His eyes glimmered with greed at my words. “Ah, I see you’re a man of great means! Allow me to recommend this beauty here.” He gestured to a large, blackened anvil positioned prominently in the center of the room. Its surface gleamed with oil, and its edges were suspiciously sharp for a tool that should see daily use.

“This,” the merchant declared with a flourish, “is the pinnacle of artisanal craftsmanship. Forged by our finest dwarven smiths. It’s a perfect blend of function and beauty. Truly, my lord, only an anvil of this caliber could be worthy of your sky-high ambitions.”

Kaelira’s mental voice sounded into my mind. She was entirely unimpressed. <Lord Quinlan, he’s not outright lying, but that thing isn’t functional, at least not for what I need it. It’s decorative cast iron. He’s using the truth to obscure the fact that it would crack under real use. He must be assuming that you’re a dumb noble who thinks he can sit down in a smithy and create a masterpiece and then will give up and forget about it a few hours later once the cold, hard truth slaps him in the face. Ask about its hardness and durability.>

I stepped closer and tapped the anvil’s polished surface with a knuckle. “I guess it looks somewhat impressive…” Jasmine proved her quick wits when she continued, “But appearances can be deceiving, no?”

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I glanced at the merchant. “Tell me, how does it handle under prolonged use? Hardness rating? Wear resistance?”

The merchant’s grin faltered for a moment. He clearly didn’t expect me to even know the meaning of these words. However, afterward, his confidence returned, and if anything, his grin even widened, perfectly showcasing just how much of a weasel he was.

“Ah, an eye for detail, I see! A discerning craftsman, indeed. Rest assured, my lord, this anvil is built to last. The smiths who forged it used traditional methods passed down by their dwarven ancestors, ensuring it can withstand any challenge. And as for wear resistance… well, suffice it to say, it’s unmatched in its class.”

Kaelira’s mental tone grew annoyed. <He’s dancing around specifics like your typical slimy merchant. Press him on the material and real-life testing.>

I ran a hand along the edge of the anvil, letting a small frown tug at my lips. “Unmatched, you say? That’s quite the claim. I’m curious, though – what exactly is it made of? And has it been tested under load? Striking steel, repeated use…”

The merchant’s eyes flickered for the briefest moment, but he recovered smoothly. “Ah, of course, my lord. It’s cast iron, treated for additional durability. And while it hasn’t seen prolonged use since it’s a new product, its craftsmanship alone speaks volumes.”

<Cast iron. Useless. A real working anvil should be made from stronger metals; one good hit from me and my Strength stat and it will break. He’s trying to offload this decorative piece as if it were a premium tool.>

I straightened and crossed my arms, letting a hint of irritation seep into my tone. “Cast iron? I’ve heard it tends to be brittle, under heavy impact. Not exactly ideal for a smithy that plans to work with expensive metals.”

The merchant’s smile tightened, but he quickly pivoted. “Ah, but you underestimate the artistry involved here, my lord! While it’s true that many cast iron anvils lack durability, this one has been specially reinforced. For a beginner smith – one seeking to hone their craft, it’s perfect. You won’t find a better starting point anywhere else in Valorian.”

Jasmine’s voice cut in, dripping with condescension. “Starting point? Do you take my man for some amateur tinkerer?”

I couldn’t help but notice that this sly woman kept calling me by endearing titles now that she had the perfect opportunity to do so. Hubby before, and now she outright claimed me as hers… It was kind of sweet, not gonna lie. I like my women to be possessive.

I scoffed while waving dismissively at the cast iron anvil. “I’m not interested in toys. Show me something worthy of a master smith’s forge.” My declaration was accompanied by a furious glare that screamed, ‘How dare you?!’

The merchant’s face contorted, and he offered many apologies once again, after which his eyes lit up, clearly thinking he’d struck gold. “Forgive me for underestimating your expertise, my lord. Right this way.”

He led us to another anvil tucked further back in the shop. This one was more modest in appearance, but it was forged mithril.

“This,” the merchant declared, “is a true workhorse, crafted solely by our oldest and most talented dwarven master artificer. It’s the choice of seasoned craftsmen who value quality above all else. A piece like this is an investment, my lord, but one that will serve you faithfully for centuries.”

Kaelira’s mental voice returned, approving this time. <This one’s genuine, but I’m sure he’s about to inflate the price. It should be worth about 4 gold.>

I tapped the anvil thoughtfully while nodding as if impressed. “This is more like it. And the price?”

The merchant hesitated just long enough for me to catch the calculation behind his eyes. “It costs a mere 30 gold, 21 with the discount. It’s a price I’m sure is nothing but a bargain for a man of your means.”

And this is why I hate merchants, unless they’re on my side, of course. Searᴄh the novёlF~ire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Jasmine made a choking sound to voice her pure disbelief. “21?! For this? I’ve seen anvils just like this in the south for a tenth the price.”

The merchant paled slightly but held his ground. “Ah, but my lady, those are likely inferior imitations. This one is the real deal, guaranteed.”

I officially had enough. It was time to end this farce.

I gathered my strength and slammed my fist on the anvil, but instead of breaking my bones, I broke the display it was placed upon. A resounding crash sounded from the result of my actions, causing the merchant to yelp in fright.

<This was getting way too nerdy for my tastes. Go, master! Show this rat loser how much of a superior man you are!> I ignored my Sera’s cheering ringing in my mind as I confidently strolled up to the man to tower over his small frame, and I put my hand on his shaking shoulder before growling, “This is the last chance you get. Try to cheat me out of my money one more time and I’ll ruin you.”

And just like that, Kaelira had stocked up on all the goodies her smithy needed to begin working in earnest.

I put everything away into my storage ring, after which we traveled to a luxurious inn where I demanded a private dining room and said that I’m not to be disturbed until I call for them. The pale waitress nodded many times her understanding.

We then undressed and changed into garbs that perfectly hid us, I summoned my strongest allies just in case, and traveled to the location where Jasmine said she could pawn Luke Winterwood’s gear off.

She once again proved her usefulness when everything went smoothly, though that might’ve been due to Blackjack glaring at them with his crazed swirly eyes while licking the edge of his saber, daring them to give him a reason to use it.

I sent my allies back, after which we teleported back to the inn room.

It would soon be time for the grand auction to start, and I had 790 gold to spend, a true fortune!

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