“Thanks for the amazing tour, and all the valuable information you’ve shared with us, Jasmine. I believe it’s time we return for today.”
We quickly said our goodbyes and just like that, our first meeting with the Vesper Consortium had officially concluded. I must say, so far I have a rather favorable impression of them. We will need to collect more information about their Phenom test to know for certain if this is what we want, but since it is a long time from now, I will focus on growing stronger for the time being.
We travel back to Broderick’s mansion and thank him for his help in putting our feet through the door of the organization. I then tell him that we would like to go see Braedon and he informs us that there’s a hidden entryway in his mansion that would let us traverse to the city unseen by whoever Aurelion sent to spy on us.
He doesn’t even question whether there are actual spies but states it with complete confidence…
Supposedly, if we use this hidden tunnel we can enjoy the city and go shopping without having the masks and robes on, which is ideal for a relaxed and happy outing.
We change into our civilian clothes but before we leave, Marjorie approaches and hands us a coin pouch. “Aurelion’s men have completed the evaluation and bought your goods for a very fair price, here you go.”
I grab the purse and notice that it’s very heavy. What a heavenly feeling. I open it excitedly. “You were paid 9 gold coins but I went ahead and exchanged some of them into silver so that you don’t have to pay a service fee at the bank for the currency exchange, but, of course, if you prefer gold we can swap them back.” She informs me with a happy smile.
Isn’t Marjorie one of the kindest people I’ve met since coming to this world? Man, I really should stop being so superficial; I keep throwing shade at her just because of her ridiculous physical appearance.
As I weigh the coin pouch in my hand, the satisfying jingle of currency inside brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. “Thank you, Marjorie.”
Marjorie beams at us, clearly in a jolly mood. “I’m glad I could help. Enjoy your time in the city, and if you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
With that, we make our way to the hidden passage that Broderick mentioned. It’s concealed behind a large tapestry in one of the mansion’s many hallways, depicting some long-forgotten battle scene. Once we’re all inside, I pull a lever hidden in the wall, and the tapestry shifts back into place, seamlessly covering the entrance.
The tunnel is narrow but well-maintained, with the occasional torch embedded in the wall casting a warm glow over the stone floor. As we walk, the conversation is light, mostly discussing what we want to do once we reach the city. Blossom seems eager to shop, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of new clothes and accessories.
Ayame, on the other hand, is more reserved, though I can tell she’s interested in checking out the local weaponry.
After a short walk, we reach a wooden door at the end of the tunnel. I push it open, revealing a small, nondescript alleyway that leads directly into the heart of Braedon. The moment we step outside, we’re greeted by the sounds of a bustling city. I must admit that Broderick and his wives have really mastered the art of living in this city of crime and intrigue.
“Well, ladies,” I start, “we still have lots of time until night descends. Let’s enjoy ourselves to the fullest.”
“Yes, Master!”
We then stand there, glancing at each other awkwardly. Well, mostly just me and Ayame. Blossom is merrily absorbed in her own little world. “So, what should we start with?” Ayame finally asks the question that has been on my mind.
Then, I have a sudden idea. “You know, the two of you have had your freedoms restricted for a long time now. How about we part ways for the time being and each of us goes wherever we want, to buy whatever we want- within reason, of course.”
“I would like that.” My beautiful samurai is quick to agree.
“No! Blossom wants to go with Master!” My gorgeous phantom canine is quick to object.
I can’t help but chuckle at her antics as I reach out to stroke the behind of her ears. She has developed an extreme case of dependency on me, not just in a physical sense she should have towards her alpha/master but emotionally as well, since she seemingly considers me to be something like her benevolent savior.
I’m not going to be cruel and send her away to be in her lonesome, I’m sure she will develop independence as the days pass- well, if she doesn’t that’s also fine with me. I like clingy girls. No, that’s not entirely correct.
I absolutely love them.
We decide to meet back at the town square in four hours, after which Ayame departs, accompanied with a smaller coin pouch.
This time, I don’t ask what Blossom wants to do, since I already know the answer, which would be a cute, energetic shout of ‘Whatever Master wants!’ So instead I decide to finally lose my wild mane by visiting a hairdresser.
As we walk the streets in our search I suddenly halt in my steps and glance at my gorgeous dog-kin’s scalp. “Wait, how do you maintain your hair? I highly doubt that Boareater paid for a professional to cut it…”
“Blossom cuts her own hair with her dagger!” She replies cheerily.
Seriously? But it looks so well-done, I never would’ve guessed that it not only isn’t cut by a barber but also by crude daggers instead of scissors specifically made for the task.
“Will you cut my hair as well?” I ask. I really don’t want to pay for a service if it can be prevented…
She blinks at me a few times then I see her tail start cosplaying as an airplane propeller. “Really?! Blossom would love to!” She shouts while jumping up and down with so much liveliness that I’m starting to get jealous of her abundant energy reserves.
How can she become this excited at the simple prospect of cutting my hair? She is just way too precious for this world.
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