Chapter 405 I hate dwarves more than anything!!!

Kaelira had a much stronger reaction to my statement than I ever could’ve expected. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets for a moment as her mouth opened and closed before tears started forming, but they had no chance to drop to the ground when in the next moment she threw herself at me.


I was thrown to the ground as she body-slammed into me like a furious ram. Kaelira was not at all angry but overjoyed for some reason. She was hugging my waist with so much strength that I had to gasp for air.

At times like these, it became evident that my Magic > Agility > Vitality > Strength investing priorities still had some holes in them. She was likely similar level to me, but completely neglected Magic and did a Vitality >= Strength > Agility build.

“What’s going on?” Ayame asked amusedly while using both of her hands to manhandle Blossom who was about to jump at the elf with her claws drawn, ready to maul her to death. It was just another example to serve as proof that the oriental beauty could’ve easily thrown Blossom off of her when the dog-kin pinned her to the bed and started licking my juices from her face.

“Lady Kaelira always wanted to be a craftsman, that was one of the reasons why we joined the Consortium.” One of the rangers spoke up, followed by another one, “but she never expected to have a leading position there either and only be a subordinate to a dwarven smith.”

“I hate dwarves more than anything!!!” She yelled while sobbing. “Greedy ugly gremlins who are so insecure about an elf surpassing them at their specialty that they made me a criminal!”

“I… See…” I murmured between greedy inhales of oxygen. It wasn’t that I was in grave danger and I could get her off of me if I wanted, but it also wasn’t overly comfortable to be hugged with the full force of an enthusiastic tanker like her.

“Ah! My lord, I’m so sorry!” Kaelira yelped when her brain managed to catch up with reality and let go of me. She raised herself up, now sitting on my lower abdomen. “Are you alright, Lord Quinlan?! Seraphiel, heal him!”

“Heal what? Discomfort? I’m not at that level yet…” The girl in question replied wryly.

“Oh.” Kaelira sighed a breath of relief when she realized that I was not hurt.

“So what’s up with this outburst of yours?”

Instead of replying to my question, she proposed one of her own. “Lord Quinlan, are you truly willing to make me the head of your smithing division?”

“Well, there’s no such division as of yet since you’re the only crafter present in my faction, and I also can’t promise you the position just due to you having an Epic tier class. With that being said, if you prove yourself to be capable, I see no reason not to promote you to the position of leadership.”

“Really?!” Her eyes shined so brightly that I had to question where the serene soldier from a minute ago had gone.


“Even if you find dwarves to join?”

“Listen, as long as you’re an excellent crafter and a good boss to your underlings, I won’t demote you just because of a talented dwarf’s arrival. That would be beyond unreasonable.”

“Thank you, Lord Quinlan!” Kaelira squealed as she dove in for a second round of hugs. Her serious army persona had totally evaporated into the wind.

“Master, I know you’re confused, but she is this overjoyed because you’ve just made history. No elf has ever been the leader of a crafting division, at least not since the creation of the Alliance between the two races, which happened a really long time ago even by elven standards.” Seraphiel chimed in, though I could tell that she was even more shocked at the antics of her former team leader.

“That’s right!”

An extremely sexy and strong woman, with such a genuine personality… I couldn’t help but remember back to my mothers’ words that Ambition seemed to be a promising ‘mother candidate’ as they put it, since in their minds everything was about motherhood for a woman.

Anyhow, I had only a single thought swirling in my mind right now.

Have I found elven wife nr.2?

“Master Kai, I’m back.” A dark-skinned redhead mage murmured as she stepped into her owner’s bedroom.

“Good. Tell me what you found.” The man who was lying lazily on his bed with three slaves servicing him at the same time ordered.

“They were found murdered in a shack in an abandoned alleyway. Grunt, Ian, and Grunt’s two slaves. Ian’s dog-kin slave had disappeared.”

Hearing this the man’s features contorted in great fury. “Who dares kill my lackeys?!”

She replied emotionlessly, “the perpetrator had not been identified. The local authorities have concluded that the murder took place weeks before the bodies were found, making any trail that they could’ve followed cold by that point.”

“This feels like an attack against me. Like they just spit on my name because they don’t dare face me. Sigh… I can’t do anything for now, we arrived to late. Come, Red, message my shoulders since you’re so useless for anything else.” Kai sighed dejectedly.

Kai was the Mithril-ranked adventurer who was with Ian – Blossom’s old, rotund master and Grunt, the guy who tried to take Blossom from Ian by force.

One of Kai’s slaves was getting a bit on in age as she showed the first sign of developing a wrinkle, so he took his adventurer slave harem party to the capital of the Greenvale Dutchy to sell her and get a replacement.

He spent some time there doing quests and enjoying life, and by the time he arrived back in Aldoria, his two dumb underlings were nowhere to be seen.

Although the remaining slaves didn’t say it out loud, they were extremely envious of the woman they left behind there because a female adventurer bought her and she only wanted to use her as a combatant, which would’ve been a dream come true for any of them.

Especially to ‘Red’, the dark-skinned mage who had been Kai’s favorite for over three years now. Kai did not bother with learning most of the names of his slaves, so he just called them by the color of their hair. What if there were more than one of the same color you ask?

“Black 2, put a bit more effort into your tongue’s movements. Ah, yes, just like that. Good.”

Red, also known as Shallan, moved behind her accursed owner with a heavy heart.

“Damn this! Fucking Greenskin missions everywhere! When is the army coming to clean them up?! I’m so tired of this!” Kai grumbled frustratedly while browsing through the Adventurer’s Guild’s available missions.

Since the invasion began about two months ago, getting around was nearly impossible for civilians and weak combatants, so every high-tier mission was about them doing the cleaning activity in the king’s and duke’s stead.

As a Mithril rank, he was a member of the third highest ranked group, alongside Broderick and his Whales, as the populace called his wives. Only Orichalcum and Adamantite were above them, but no such adventurer team chose to make the Winterwood County their headquarters. Experience tales at empire

“Oh, yeah! What about that letter, Blonde? The one from that shitty baron family… Blackthorn or something. The one with the kid named Tristan, the father named Triston, and the grandfather named Tristun. Hahaha! What a horrible naming sense. They wanted to hire me for something but I forgot.”

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