Ayame’s cheeks begin to redden due to the overwhelming interest the dog-kin is showing in her getting petted, so I relieve her from her misery. Well, somewhat. “Ayame especially likes when I do this action while embracing her in a tight hug.

Watch.” I say with a cheeky grin before hugging the silently protesting girl (based on her furious eyes) close to my body with my left hand, while I never relent from my assault on her head with the other one.

Despite her initial protests Ayame quickly melts into my embrace. “Ohhh! That really does look strangely comfortable!

Because Master Quinlan is so much taller it looks like a father guarding his adolescent pup or a male protecting his weakened mate!” Blossom shouts energetically and then begins jumping around us to once again observe the strange phenomenon from all possible angles while wagging her tail even faster than before.

“Ugh…” My cute samurai grunts with pain evident in her voice. Ayame has been shot, I repeat, Ayame has been shot!

After thirty or so seconds I release her and she swiftly darts away before I get second thoughts and continue her torture session. She reminds me of my mother’s cat a bit. Milky always dashed out of my embrace when I lifted her into my lap and then acted like I committed a great offense against her person.

I turn to Blossom and reach my hand out, letting it linger in the air because she is farther away. I don’t have to explain myself nor do I have to wait as in a fraction of a second I feel her head nuzzling against my hand as she leans into it and basically pets herself using me as a proxy.

She was so quick that my eyes failed to follow her movements. I’ve been getting better at seeing Ayame even when she is going at it with full power, but Blossom is on another level. “Wait, what’s your Agility score?”

It takes a few seconds for her brain to recognize that a question has been directed at her and another few to respond. “Hmm? Blossom has 65 Agility.”

What?! Ayame only has 50… Just how high is her level? Well she is something like a Rogue, so I assume her stat’s are Agility skewed, but still… That’s a lot. I honestly didn’t know she was so strong. I tried to recruit her because she was extremely cute and beautiful with a likeable personality, to be completely honest. It looks like I’ve made an even better choice than I already knew.

Blossom’s tail wags furiously as she leans into my hand, nuzzling against it with a level of affection that’s both heartwarming and heartbreaking. It’s clear to me that this is a new experience for her, and she’s reveling in the moment. I gently scratch her behind her ears, feeling the soft fur between my fingers, and her eyes close in bliss.

Her initial nervousness dissolves as she begins to purr softly, a sound I didn’t even know dog-kin could make. Her entire body seems to relax, and she leans more heavily into my touch. I can’t help but smile at her reaction. It’s like petting a puppy who’s just discovered how good it feels to be loved.

“You deserve to feel safe and cared for, Blossom,” I say softly, continuing to stroke her head.

Her eyes open slightly, and she looks at me with a mixture of joy and sadness. She shifts closer, her head now resting against my chest. I wrap an arm around her, pulling her into a firm hug. For a moment, she stiffens, as if unsure how to react. But then, she melts into the embrace similarly to Ayame, her arms wrapping around me in return.

“Everything is going to be okay,” I whisper. “We will rescue you very soon.”

Blossom lets out a small, contented sigh, her ears twitching adorably as she settles into the hug. Her tail continues to wag, albeit more slowly, and I can feel her heartbeat calming against me. It’s a beautiful, tender moment, and I’m struck by how much she must have missed out on in her life.

After a while, she looks up at me with bright, tear-filled eyes. “Thank you, Master Quinlan. Blossom has never… felt like this before.”

I smile warmly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. “Don’t mention it. You might not officially be a part of our team yet, but rest assured that the both of us will fight to free you from your oppressor.”

Ayame, who has been watching with a soft smile, steps closer and gently pats Blossom’s back, adding her own layer of reassurance.

Blossom’s eyes well up with tears, and soon she’s crying softly onto my chest. I hold her gently, stroking her hair and murmuring soothing words, while Ayame continues to pat her back reassuringly. The flood of emotions is overwhelming for Blossom, but it’s a necessary release.

After a few minutes, her sobs begin to quiet down, and she pulls back slightly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “Thank you,” she whispers, her voice still shaky. “Blossom doesn’t know what she’d done to deserve this kindness.”

“You’ve saved our lives, Blossom. Don’t undersell your achievements against the war troll. Without you, there was absolutely no chance of victory.” Ayame replies softly. “Thus, we owe you a great debt that can only be paid back by providing you with the best life we possibly can.”

Blossom nods, her eyes red but a faint smile can be seen forming on her lips. “… Blossom thinks that she is ready now.”

“Good,” I say, giving her one final squeeze. “Let’s head back to the inn and get some rest. We have a lot to plan.”

The three of us make our way through the forest and back to the town of Aldoria. Blossom follows closely, her footsteps lighter now, as if a great weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Ayame walks beside her, occasionally glancing over to make sure she’s okay.

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