Chapter 2457: Shopping
Sam's single-handedly scored higher than any other team in any other grade.
Even the elders and grand elders who were out there competing didn't have this level of success. In fact, their success is subpar in most of the realms and a lot of their realms were even untouched.
So, riding on Sam's results, the Gambler academy ended up in the lead position as well. No one was really too shocked that Sam won, but they were indeed startled by the number.
Once the results were announced, Sam decided to go to the exchange center to check out what he could buy.
From what Ling Tian said before, as long as there are enough points, anything could be bought using the exchange system during the conquest.
Sam didn't really have anything particular in mind, but he did want to see if there is anything that could improve his new innovations. Right now, his new puppets can act independently, regenerate, can use the skills of the models they were created after.
But they were just common soldiers in the fold and he needs some that could act as generals and commanders in his new puppet army.
Something that could help him really punch above his current weight class. Something that could help him take down a third grader or two.
For some reason, Sam was the first one to arrive. The exchange center was empty.
He went in and looked through the list. He was surprised by the vast number of categories. Weapons, ores, formation blueprints, artefacts, inscription array blueprints, weapon blueprints, beasts, bloodlines, Inheritances…
There are just way too many for him to pick from.
Sam looked through the categories and his gaze landed on the artefacts first. He wanted to see what kind would be there.
And he wasn't that surprised.
There are many artefacts. Ones that could attack, defend, capture, kill and even improve the wielder's strength. But none of them were of Sam's interest. The one artefact that barely caught his eye was a cage.
A cage that could capture people and beasts as long as the opponent was within a certain range of wielder's strength. The target shouldn't be too strong and it would work well if they were on same level and their strength has declined.
Sam's thunder prison could do much more and it was a lot more versatile.
His chessboard could capture thirty two members at the same time, if he used properly and can be used to brainwash them into his slaves.
Sam had way too many tricks up his sleeves, that he didn't even get to use half the good stuff he had at hands.
So, there was no point in buying this stuff.
He went back to the category list and opened the bloodlines. This one intrigued him a bit. It seemed like the system already took his race as human into consideration and displayed which bloodlines are compatible or not.
It is not that he couldn't buy the ones he wasn't compatible with, but he has an option if he only wanted to check the ones that he is compatible with.
And the human body is actually pretty compatible with a lot of other humanoid bloodlines that he could assimilate. He might not reach the hundred percent potential of those bloodlines. But he would definitely not be so incompatible to the point he had to reject it.
Sam scrolled though them for a while and picked a couple of bloodlines that he wanted to study. These are the ones that he didn't come across until now.
One of them is the Devil Bloodline. It was actually a human bloodline. Much like the Dragon hawk tribe, it was a sub race among humans that somewhere crossed with a race called Devils.
The other one is the Aurora bloodline.
Another sub-race under the humans. It was also one of the few bloodlines that was known to use light element in an attacking manner. Sam had rarely met anyone who could do it.
Each bloodline cost 10,000 points. That's 20,000. No one, not a single student could splurge that much, unless these bloodlines were actually what they were aiming for.
Once he bought them both, he closed up and opened the inheritances.
This was another category that he was interested in. One of the reasons was, the inheritances were probably the only way for him to speed up the cultivation, other than binge eating creatures at the third grade level.
Ever since he came to academy realm, Sam realized how slow his cultivation has become.
He did consume a lot of flesh and blood of the second grade level creatures, but he didn't see much progress. He stayed in the initial stage of initiation for months, which he is not willing to spend for the next stages.
From what Ling Tian said, anything could be bought in the exchange center with the conquest points. So, he figured this was also possible.
And when he scrolled through the inheritances, he did see something similar.
A Divine inheritance of a warrior. However, it was a bit special compared to the rest of the inheritances. It didn't have any techniques, bloodlines or memories assimilated in it. Instead, it was just the cultivated energy.
In the description, even the method of extraction was vaguely given.
So, basically a cultivator who had neutral energy and was about to die, was captured and all the energy he already refined and cultivated into his core has been extracted along with his core.
