President, Our Egg Is Lost

Fifty-Two: Laozi is going to use a big move!

Chapter Fifty-Two: Laozi is going to use a big move!

So it turned out that Jiang WuYa was a crow? Cheng YuTang politely expressed surprise. Ever since he found out that the little thing was a pheasant spirit, his level of tolerance had greatly improved. Detective Jiang, who was pretty famous in Ning City, was a crow spirit; there were no obstacles to him accepting this strange fact even though it was such an impressive spectacle.

But Jiang WuYa was so demeaning towards his baby and questioned his own taste, so he said to him coolly in annoyance, “Detective Jiang, cut the nonsense, are you going to take the case or not? If you don’t have the ability to solve the case, then I’ll find another expert.”

Jiang WuYa finally put on a serious expression, saying with a bit of arrogance, “I accept, of course I accept. If even I can’t crack this case, then in the entire Ning City, no, the entire country, no one will be able to.”

He had deliberately uttered the phrase “little chick” just now, first wanting to make fun of this man who had never showed off such a lovey-dovey relationship before and second wanting to test the degree of understanding and true attitude of Cheng YuTang towards Ji XiaoYu’s identity. It seemed that this spiritual beast’s husband really did have a lot of affection for him.

These days, there were few spiritual beasts who immersed themselves in human society to live, such as himself. Naturally, these spiritual beasts were immortals who hadn’t given up their desires. They have the same passionate feelings as human beings, but when they fell in love with human beings, they would almost certainly hide their true identity, as cautious as thieves not exposing themselves to the light of heaven. Because, in 99% of cases, once they exposed themselves, it didn’t end well. There were not many peaceful breakups, most of them ending with hate instead of love, as they turned against each other.

In Jiang WuYa’s experience, he had only ever seen a few pairs like the two in front of him, knowing each other’s identities and still so passionate and in love.

Tsk, really puts a guy in a bad mood.

Cheng YuTang said, “Alright, then we’ll wait and see.”

Jiang WuYa gathered his scattered thoughts and pulled a pair of gloves from his pocket to put them on. While carefully examining the environment in Ji XiaoYu’s bedroom, he said, “Little Pheasant, now tell me exactly how the crime happened, don’t leave anything out. Otherwise, if any information is missing or distorted, it will be impossible to solve the case or the difficulty of solving it will increase and, at that point, don’t dare to think that I’m responsible.”

Ji XiaoYu had to temporarily put aside his prejudice towards the black crow, piece by piece telling the story, concealing only the true identity of Xiao DengPao.

Although Jiang WuYa gave off a sense of integrity, their relationship wasn’t deep. Also, it was better to be safe than sorry, because if he knew Xiao DengPao was the male rooster’s egg from the rumor that one could boost someone’s cultivation and then got greedy, wanting it for himself, that would be adding another disaster on top of the current one.

Jiang WuYa sniffed around. He crouched down on the floor of the room and looked around and then looked at the imprint on the sheets. He said casually, “Mr. Chick, what the hell kind of valuable thing did you lose? It’s not an egg, right? Hahahaha!”

Ji XiaoYu’s heart clenched, oh no, could it have been seen through by this damn crow with a thief’s eyes?

Cheng YuTang squeezed the hand he was holding tight and, not flustered, said, “Good eyesight, Detective Jiang. The lost item is a nearly-spherical diamond, slightly smaller than a chicken egg, slightly larger than a pigeon egg. It’s the token of love I gave XiaoYu, called Xiao DengPao. I had originally planned to set it in a ring in a few days, to give it to XiaoYu as an engagement ring.”

Ji XiaoYu: “……”

If he hadn’t been in the know, he would really have believed what this man was saying, which made his little heart flutter a bit.

Saying that though, if I really want to have such a big diamond, how much would it be worth?

Jiang WuYa: “……”

Fuck! I know that you’re the richest man, that you have money, but you don’t need to show it off so much. It would have been an injustice if it hadn’t been stolen just now!

Such a big diamond inlaid on a ring, aren’t you afraid of crushing your little pheasant’s talons!

Laozi is a mighty spiritual beast, who has been working hard to solve cases for decades, but so far, I can’t even afford to buy a diamond the size of a quail egg, the heavens really have no eyes!

At this moment, the mighty Detective Jiang felt extreme hatred towards the rich.

After a while, he stood up and dropped his head, saying, “The thief is a strong young man, between the ages of twenty-five and thirty, with a height between 175 and 180 centimeters, and a weight of about 175 pounds. He walks with his center of gravity to the left, so the sole of his left shoe wears out more quickly. And this person is either an alcoholic or just drank a lot of alcohol before the theft, because the residual alcohol from his hands was left on your quilt.”

