Putting Warrior as my class could’ve been smarter as people might look down on Assassins as an evil class, but since it works on monsters too there’s nothing illegal about having this class, however, Warrior is lvl 7, and in this world normal combatant humanoids have the same Level and Class Level from what I know, so there could be some complications there.

“Understood, sir.” She replies, then brings out the artifact I was expecting. She instructs me to put my palm on the round object, which lights up. Once I take my hand off the clerk puts her own on it, then begins writing down the results.

Nice, this way my stats won’t be broadcasted to the world. I was worried that Ayame would recognize that I’m leveling up way too quickly. Honestly, I shouldn’t hide my primordial race anymore from her, we must have a talk soon.

“I’m done processing your information. Is the slave behind you going to be registered as your combat slave?”

“Yes, please process her as well.”

Now extremely observant people might have realized that I should have 12 Unused Skill Points, but I only have 10. That’s because I unlocked a new skill which required Slave Master lvl 5 to be achieved.

[Slave Status Modify]

This is an evil, invasive spell that completely rejects a slave’s personal rights and allows his or her master to decide what the slave uses his or her unused points on, it can also change the slave’s class without the need to send him or her to a temple to pray- which is the only way humanoids normally can change classes- and lastly, it even allows the master to change the slave’s name.

I was interested in the last part, because letting people know that my slave is the exiled duchess-to-be would be a stupid mistake to make on my part. The fact that in their culture naming your child the same as the clan leader’s children was a taboo, so the only other Ayames running around on the continent are all older than her further adds fuel to my decision.

Or perhaps there are a few newborns by now as well, since her younger sister, Kaede, is the clan leader and duchess now, so the name Ayame is again on the market.

After I discussed it with my companion she agreed to the name swap. She shared my exact same concerns, so there was no argument taking place. We settled on the name Hana, because according to her it was the most common female name in her clan, which was a good way to hide her identity.

To me she will always be Ayame, but for the time being her legal name is Hana.

Once the clerk saw her status her eyes widened and glanced my way.

Yeah, I have a level 14 Samurai slave while I’m only level 6 basic bitch Assassin. What about it? Stop giving me the stinky eye, woman. In all honesty I know what she is thinking, which is that I must be quite loaded if I can afford such an expensive slave with a rare and an exotic class at that, but my gear doesn’t support that claim.

Both of us are in simple commoner’s garbs and our weapons are simple steel ones. We might be giving off quite a strange vibe when all facts are considered, but not enough to make them launch a serious investigation into me.

I hope.

“It’s customary for adventurer teams to have a team name. Is it fair to assume that you wish to create a team? If so, have you thought of a name to register?” She inquires politely.

“Quinlan’s Beautiful Battle Babes, QBBB for short.” I state matter-of-factly with a straight face, without hesitating for a split second as I don’t need time to dwell on the question because I came prepared having already spent a good few hours deliberating on the perfect name for the future most famous adventurer team.

The clerk’s mouth twitches wildly before she bursts out laughing, clutching at her stomach, then she does her best to suppress her unprofessional outburst with little success as a tear forms in her left eye while she is apologizing to me profusely for her unprofessional conduct.

She is not the only one as all the other clerk ladies’ heads, who were in our vicinity, snap in my direction upon hearing my team name suggestion.

Ayame, on the other hand, stomps the ground furiously and gives me a death glare, before turning to the clerk. “Miss, the name has not yet been decided. Please give us a few days to deliberate.”

The clerk finally collects herself and nods to Ayame.

Uhmm… Lady?

She is my slave, why do you take her word over mine?!

Is the clerk a feminist?

I’m left baffled, but both of them ignore my puzzled state before I speak up once more.

“I’ve been undecided between this and another name, perhaps you will like the second one better.”

“Quinlan…” Ayame’s voice strangely has a pleading tone to it.

“The main issue with QBBB is that it’s not symmetric. With Quinlan’s Beautiful Battle Queens we get the perfectly sounding QBBQ abbreviation, though I personally prefer the word babes over queens.”

A short silence ensues where someone coughs in the background.

“So, sir, there are eight adventurer ranks,” she begins narrating with a professional attitude.

I got disregarded completely it seems. Feels bad man. I liked the first name a lot.

“Each rank is named after alloys, with Iron rank being the lowest and Adamantite the highest. Our policy used to be that all newcomers start in Iron but that got changed when we lost a few very strong prospective adventurers who became part of the Mercenary’s Guild because they didn’t want to climb up from the bottom.

Our current policy is that every 10 levels gives an automatic rank up upon registration, so a level 10 person would start at Bronze, the second lowest rank and a level 20 would get promoted to Silver instantly. Sadly this doesn’t apply to you as you are below level 10.”

Wow, that was a lot of info dump for something that I’m not eligible for. Is she playing with me?!

“What’s your name, miss clerk?”

“Evelyn, kind sir.”

I will have my revenge, Evelyn.

Though, to be completely honest, if she did accept the names, I would’ve shamelessly backed out myself. Their purpose was just to take a jab at Ayame and lighten the mood up in general. I don’t have enough cringe-tolerant vessels flowing through my veins to be able to go through with registering under such a name.

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