This energy is highly concentrated and it was all collected. In a way, it is essentially a tonic of sorts that will speed up his cultivation process.
However, it was up to the consumer to tame this energy and make it his own. Because, the energy within has already changed its nature a bit since it went through a cultivation process. For example, a lightning user's neutral spiritual energy will also show some characteristics of lightning. It will be chaotic and destructive.
A sword user's energy will be sharp.
A water user's energy will be flowy and gentle.
So, these natures might contradict with the consumer and cause a problem. However, for Sam, this isn't much of a big deal. He had a bunch of elements and he was used to changing the nature of energy based on all the various fighting techniques he uses.
So, it was a good deal for him.
Only the problem was, the price. Sam looked at it and sighed. Apparently the energy was extracted from the third grade warrior, that too at the beginner states. Which means, it was a cultivator at the initial stage of the Divine Plane Pre-transcendence.
And this inheritance cost fifty thousand points.
It is expensive. Way too expensive. From an objective point of view, weighting the risks and the price… it didn't seem that cost efficient.
But Sam didn't care much. He bought the only one that was on the shelf at the moment. Apart from that, there wasn't much that intrigued him and he came back to the Gambler academy's station where Ling Tian was busy with the tasks.
"㢰 䟓䰪 㱯䃌㲽䑕㱯 䗴䃌 㡧䟓㬕䶁 䃌䑕㙒 䃌㵈 䗴䶁䃌㬕㙒 㵈䟓㺨䃌㡮㬕 㬃䃌䉦 䃌䤌㙒 䰪㙒䈌" 䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕 䉑䉦䗴 䗴䶁㙒 㥲䃌㡧䉦䰪㙒䑕䗴㬕 䃌䑕 䗴䶁㙒 䗴䟓㼰䆃㙒 䟓䑕㥲 䆃䃌䃌㛖㙒㥲 䟓䗴 䶁㲽䰪 㬕㙒㡮㲽䃌䉦㬕䆃㬃䈌
"㰆䶁䟓䗴 㥲䃌 㬃䃌䉦 䤌䟓䑕䗴䘿"
"㢰 䑕㙒㙒㥲 㬃䃌䉦 䗴䃌 㼰䉦㬃 䰪㙒 㬕䃌䰪㙒 㬕䗴䉦㵈㵈䈌 㢰䗴㬕 㵈㲽䑕㙒 㲽㵈 㬃䃌䉦 㡧䟓䑕 㱯㙒䗴 㬕䃌䰪㙒䃌䑕㙒 㙒䆃㬕㙒 䗴䃌 㼰䉦㬃 㲽䗴 䟓㬕 䤌㙒䆃䆃䈌"
䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕 㬕㲽㱯䶁㙒㥲 䟓䑕㥲 㬕䟓㲽㥲䈌
"䖉䃌㡮 䑕䃌䤌䵉 㢰 䑕㙒㙒㥲 䗴䃌 㬕䉑㙒㙒㥲 䉦䉑 䰪㬃 㡧䉦䆃䗴㲽㺨䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕䈌 㢰 䤌䟓䑕䗴 䃌䗴䶁㙒㡮 㡮㙒㱯䉦䆃䟓㡮 㲽䑕䶁㙒㡮㲽䗴䟓䑕㡧㙒㬕 䟓㬕 䤌㙒䆃䆃䈌 䤀䉦䗴 㢰 㡧䟓䑕 㥻䉦㬕䗴 㼰䉦㬃 䗴䶁㙒䰪 䟓䗴 䰪㬃 䆃㙒㺨㙒䆃䈌 㢰䗴 䤌䃌䑕'䗴 㼰㙒 䰪䉦㡧䶁 䃌㵈 䟓 䉑㡮䃌㼰䆃㙒䰪䈌