He didn’t expect this damn crow to have such skills. The more Ji XiaoYu listened, the more surprised he was, and then he shouted, “It was Liu WeiRen?!”

Cheng YuTang asked, “Who is Liu WeiRen?”

Ji XiaoYu frowned and replied, “He’s also a HongSheng security guard, sharing this dorm with me and Liang Ge. His description is similar to what Detective Jiang said. When he’s not at work, he either plays games in the dorm or goes out to drink. Liu WeiRen, from the beginning, didn’t like the look of me. He once ran into my room and took my little, took my Xiao DengPao without my permission. He almost threw it into a pan to fry it with oil. He should have been on the morning shift today, getting off work at noon, but I never saw him come back this afternoon.”

He had almost said ‘little white egg’, but luckily, he had changed the phrase in time.

Cheng YuTang naturally understood what he was talking about and suddenly his expression darkened. No matter whether Liu WeiRen was the thief of Xiao DengPao or not, this person couldn’t be tolerated! And to recruit a guy which such bad character into HongSheng’s security team, Captain Yang YiPeng had also neglected his duty!

“Frying Xiao DengPao? What kind of hardcore taste is that?” The corners of Jiang WuYa’s twitched, then he followed Ji XiaoYu’s directions to walk to the outside of Liu WeiRen’s room next door. The door was locked, so he pulled a thin wire from his pocket and stabbed it twice in the keyhole to open the door.

Ji XiaoYu’s eyes opened wide, this crow can open a door like this. If this detective was a thief instead, then no one could stop him.

Jiang WuYa swept the door open and glanced inside and then snuffled a few times with his nose. Then he said with great certainty, “This is the thief, I’m absolutely certain.”

Cheng YuTang immediately called Yang YiPeng and ordered, “Captain Yang, send someone to find the whereabouts of Liu WeiRen immediately and block all routes he might use to escape Ning City. If you let him get away, you won’t get to be a captain anymore!”

On the other end of the call, Yang YiPeng was shocked into a cold sweat. He didn’t dare to ask Cheng Zong why he wanted to find Liu WeiRen, he could only agree quickly.

Ji XiaoYu was too angry. He thought back on how he had been polite enough to Liu WeiRen. But now he knew that the other person had actually been holding a grudge against him, to actually do something this cruel!

Cheng YuTang squeezed his hand and then offered a compliment, “Detective Jiang, you really deserve your reputation. You really are ‘Ning City’s Number One Detective’. As such, I’ll trouble Detective Jiang to solve the case as soon as possible, to help us recover the lost property quickly. Of course, depending on the time, a certain amount of money will be rewarded.”

“Cheng Zong is flattering me. Alright, you said it.” Jiang WuYa was happy to hear this and his eyebrows raised high in triumphant pride, “Okay, I’m going to capture a certain someone. You two just wait for the news.”

“Slow down!” Cheng YuTang immediately said, “I’m coming with you.”

Ji XiaoYu hurriedly added, “I’m going too!”

Jiang WuYa still didn’t know that they had lost an egg, not a diamond. If something went wrong in the process of catching Liu WeiRen, that would be awful.

“What’s up with this obstruction……” Jiang WuYa looked very reluctant, but he muttered after sighing, “Alright, my speed will be fast though, so if you two get lost, don’t blame me.”

Ji XiaoYu straightened up and puffed out his chest, “Rest assured, this little master is certainly not slower than you!”

Cheng YuTang said with some worry, “Baby, your injury just healed, don’t be so stubborn.”

Earnestly, Ji XiaoYu replied, “I’m not being stubborn, I’m really okay. I like the Xiao DengPao that you gave me the most. I have to make sure I get it back personally! But you shouldn’t go, just wait because a spiritual beast could hurt you and then I’d die from the pain.”

Cheng YuTang took his hand and said with a decisive look, “Baby, since Xiao DengPao is a token of love between us, then it’s my duty to find it too, even if I have to break through mountains of daggers and seas of flames. Otherwise, how could I be qualified to propose to you?”

Ji XiaoYu was so moved that tears sprouted up again in his eyes. “Alright, let’s go find it together!”

Jiang WuYa: “……”

Hey, hey, hey, hey, there’s also a single person here. Can you two have a bit of public decency for this single dog?! If you carry on like this, Laozi will call the police!


