There’s something beautiful about this simple and brutal way of life. If I win then I take it all, if you win, you get everything. No need for complications or even conversations, just go full throttle.
Kill me or be killed.
One of the soldiers, a stocky man with a thick beard, grits his teeth and presses forward, his sword aiming for my midsection. I deflect his strike with my saber, but instead of faltering and feeling like my arm is about to be broken into a thousand little pieces like how I felt when I blocked Ayame’s attacks, I find myself amazed at how smoothly I counter his moves.
Each parry, each riposte, feels near effortless.
When I had dueled Ayame, her overwhelming strength and superior technique had made me feel utterly inadequate, but now, against these weakened soldiers, I realize just how much I’ve improved from a single session with her.
My movements are more precise, my reactions significantly sharper. The soldier tries again, slashing at me with all the strength he can muster but I effortlessly deflect his attack and counter with a quick kick to his side.
He grunts in pain, staggering back, this little opening is all I need. He’s left himself exposed, and I seize the opportunity without hesitation.In one fluid motion, I lunge forward in a deep, low-to-the-ground stance and activate my [Power Strike] spell, swiping upward with my saber to carve a deep, jagged vertical line along his side. ƒreewebɳ
Blood immediately spurts from the wound and his intestines begin to spill out in a rather gruesome manner. I can’t help but wince as I involuntarily image how it must feel for my adversary.
The soldier clutches at his wound in a futile attempt to keep his guts from escaping while his face contorts into one of shock and horror. Well he does succeed in keeping them in their intended home, but in his efforts he became completely wide open. Seemingly coming to the same realization he looks at me with trembling eyes that sing tales of his inner terror, and mouths the words “…
p-please mercy…” in muted gasps.
“Better luck next time.” I say jovially, earning a torrent of desperate begging in response.
I don’t entertain the man with false hope cruelly. I have nothing against him personally and he fought to the best of his ability, thus he doesn’t deserve any mockery or unjust torture from as far as I’m concerned. Instead I just swing my saber again. The blade slices clean through his neck, and his head tumbles to the floor with a dull thud. His body soon follows suit with a lifeless fall of its own.
Damn, this blade is really great at severing necks…
I quickly dispatch my other opponent and turn to see Ayame finishing off the last of them with her usual merciless efficiency, her new katana finally broken in as it’s happily dripping wet with their crimson blood.
[You’ve Slain Footsoldier Thomas (Level 8). You’ve Gained 200 XP.] [You’ve Footsoldier John Doe (Level 9). You’ve Gained 250 XP.] [You’ve Slain Footsoldier Weed (Level 11). You’ve Gained 570 XP.]
Oh, one of them had already completed their Rank Up Mission and advanced beyond the first big hurdle of the leveling game. No wonder he gave so much more XP than the others.
Sadly I’ve come to acquire the knowledge that in this world there’s a balancing limitation on stronger entities killing weaker ones in the form of an XP nerf they receive. If it wasn’t in place, a person like Ayame- or even me at this point- could just comfortably live on the first floor of the Labyrinth and level up safely and securely.
Sure, it would take many dozens of years to reach a high level, but in exchange we would be almost guaranteed to level up unhindered and live for centuries as a result.
The bigger the strength difference between combatants, the bigger the nerf. No wonder Ayame only got 9 XP on our first day in the labyrinth when we cleared the first floor. I always found it strange, after all, I got close to 100 XP and while I was doing most of the killing, she also took part in it and also soloed the floor boss, so when I asked her about it I received this horrifying news.
I have to admit that the Goddess did a great job in balancing things, though. If this effect wasn’t put into place, weaker people would get constantly massacred by the few highest leveled individuals on the continent.
They would probably set up specialized humanoid and monster breeding farms just to have access to easily collectable XP. Now that would be rather sinister.
“Watch out!!! [Flash Step]!”
Ayame’s sudden shriek sends a jolt of adrenaline through my veins as my muscles tense and I instinctively tighten my fingers around the hilt of my blade, readying myself for whatever threat she’s detected. However, before I can even check out the cause of her distress I hear the sharp clang of metal against metal, and I feel the solid presence of Ayame’s back pressed up against mine.
I turn my head just enough to see what’s happening and I spot the blade of our assailant, its edge less than an inch’s distance from my neck. The sword is just as dark in color as my own pitch black saber, and the wielder- a dark haired woman I hadn’t noticed in the chaos- stares at me with cold, calculating eyes.
Her attack had been entirely silent, and my life was only saved thanks to Ayame’s insane reaction time and the sudden burst of movement her [Flash Step] granted her.
She’s a strong individual, no doubt.
“Tch.” My would-be murderer scoffs annoyedly and her gaze leaves mine, instead focusing on the person who blocked her attack, though she is still doing her best to overpower my guardian in order to kill me, best evidenced by the violent trembling of their intertwined blades.
Ayame’s entire upper body is shaking as she struggles to hold back the enemy’s sword, every muscle in her arms straining to keep it from slicing through my throat.
Damn, is my Ayame weaker physically?!
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