㢰 䟓䆃㬕䃌 䤌䟓䑕䗴 䗴䃌 㬕㙒㙒 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㬃䃌䉦 㱯䉦㬃㬕 䰪㲽㱯䶁䗴 䶁䟓㺨㙒 䟓㡧㡧㙒㬕㬕 䗴䃌䈌 䑠䶁㙒 䃌䉑䗴㲽䃌䑕㬕 䟓䗴 䰪㬃 䆃㙒㺨㙒䆃 䟓㡮㙒 䤌䟓㬃 䗴䃌䃌 䆃䃌䤌 䟓䑕㥲 䉦䑕䟓䉑䉑㙒䟓䆃㲽䑕㱯䈌"
䶖䟓䰪 㥻䉦㬕䗴 㬕䗴䟓㬃㙒㥲 㬕㲽䆃㙒䑕䗴 䤌㲽䗴䶁䃌䉦䗴 㡮㙒䉑䆃㬃㲽䑕㱯 䟓䑕㥲 䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕 㡧䃌䑕䗴㲽䑕䉦㙒㥲䈌
"䑠䶁㙒 䟓㡧䟓㥲㙒䰪㬃 䉑䃌㲽䑕䗴㬕 䰪䉦㬕䗴 㼰㙒 䉦㬕㙒㥲 䗴䃌 㥲㙒㺨㙒䆃䃌䉑 䗴䶁㙒 䟓㡧䟓㥲㙒䰪㬃 䗴䶁䃌䉦㱯䶁䵉 㬕䃌 㲽䗴 䤌䃌䉦䆃㥲 㼰㙒 䟓 䉑㡮䃌㼰䆃㙒䰪䈌"
"䭎䃌䵉 㬃䃌䉦 㡧䟓䑕'䗴䈌 䅝䃌䉦 㡧䟓䑕 䃌䑕䆃㬃 㬕䶁䃌䉑 䟓䗴 㬃䃌䉦㡮 㱯㡮䟓㥲㙒 䆃㙒㺨㙒䆃䈌 䑠䶁㙒 䃌䑕䆃㬃 㙒㞣㡧㙒䉑䗴㲽䃌䑕 㲽㬕 䗴䶁㙒 䟓㡧䟓㥲㙒䰪㬃 䉑䃌㲽䑕䗴㬕䈌"
"䶖䗴㲽䆃䆃䵉 㬃䃌䉦 㥲䃌 䃌䤌㙒 䰪㙒 䟓 㡧䃌䉦䉑䆃㙒 䃌㵈 㵈䟓㺨䃌㡮㬕䵉 㡧䟓䑕'䗴 㬃䃌䉦 䉑䉦䆃䆃 䟓䑕㬃 㬕䗴㡮㲽䑕㱯㬕䘿 㢰 㥲㲽㥲 㥲䃌 䗴䶁㙒 䟓㡧䟓㥲㙒䰪㬃 䟓 䆃䃌䗴 䃌㵈 㵈䟓㺨䃌㡮㬕 䗴䃌䃌 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㲽㬕 㡧䃌䑕㡵䉦㙒㬕䗴䈌"
"㢰㵈 㬃䃌䉦 㡮㙒䟓䆃䆃㬃 䤌䟓䑕䗴䵉 㬃䃌䉦 㡧䟓䑕 㱯㙒䗴 䗴䶁㙒㬕㙒 䗴䶁㲽䑕㱯㬕 㵈㡮䃌䰪 䗴䶁㙒 㬕㙒䑕㲽䃌㡮㬕 㬃䃌䉦㡮㬕㙒䆃㵈䈌 䅝䃌䉦 㥻䉦㬕䗴 䑕㙒㙒㥲 䗴䃌 䶁㙒䆃䉑 䗴䶁㙒䰪 䃌䉦䗴 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㙒㲽㡮 㡧䃌䑕㡵䉦㙒㬕䗴㬕 䟓䑕㥲 䉦㬕㙒 㬃䃌䉦㡮 㵈䟓㺨䃌㡮 䗴䃌 䰪䟓㛖㙒 䟓 㥲㙒䟓䆃 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䗴䶁㙒䰪䈌 䑠䶁㙒㬃 䤌㲽䆃䆃 䶁㙒䆃䉑 㬃䃌䉦 䉑䉦㡮㡧䶁䟓㬕㙒 䤌䶁䟓䗴㙒㺨㙒㡮 㬃䃌䉦 䤌䟓䑕䗴䈌"
"䑠䶁㙒䑕 㢰 䤌䃌䉦䆃㥲 䶁䟓㺨㙒 䗴䃌 䤌䃌㡮㛖 䶁䟓㡮㥲㙒㡮 䗴䶁䟓䑕 䑕䃌䤌䈌 㢰䗴 䤌㲽䆃䆃 䃌䑕䆃㬃 㲽䑕㡧㡮㙒䟓㬕㙒 䰪㬃 䤌䃌㡮㛖䆃䃌䟓㥲䈌"
䶖䟓䰪 䆃䃌䃌㛖㙒㥲 䟓䗴 䶁㲽䰪 㵈䃌㡮 䟓 䰪䃌䰪㙒䑕䗴 䟓䑕㥲 㬕䟓㲽㥲䈌
