.”

To his surprise, the little white egg glowed a bit, and after a few seconds, it flashed a second time.

Ji XiaoYu was overjoyed. “My child, do you agree? So sweet, you still love Daddy the most!”

He pressed a big kiss to the eggshell, then carefully placed the little white egg under his belly and, using one of his child’s father’s arms as his pillow, slept contentedly.


The next morning, Cheng YuTang opened his eyes to the sound of birdsong outside the window, and subconsciously tightened his arms, but they were empty.

He froze for a moment and then lifted the quilt, disappointed to find he was the only one in the bed.

What happened? Last night, my arms felt like they were full. It seemed like I slept with the little thing all night. Was it not real, was it just a dream I had?

A little disappointed, he pinched his forehead, which felt swollen with the pain of a hangover. But, when he fully woke up, he remembered something.

Last night, he took his own little bodyguard to attend the class reunion. The atmosphere of the party wasn’t very good. He had been tired of the classmates joking about himself and Han QingShi and hadn’t liked the flattery and forced catching-up. Not to mention Ji XiaoYu, whose revulsion had been clearly written all over his face. To get out of there early, he had had to drink three cups of alcohol. When he managed to get out, he had been drunk and the little thing drove him back.

After that, Cheng YuTang couldn’t remember. It looked like the little thing had seen him home and then the guy had run away.

Ay, drinking was a really big mistake. Last night was New Year’s Eve. It’s a pity that such a good time was wasted.

After lying there for a while, he put on his glasses from the bedside table and decided to get up and wash, but then he noticed a few details that he hadn’t seen and so hadn’t been considered just now.

First, there was only a t-shirt and underwear left on his body. His sweater was neatly folded on the bedside table and his coat was hung properly on the coat rack. There was also a glass filled with milk on the bedside table. Such a meticulous job couldn’t have been done last night by himself, who was so drunk and messed up, so who did it?

Second, he only took up half the bed, and the other half showed a sign of a shallow depression. By the outline, he could roughly picture a human figure which was smaller than his own, so who was it?

Third, there were a few hair strands scattered on the pillow. Two of them were black and thick, looking like his own, but also, there were two fine, soft, dark chestnut hairs, so who left them?

The smile on Cheng YuTang’s lips gradually expanded, his head stopped aching, his eyes were opened, and the depression in his heart vanished. He just felt refreshed and full of vitality.

He got out of bed and walked barefoot to the floor-to-ceiling windows, pulling the curtains out to both sides. The bright sunshine of the new year poured in unceasingly, just like his mood at the moment.

Life was so beautiful. He couldn’t help but start humming “Chicken Run.”


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