Chapter 259: Dual Servicing 1 [Bonus]Lucille glanced over my shoulder to meet the scared girl’s eyes as her lips curled into a sultry smile. “What do you think I’m doing, ‘daughter’? Quinlan will enter both of our most intimate, precious places, so his penis needs to be washed with the most care.
Well, I don’t know if you’ve steeled your resolve to go all the way yet, but one thing’s for certain; this monster will be entering me tonight even if I have to sell my soul for it.” With her announcement done, she turned her attention back to me and leaned in to begin planting soft kisses along my thighs, moving agonizingly slowly upward with her warm, loving breath teasing my skin as she worked her way closer and closer to my member.
Aurora gasped from the sheer shock of Lucille’s bold actions as her beautiful amber eyes fluttered wide open and her body trembled with conflicted emotions. The innocence and curiosity that usually colored her every action were still there, but now, mixed in with them was a raw, carnal desire she couldn’t ignore. “Mommy… I’m as ready as I can be with you by my side to support me.
Let’s do it together! Don’t leave me behind…”
Her alchemist’s bossy treatment towards her ‘assistant’ had evaporated instantly as her timid side took the control back, devolving into her impressionable pampered princess persona.
“Help me by doing his back. I will handle the… front.” Lucille purred, turning her head slightly towards Aurora. “Although I haven’t tried it yet, my friends had suggested a method that I’m sure Quinlan would love with your big breasts.”
“What is it?” Aurora inquired curiously, wishing to impress me as much as possible.
“Grab a soap, rinse it in water, then scrub it onto his back. However, instead of using the cleaning towel or your hands, do everything with your chest.”
“Huh?!” Aurora yelped while blinking rapidly as her cheeks burned crimson red due to the extremely erotic suggestion. For a moment, she stood frozen while her hands hovered in the air like she wasn’t sure what to do. But then, after a second she visibly steeled her resolve as she nodded to herself decisively, and did exactly as Lucille suggested.
She grabbed a soap and wet it thoroughly, then positioned herself behind me, making sure that my back was fully exposed. Once she scrubbed enough soap onto my skin, she took a final deep inhale before pressing her chest against my back, soaping up her breasts with a generous amount of lather.
Her movements were hesitant at first as she began cleaning my back with slow, deliberate strokes, but it didn’t long before she found herself getting into the rhythm, and she even grabbed onto my chest with both hands to use my as support, allowing her to do her task even better.
The plump girl soon began merrily giggling, perhaps due to the sheer absurdity of what she was experiencing, or maybe it was Lucille’s unorthodox method that elicited such a joyous sound to escape from her lips. She was having fun.
“You’re doing amazing, my plump princess. Keep it up, please.” I reaffirmed before she could even question the effectiveness of her actions herself, to which I only received an “I’m so happy, Daddy!” euphoric yell.
Lucille, meanwhile resumed her kissing of my thighs once she saw that Aurora was settled into her new task. By now, she’d gone from my knees all the way to my hip, and just as she was finished she looked up into my eyes.
Despite me not doing anything to satisfy her, she looked so incredibly happy and fulfilled, with her mesmerized eyes and heavy, bated breathing… She smiled at me before grabbing onto my member with both hands, peeling the skin all the way back, and landing one, big, heartfelt kiss onto the tip.
“Mwaaah” The smooching sound that escaped from her delicate lips forced my shaft to twitch with pure exhilaration. ‘This really is happening. A threesome with two beautiful women… I’m so damn excited!’
Lucille’s lips parted, revealing my glistening tip, though she didn’t wait for long. In the next second, she slowly lowered her head to engulf my shaft in earnest after her greeting kiss. She moved with a mixture of eagerness and tentativeness, like a kitten discovering the thrill of play for the first time.
Her head bobbed up and down, her eyes locked on mine as she eagerly explored every inch of my length while curiously observing my reactions.
Her tongue danced along the veins, teasing and tickling as it went. Each stroke was slow and deliberate, a clear sign that she wanted to savor this experience for as long as possible. I chuckled at her timid reservedness as I placed a palm on top of her head and petted her lovingly while speaking up, “If you are worried about me being done in a few minutes… don’t.
I will ravage both of you until the morning sun shines on your beautiful, utterly exhausted naked forms. This is not me arrogantly boasting, but a mere fact.
My beloved dog-girl had never managed to wring me dry, and I’ve trained her over the weeks a lot, and she is very durable as a high-level beast-kin. So, Lucille, don’t treat me like I’m a failure of a man. I’m not your limp dick ex. Go all out, show me what you can do to make me cum, and if you manage to do so I will still get erect again and again until all of my partners are completely satisfied.
This is my duty as a man, and especially as a man with a harem made up of such lovely women. I simply refuse to leave any of you unsatiated.”
Lucille’s eyes fluttered wide open and minor tremors of lustful excitement and anticipation were visibly assaulting her body all over her delicate frame due to my confident announcement. Since her mouth was full at the moment she couldn’t exactly converse, but I could easily read her thoughts just from a glance.
At first, disbelief was visible in her beautiful visage, but such emotions soon turned into an inner debate, which soon resulted in her becoming relieved that her fun wouldn’t be over anytime soon.
As she refocused on pleasing me, her lips moved lower, she swirled her tongue around the base before looking up at me with a mischievous grin. She then proceeded to lick a trail upward as her tongue traced the same path her lips had just traveled.
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