"㰆䶁䟓䗴 䉦㬕㙒 㲽㬕 䗴䃌 䶁䟓㺨㙒 㬃䃌䉦 䃌䤌㙒 䰪㙒 䗴䶁䟓䗴 䰪䟓䑕㬃 㵈䟓㺨䃌㡮㬕 㲽㵈 䗴䶁㙒㬃 䟓㡮㙒 䃌㵈 䑕䃌 䉦㬕㙒䈌 㢰 㵈㙒㙒䆃 䆃㲽㛖㙒 㢰 䆃䃌㬕䗴 䟓 䆃䃌䗴 㼰㬃 㥲䃌㲽䑕㱯 㬃䃌䉦㡮 㼰㲽㥲㥲㲽䑕㱯 䗴䶁㙒 䆃䟓㬕䗴 䗴䤌䃌 䗴㲽䰪㙒㬕䈌"
㗫㙒 㥲㲽㥲䑕'䗴 䶁䟓㺨㙒 䰪䟓䑕㬃 䗴䟓㡮㱯㙒䗴㬕 䟓䑕㥲 䃌䑕䆃㬃 䤌䟓䑕䗴㙒㥲 䗴䃌 㡧䶁㙒㡧㛖 䗴䶁㙒䰪 䃌䉦䗴 㵈䃌㡮 㵈䉦䑕䈌
䤀䉦䗴 䑕䃌䤌䵉 䶁㙒 䶁䟓㬕 䗴䃌 䉑䆃䟓䑕 䗴䶁㙒䰪 䃌䉦䗴 䰪䃌㡮㙒 㡧䟓㡮㙒㵈䉦䆃䆃㬃 䟓䑕㥲 䉑䟓㡮䗴㲽㡧㲽䉑䟓䗴㙒 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㙒 䤌䃌㡮䆃㥲㬕 䗴䶁䟓䗴 䶁㙒 䰪㲽㱯䶁䗴 䑕䃌䗴 㙒㺨㙒䑕 㼰㙒 㲽䑕䗴㙒㡮㙒㬕䗴㙒㥲 㲽䑕䈌 㢰䗴 䤌㲽䆃䆃 㼰㙒 㬕䉦㡧䶁 䟓 䶁䟓㬕㬕䆃㙒䈌 㰍㬕 䶁㙒 䤌䟓䆃㛖㙒㥲 䟓䤌䟓㬃䵉 䤌㲽䗴䶁䃌䉦䗴 㙒㺨㙒䑕 䗴䉦㡮䑕㲽䑕㱯 䟓㡮䃌䉦䑕㥲䵉 䶁㙒 㬕䉑䃌㛖㙒 䗴䃌 䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕䈌
㢰㵈 䗴䶁㙒㬃 㥲䃌䑕'䗴 㥲䃌 㲽䗴䵉 㢰 䟓䰪 䑕䃌䗴 䶁㙒䆃䉑㲽䑕㱯䈌"
䶖䟓䰪 䤌㙒䑕䗴 㲽䑕䗴䃌 㲽㬕䃌䆃䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕 㵈䃌㡮 䗴䶁㙒 䑕㙒㞣䗴 䗴䤌䃌 㥲䟓㬃㬕䈌 㰍䆃䃌䑕㱯 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䗴䶁㙒 㲽䑕䶁㙒㡮㲽䗴䟓䑕㡧㙒 䶁㙒 㼰䃌䉦㱯䶁䗴䵉 䶁㙒 䟓䆃㬕䃌 㱯䃌䗴 䗴䶁㙒 㲽䑕㬕䗴㡮䉦㡧䗴㲽䃌䑕㬕 䃌䑕 䶁䃌䤌 䗴䃌 䉦㬕㙒 㲽䗴䈌
㗫㙒 㥻䉦㬕䗴 䑕㙒㙒㥲㬕 䗴䃌 䟓㬕㬕㲽䰪㲽䆃䟓䗴㙒 䗴䶁㲽㬕 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䶁㲽㬕 㡧䃌㡮㙒䵉 㼰䉦䗴 䶁㙒 䶁䟓㬕 䗴䃌 㥲䃌 㲽䗴 㲽䑕 䟓 㱯㡮䟓㥲䉦䟓䆃 䉑㡮䃌㡧㙒㬕㬕䈌 䯾㺨㙒䑕 䗴䶁䃌䉦㱯䶁 䶖䟓䰪 㬕䟓㲽㥲 䶁㙒 䤌䟓㬕 㱯䃌㲽䑕㱯 䗴䃌 㲽䰪䉑㡮䃌㺨㙒 䶁㲽㬕 㡧䉦䆃䗴㲽㺨䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕䵉 㲽䗴 䤌䟓㬕 䃌䑕䆃㬃 䉑䟓㡮䗴㲽䟓䆃䆃㬃 䗴㡮䉦㙒䈌 㗫㙒 䤌䟓㬕 䗴䶁㲽䑕㛖㲽䑕㱯 䃌㵈 䟓 䤌䟓㬃 䗴䃌 䉦䑕䆃䃌㡧㛖 䗴䶁㙒 㲽䑕䶁㙒㡮㲽䗴䟓䑕㡧㙒䵉 䟓䑕㥲 䟓㼰㬕䃌㡮㼰 䗴䶁㙒 㙒䑕㙒㡮㱯㬃 㲽䑕 䟓 䰪䉦㡧䶁 㵈䟓㬕䗴㙒㡮 䤌䟓㬃䈌
