She then glances back at the door, her expression turning serious. “Once we step through this door, you’ll be entering a world where nothing is as it seems. Allies can become enemies in an instant, and the smallest mistake can cost you everything. But if you play your cards right, the rewards are immense.
The leaders of the Vesper Consortium, namely the members of the Obsidian Circle have power and influence that easily eclipses that of a count and perhaps even rival a duke’s.
If you somehow manage to make it there through the ranks, you will have hundreds of thousands of people listen to your commands and move according to your whims and desires, which will inadvertently influence the future of the entire kingdom and the continent.”
“So it’s possible for all to rise to the very top? Could you tell us a bit about the ranks?” I inquire excitedly. This is what I hoped for, a system where one is only limited by his own achievements, cunning and greatness.
“Yes. There are seven main ranks in the Vesper Consortium: Dawn Initiate, Twilight Apprentice, Dusk Adept, Eclipse Enforcer, Shadow Vanguard, Veil Walker, and Obsidian Circle Member. Aurelion is a Shadow Vanguard, if you are curious.
If he manages to strengthen his faction- and by extension his influence- he might become a Veil Walker finally after fifty years of working for them endlessly and donating a mountain’s worth of coins. Also, we don’t exactly know who the members of the circle are. Shadowhold and Braedon are governed by a representative of the circle under the alias Echo, who is similarly veiled in mystery.”
“I see. So if we join we would be Dawn Initiates I assume? How is the procedure? Do we have a right to privacy should we decide to join?” I barrage her with my questions.
She smiles at my enthusiasm, before responding informatively. “Yes, everyone is an Initiate at first, and no, you have no right to privacy regarding your identity. You will be forced to swear an oath and share your system window with the higher ups.”
“Oh.” As I turn to leave and look for different opportunities she speaks up; “however, the higher ups understand that there are people like you who value their privacy much more so than others. For people such as you, there is a special rank- which can only be earned through a special admission procedure.”
I stop in my tracks and listen to Jasmine intently. “Vesper Phenoms. That’s the rank name of the newcomers who the org showers in special privileges, such as privacy, funds, training, right to create their own faction and more.
A Vesper Phenom is higher in rank than Dawn Initiates and Twilight Apprentices, and are more or less equal to Dusk Adepts, who themselves are seasoned veterans with oftentimes decades of service under their belts, so it’s a very big jump in ranks.
However, all these privileges come at their own costs, first of all, there is a difficult and bloody test you must pass where other potential Phenoms also gather to compete.
Second, while you are allowed privacy, the syndicate can’t just invest in complete strangers who they hold no sway over whatsoever, so you will have to pull your own weight, either by donating chests full of coins, completing specifically designed missions by the higher ups, or assisting them in other ways.”
“So if we pass the test we would basically enjoy the support and backing of the syndicate while having to return their investment in one way or another periodically.” I ask for clarification.
She nods, “yes, that’s right. From what I’m told they treat their Phenoms very well, after all, new blood is the life essence of any thriving organization.
Since we are ruled by a council made up of seven equals who are also our greatest members and not led by a single entity as a dictatorship, the syndicate aims to never become stale by discarding bad weeds who’ve grown too big for their own good to replace them with new seedlings.”
Amazing. She is more or less describing a meritocracy. This system sounds simply way too tantalizing compared to the feudal setting the kingdom currently employs, which is only ideal for those that pop out of the right womb.
“Well, then, let’s get your sightseeing tour started in earnest.” She states with a kind expression and turns to lead the way.
As we follow Jasmine down the dimly lit staircase, the narrow passage begins to widen. The distant hum of activity grows louder, and I can feel a sense of anticipation building within me. We’re descending into a world that most people on the surface couldn’t even imagine existed.
When we finally reach the bottom, the passage opens up into a vast underground city that takes my breath away. The first thing that strikes me is the light. It’s not the harsh, artificial glow of torches or lanterns, but a soft, natural-looking daylight. I glance up and see a strange, massive artifact embedded into the ceiling high above.
It resembles a glowing crystal or gemstone, radiating a warm, golden light that mimics the sun. The entire cavernous space is bathed in this light, creating the illusion of a daytime sky, even though we’re deep underground.
Jasmine notices our awe-struck expressions and smiles faintly. “Impressive, isn’t it? That’s the Heart of Lumora, a relic from ancient times. It’s what makes life in Shadowhold possible, at least with such a high degree of comfort. The artifact is part of a sophisticated system that mimics a day-night cycle, ensuring that the inhabitants here can live as normally as possible.
It even supports the growth of a few hardy crops, though we still rely heavily on trade for most of our food, as most people prefer to grow psychedelic plants down here instead of wheat and whatnot…”
I can only chuckle at this new information. Of course they would rather grow drugs in such a hidden and protected place. They can just trade some of their earnings for food while filling their coffers in the meantime.
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