We stepped inside the Grand Auction Hall, and I was forced to admit that it was nothing short of breathtaking.
The main chamber was a vast amphitheater. Its ceiling was painted with scenes of heroic battles of the Vraven Kingdom’s most notable historic events, namely where they trashed the elf-dwarf alliance or the beastkin confederation. Chandeliers made of enchanted crystals bathed the room in a warm, pleasantly bright light. Rows upon rows of seating could be seen, all facing a central stage where the goodies would be presented.
The air itself seemed charged as it buzzed with anticipation and sheer wealth. Servants moved swiftly and gracefully between the aisles, offering wine and snacks to the attendees. Every surface, from the marble floors to the gilded railings, screamed opulence. Yet it was the people who completed the picture – lords and ladies in the finest garments. Their eyes gleamed with greed and ambition while they whispered among themselves about what treasures might appear.
When we were escorted to our seats, I realized something peculiar about the VIP arrangements. Unlike Earth, where VIP guests were usually offered private booths or secluded seating in the back, here we were placed in the front row, right in front of the stage. No privacy, no curtains – just an unobstructed view of the stage.
At first, I found it odd. Why would the wealthiest individuals in the kingdom be forced to sit in plain sight of everyone else? But as I thought more about it, the reasoning became clear.
The front-row seats offered an unparalleled opportunity to observe the artifacts and other items up close. Unlike those seated further back, VIPs could see the smallest details, such as runes, engravings, and even sense the aura that some items emanated. Artificers and devout collectors in the front row might also be able to glean valuable information just by studying an artifact’s construction or magical flow.
Additionally, the arrangement allowed the VIPs to flaunt their status. Here, their wealth and power were on full display in the form of an unspoken contest of superiority among the kingdom’s elite.
Jasmine leaned closer to grab onto my hand so that she could interlock her fingers with mine before stating, “You seem distracted, my love. Don’t worry. No one here can match our combined brilliance.”
Continue your adventure with empire
“Someone’s a very good opportunist…” I murmured while amusedly watching her hand which firmly held onto mine.
“Hehe, but of course!” She giggled back.
Although we were seated in the front row, that didn’t mean that we got the typical shitty seats one might associate with the term ‘front row’. There were spacious couches and sofas made of grandiose crimson red leather, there was a marble coffee table in front of me filled with snacks and drinks, and there was even enough space behind us so that an entourage of staff could work efficiently to make their lord’s time as enjoyable as possible.
Sera and Kaelira stood behind our couch just as so. While they were slaves and not my staff, no one bothered me about sending them away from where everyone could see them.
Thus, their delicate long ears and skimpy choice of clothing were visible to all, continuously bolstering my image. At this point, it felt like they were a passive ability of mine. [Hot Elven Sex Slaves: The primordial entity Quinlan Noir receives fame and interest from the populace every minute his two slaves are displayed for all to see.]
Or something like that.
I turned my neck to see the ongoings happening behind me. The rows were getting filled swiftly with excited guests ready to spend a whole fortune.
I’d learned from a staff member I called over that the minimum wealth one had to display to gain entry was 3 gold coins. It was the perfect amount that was entirely unattainable for your average commoners, but established merchants could gather that much money. This way, the organizers filtered out the filth while still allowing some small-time spenders in. There were going to be sections with rapid-fire auctions from what I learned, where more than one cheaper item would be auctioned at the same time.
By shoving many ‘poor’ commoners into the back of the building, they could maximize profits while also minimizing the space these people occupied because they were huddled together on simple wooden benches.
Multiple guards watched them, not to ensure their safety but to step in to make order should the masses cause a commotion that would disturb the esteemed lords and ladies with the significant pouches.
In front of them sat a few rows of averagely-well dressed men and women, they had to show 10 gold coins to be given those seats which were no longer benches but moderately comfortable-looking chairs. Most of these people were successful merchants or poor nobles, such as barons with low-yielding territories.
Next came the people with 25 gold on their persons. They enjoyed sofas and couches that were as good as the ones I had in my home.
Yeah… It wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the home furniture, but to be honest, it was not that mine were bad, but that the ones I was seated on right now were simply out of this world.
Anyhow, these people were the most successful commoners and wealthy barons or impoverished counts. The more money a commoner earned through legal means, the more taxes they were forced to pay while nobles had a fixed rate. This was done to keep the filth in check, so even if one established a successful franchise with many shops, his income cap was limited. Though big taxpayers did get medals that honored their contribution to the kingdom. Naturally, these items were worthless.
The only exception to the taxation of the lowborn were the members of the Mage’s and Adventurer’s Guilds. They were scarcely taxed beyond what was reasonable because no one wanted strong individuals to go rogue and become vigilantes or outright criminals like yours truly.
In front of them sat the 50 gold gang, these ones saw some big-shot mages and adventurers as well as mostly families of counts and wealthy barons.
Next came the 100-coin group. This was where the count families who were doing well for themselves sat.
The 200 gold coin gang was the final one before mine, and although I hadn’t met them before, I instantly recognized the famous Adamantite team; Scarlet Lilies in this row. I didn’t have to look far, because they were sitting right behind me while glaring daggers at yours truly.
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