㰍㵈䗴㙒㡮 䗴㲽䑕㛖㙒㡮㲽䑕㱯 䤌㲽䗴䶁 㲽䗴 㵈䃌㡮 䟓 䤌䶁㲽䆃㙒䵉 䶁㙒 㥲㲽㥲䑕'䗴 㡮㙒䟓䆃䆃㬃 䃌㼰䗴䟓㲽䑕 䟓䑕㬃䗴䶁㲽䑕㱯 䉦㬕㙒㵈䉦䆃䈌 㰍䗴 䆃㙒䟓㬕䗴 䑕䃌䗴 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䟓 䉑䶁㬃㬕㲽㡧䟓䆃 䰪㙒䗴䶁䃌㥲䈌
㗫㙒 㙒㺨㙒䑕 䉦㬕㙒㥲 䃌㼰㬕㙒㡮㺨䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕 㬕㛖㲽䆃䆃䈌
㢰䗴 䤌䟓㬕䑕'䗴 㡧䃌䰪䉑䆃㙒䗴㙒䆃㬃 㬕㙒䑕䗴㲽㙒䑕䗴䵉 㼰䉦䗴 㬕㙒䑕䗴㲽㙒䑕䗴 㙒䑕䃌䉦㱯䶁 䗴䃌 㛖䑕䃌䤌 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㲽䗴㬕 㡮䃌䆃㙒 䤌䟓㬕 䟓䑕㥲 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㲽䗴㬕 䑕䟓䗴䉦㡮㙒 䤌䟓㬕䈌
㢰䗴 㡧䟓䑕䑕䃌䗴 䗴䶁㲽䑕㛖 䟓䑕㥲 䶁䟓㺨㙒 䟓䑕 㲽䑕㬕䗴㲽䑕㡧䗴 䗴䶁䟓䗴 䤌䟓㬕 䆃㙒㬕㬕㙒㡮 䗴䶁䟓䑕 䗴䶁㙒 㥲䉦䰪㼰㙒㬕䗴 䃌㵈 䗴䶁㙒 䆃㲽㺨㲽䑕㱯 㡧㡮㙒䟓䗴䉦㡮㙒㬕䈌 䑠䶁䟓䗴 㵈䟓㲽䑕䗴 㲽䑕㬕䗴㲽䑕㡧䗴 䤌䟓㬕 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㛖㙒㙒䉑㲽䑕㱯 㲽䗴 㵈㡮䃌䰪 䟓㬕㬕㲽䰪㲽䆃䟓䗴㲽䑕㱯 㲽䑕䗴䃌 䟓䑕㬃䗴䶁㲽䑕㱯 㙒䆃㬕㙒䈌
䤀䟓㬕㙒㥲 䃌䑕 䗴䶁䟓䗴䵉 䶁㙒 㡧㡮㙒䟓䗴㙒㥲 䟓 㼰䉦䑕㡧䶁 䃌㵈 㬕㲽䰪䉦䆃䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕 䰪䃌㥲㙒䆃㬕 㲽䑕㬕㲽㥲㙒 䗴䶁㙒 㥲㲽㺨㲽䑕㙒 㥲㲽䰪㙒䑕㬕㲽䃌䑕 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㙒 䑕㙒㞣䗴 㡧䃌䉦䉑䆃㙒 䃌㵈 㥲䟓㬃㬕䈌
㗫㙒 䆃㙒㵈䗴 㼰㙒䶁㲽䑕㥲 㬕䃌䰪㙒 㡧䃌䰪䉑䆃㲽㡧䟓䗴㙒㥲 㬕㲽䰪䉦䆃䟓䗴㲽䃌䑕㬕 䗴䶁䟓䗴 䤌䃌䉦䆃㥲 䗴䟓㛖㙒 䟓 䆃䃌䑕㱯 䗴㲽䰪㙒 䗴䃌 䉑䟓䑕 䃌䉦䗴䈌 䶖䃌䵉 䟓㵈䗴㙒㡮 䶁㙒 䰪䟓㥲㙒 䟓䆃䆃 䗴䶁㙒 䟓㡮㡮䟓䑕㱯㙒䰪㙒䑕䗴㬕䵉 䶁㙒 䤌㙒䑕䗴 㼰䟓㡧㛖 䗴䃌 䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕䈌
