Chapter 246: Dealing With The Father 2 [Bonus]

I patiently wait for as long as she needs, all the while eyeing the squirming, begging, sobbing, wailing shell of a man from the side of my eye.

Whoever concocted these drugs deserves to have it shoved down their throats, up their asses,- or however it’s meant to be ingested.

I’m disgusted.

In a few minutes she calms down and with a trembling body detaches herself from me, after which she stumbles towards the door.

I stare at the man for a moment while raising my hand, aiming at him. “Any last words?”

In a strange turn of events, he gains some clarity and focuses on me. He opens his arms wide apart, inviting any harm I might wish to dish out, and looks me in the eyes. “Take care of them… Please.”

“I will protect them. May you rest in peace.”

“Thank you… Thank you…” He mouths his gratitude amidst great sorrow.

“[Aqua Bolt]” I intone, and a bullet of water explodes through his chest, his bones, his heart, and comes out on the other side. His body offered no resistance whatsover.

After his execution, or rather mercy killing, I search the place for the narcotics. I soon manage to find some ugly black pills that are about the size of large tablets, each likely holding a significant dose inside.

Pills might seem innocent at first, but they aren’t. Injections are, in my opinion, perhaps the worst, but chances are that they have no technology to make those in this world, or at least not available to people like these. Smoking would lead to an almost immediate high with the narcotic filling the lungs and airways, reaching the bloodstream easily and swiftly.

Pills, on the other hand, need more time to be ingested, as they first need to pass through the consumer’s digestive system.

Does this mean that pills are better than smoking?

No. While they are slower to deliver the desired results, they tend to last longer, allowing for prolonged intoxication. Furthermore, since its users don’t feel the effects immediately it can lead to overdosing much easier. I can make an educated guess that their mother fell victim to this fate.

How do I know all this?

Drug documentaries, baby. I had a few months where I ate those shit up on Yout*be.

I grab a blanket and wrap Gilbert into it, then hoist him on my shoulder. The night is still young, we have enough time to give him a funeral at least.

“Goddess, please take care of my father’s lost soul, and let him be reunited with mom…” Beatrice said while kneeling in front of the grave I dug with her hands clasped together to form a prayer. With my Strength stat, it all took less than a minute. If the shovel allowed, I could’ve gone even faster.

She remained kneeling for a good ten minutes while I stood watch over her. Afterward, she glanced at me, mouthed a heartfelt ‘thank you’ and climbed onto my back.

We’ve achieved all that we set out to do. I even acquired a few drug samples for Aurora to study. I also have a feeling that this is not the last time I will hear of the petty gang, the Wraithclaws. With this, there’s bad blood between us from both sides. I stole their perceived rightful property in the form of the twins, and they angered me by exploiting this family.

“Lord Quinlan, I’m truly grateful…” She whispered into my ears somberly.

“It will hurt for a bit, but it’s finally over, Beatrice. Now, you can begin healing your wounded heart. Inform me or Ayame if you need any sort of assistance.”

I then couldn’t help but snicker while glancing back at the girl resting on my back comfortably. “You know that I can open a portal wherever, right? We don’t need to go back to the tree in front of Aldoria again.”

Her eyes widened slightly at the revelation, and her cheeks began to redden. It’s good to see another emotion on her face other than crippling grief. Well, she can stay up there for a short while longer if she wants. “[Warp Gate]”

And just as so, we were back in the twins’ room. My passenger reluctantly climbed off, then bowed towards me subserviently for good measure. I thought of offering her my company for the night- purely for sleeping, of course- but decided against it. Instead, I gestured for her to climb into the bed of her sister.

They’ve been through this together all this while, so Anna is the best solace she could find.

Or so I believe.

She nodded at my suggestion and quickly undressed from the robe and the servant clothes until only her undergarments remained, after which she lifted the blanket and climbed into her sister’s bed. Looks like she wasn’t feeling shy about her body being seen by me after all that happened today.

I glanced at her for a final time before exiting the room, and coming face to face with my beloved Samurai who was standing near the door in our room, equipped in her battle armor with her trusty katana strapped to her side. She was ready to rush to me should I get ambushed.

Ayame really is a trustworthy woman. I’ve chosen my second-in-command well.

“It’s done.” I informed her curtly, to which she only nodded somberly while examining me with great scrutiny.

“Come, I want to feel your warmth after this horrible night. Drugs truly are no joke. The father was in a terrifying state; alive but dead, living but rotting.” I say while beginning to undress.

I can tell that her gaze is probing me, looking for clues of major distress. I don’t think there’s any, but it truly was a traumatic sight to behold.

I want to hug her delicate body while I doze off to dreamland.

After a few seconds, Ayame sighed with relief and began undressing.

We’ve managed to bring the other bed over from Aurora’s lab- there it was only in the way really- so now a double bed awaited us. Blossom was still knocked out cold from my rough play, while Aurora was merrily sleeping, so my petite Samurai was the only one who climbed into my embrace once I laid down.

For the next dozen or so minutes I gave her a summary of what went down, after which we chatted with low whispers for a little longer before finally allowing ourselves to arrive at the world of dreams.

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