Jiang WuYa went downstairs and twitched his nose like a dog. He went out all the way out of HongLe Garden and then entered the road outside the neighborhood and looked around. Then he pointed to the west, “The guy should be riding a motorcycle in this direction.”

Ji XiaoYu said, “Then we’ll drive to chase him!”

Cheng YuTang had driven himself over, so they went to the parking lot to pick up his car. Ji XiaoYu was about to volunteer himself as a driver, but then he thought about how it was the middle of the night. If he had to drive to a place with poor lighting conditions like last time, he might drag them down, so he got in the passenger seat obediently.

When Jiang WuYa saw their car, he whistled. “Cheng Zong has good taste.”

Cheng YuTang said, “If you can solve the case, I’ll give you two cars based on this kind of taste.”

Jiang WuYa was instantly overjoyed, saying, “No problem, this detective will wrap this up! Just wait and follow me, there will be absolutely no mistakes!”

Men become brave under the promise of a reward. He got himself into a nearby SUV and got ready to drive. As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the SUV shot through the thick darkness like a bullet, flying towards the west.

Cheng YuTang followed behind driving his own sports car, his driving skills not inferior to those of the crow spirit.

Ji XiaoYu was a little surprised, saying, “Hey, your driving skills aren’t bad.”

He had ridden in the man’s car several times and Cheng YuTang had always follows traffic rules and regulations. He didn’t expect him to have such a wild, reckless side.

Cheng YuTang’s mood all night had been very gloomy, so when he heard this, his lips raised in a rare smirk, “Of course, I’m also a tried and tested veteran driver.”

As he spoke, Cheng YuTang’s cell phone rang, it was Yang YiPeng calling. Cheng YuTang answered and said immediately, “What’s the situation? Speak.”

Yang YiPeng said, “Cheng Zong, my people haven’t found Liu WeiRen’s whereabouts for the time being, but I have an update on Han QingShi. He’s now driving towards the north of the city.”

“Continue to watch him.”


After more than half of hour of raging speed, Jiang WuYa suddenly stopped at an intersection near a park in the west of the city. He got out of his car, furrowing his brow and sniffing hard.

Cheng YuTang also stopped his car and lowered his window to ask, “Detective Jiang, why did you stop here? Have you found something?”

With a helpless attitude, Jiang WuYa said, “There was a vehicle leaking fluids here just now. The smell of gasoline is too heavy, masking Liu WeiRen’s scent and affecting my judgment.”

“Does that mean you lost him?” Ji XiaoYu urgently said, “Jiang, you crow, just a moment ago, you guaranteed that you’d be able to catch him. But no way, was that all just bragging?!”

Jiang WuYa said in annoyance, “Little Pheasant, what’s your hurry? Who said that Laozi can’t do it? You watch with your eyes wide open, Laozi is going to use a big move!”

After he spoke, he pursed his lips and whistled. It seemed to be a special kind of sound wave. The sound wasn’t sharp or loud, but it shook Ji XiaoYu’s and Cheng YuTang’s eardrums, making blood and qi surge in their chests, so that they almost spat up mouthfuls of blood.

Ji XiaoYu wanted to swear and find out just what kind of damn trick that was, but then he heard the sound of the wind coming from far and near in the sky and looked up. A large cloud was floating over, blocking the moon completely. Suddenly he became half-blind and he said in a daze, “Why did the weather suddenly change? Is it going to rain?”

He took a few steps forward without thinking, almost bumping into Jiang WuYa’s back.

Cheng YuTang quickly pulled him into his arms and hugged him protectively. He said with a frown, “It’s not a change in the weather. It’s a swarm of crows flying in.”

A very large group of crows, roughly estimated to be at least tens of thousands, like locusts, like an eclipse covering the moon, hovered over the heads of the three men. From bottom to top, it indeed looked like a dark cloud covering the sky.

This was a rare sight. If it hadn’t been 3am, the darkest period before dawn, this sight surely would have attracted countless people to watch.

Jiang WuYa immediately took a sealed bag from his pocket and pulled a piece of cloth that he had ripped from Liu WeiRen’s clothes. He rubbed it between his palms and then threw it towards the sky.

Countless tiny pieces of cloth rose, flying up into the night air on the wind.

The crows once again made a deafening cry, then they flew away with a loud whoosh, gone without a trace in the blink of an eye. The moon was revealed again, sprinkling down beams of moonlight.


1. Ridges of daggers and seas of flames (刀山火海): idiom for extreme danger

bird squad roll out ??

JXY being amazed at someone lockpicking a door knob like, honey…you are too good for this world

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