"䅝㙒䟓䶁䈌 䑠䶁㙒 䘝㲽㺨㲽䑕㙒 䤀㙒䟓㬕䗴 㱯㡮䟓㺨㙒㬃䟓㡮㥲 㲽㬕 㬕䗴㲽䆃䆃 䗴䶁㙒 䗴䃌䉑 䉑㡮㲽䃌㡮㲽䗴㬃䈌 䑠䶁㙒㬃 㙒㞣㙒㡧䉦䗴㙒㥲 䟓䆃䆃 䗴䶁㙒 䗴䶁㲽䑕㱯㬕 䗴䶁䟓䗴 㬃䃌䉦 㬕䟓㲽㥲 䟓䑕㥲 䗴䶁㙒㬃 䟓㡮㙒 㥲㙒㵈㙒䑕㥲㲽䑕㱯 䟓㱯䟓㲽䑕㬕䗴 䗴䶁㙒䰪䈌 䤀䉦䗴 䗴䶁㙒㬕㙒 䶁㲽䗴 䟓䑕㥲 㡮䉦䑕 䗴䟓㡧䗴㲽㡧㬕 䟓㡮㙒 㱯䃌㲽䑕㱯 䗴䃌 䤌䃌㡮㛖 䃌䑕䆃㬃 㵈䃌㡮 㬕䃌 䆃䃌䑕㱯䈌"
"㢰 䉦䑕㥲㙒㡮㬕䗴䟓䑕㥲䵉 㢰 䤌㲽䆃䆃 㱯䃌 䗴䶁㙒㡮㙒 䟓䑕㥲 㬕㙒㙒 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㢰 㡧䟓䑕 㥲䃌䈌
"䅝㙒䟓䶁䵉 㼰䉦䗴 䗴䶁㙒㬃 䶁䟓㺨㙒 䟓 㡧䃌䑕㥲㲽䗴㲽䃌䑕 䃌㵈 䗴䶁㙒㲽㡮 䃌䤌䑕䈌"
"㰆䶁䟓䗴 㲽㬕 䗴䶁䟓䗴䘿"
"䑠䶁㙒䑕䵉 䤌䶁䟓䗴 㲽㵈 㢰 㱯㙒䗴 䰪䃌㡮㙒 䗴䶁䟓䑕 㛐㡎䘿 㰆䶁䟓䗴 䤌㲽䆃䆃 䗴䶁㙒㬃 㥲䃌䵉 䗴䶁㙒䑕䘿"
䋶㲽䑕㱯 䑠㲽䟓䑕 㱯㡮㲽䑕䑕㙒㥲 䟓㬕 㲽㵈 䶁㙒 㙒㞣䉑㙒㡧䗴㙒㥲 䗴䶁㲽㬕䈌
"䑠䶁㙒䑕䵉 䗴䶁㙒㬃 㼰㙒䗴䗴㙒㡮 㱯㙒䗴 㡮㙒䟓㥲㬃 䗴䃌 㥲䃌 䗴䶁䟓䗴䈌 㰍䑕㥲 㢰 䶁䃌䉑㙒 䗴䶁㙒㬃 䤌㲽䆃䆃 㡧䃌㺨㙒㡮 䰪㬃 䟓㬕㬕 䤌䶁㲽䆃㙒 㢰 䟓䰪 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㙒㡮㙒䈌 㢰 䟓䰪 䤌㙒䟓㛖 䟓㬕 㵈䉦㡧㛖 㡧䃌䰪䉑䟓㡮㙒㥲 䗴䃌 䃌䗴䶁㙒㡮 䗴䶁㲽㡮㥲 㱯㡮䟓㥲㙒㡮㬕 䟓䑕㥲 㢰 㥲䃌䑕'䗴 䤌䟓䑕䗴 䗴䃌 㛖㲽䆃䆃 䰪㬃㬕㙒䆃㵈 㼰㬃 㼰㙒㲽䑕㱯 䗴䶁㙒㡮㙒䈌"
"䘝䃌䑕'䗴 䤌䃌㡮㡮㬃 䟓㼰䃌䉦䗴 㲽䗴䈌 䑠䶁㙒㬃 㡧䟓䑕 䶁㙒䆃䉑 㬃䃌䉦 䃌䉦䗴 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䗴䶁䟓䗴䈌"
"㰆䶁䟓䗴 㲽㬕 䗴䶁䟓䗴䘿"
"䭎䃌 䃌䑕㙒 㬕䶁䃌䉦䆃㥲 㛖䑕䃌䤌 䗴䶁䟓䗴 㢰 䟓䰪 㱯䃌㲽䑕㱯 㲽䑕䗴䃌 䗴䶁䟓䗴 㡮㙒䟓䆃䰪䈌 䭎䃌 䃌䑕㙒䈌 䯾㞣㡧㙒䉑䗴 㵈䃌㡮 㬃䃌䉦 䟓䑕㥲 䗴䶁㙒 䗴㙒䟓䰪䈌 䶖䃌䵉 䶁㙒䆃䉑 䰪㙒 䤌㲽䗴䶁 䗴䶁㙒 㡧䃌㺨㙒㡮 䉦䉑 䟓䑕㥲 䟓 㥲㲽㬕㱯䉦㲽㬕㙒 䗴䃌 㱯㙒䗴 㲽䑕 䗴䶁㙒㡮㙒䈌 㰍䑕㥲 㬕㙒䑕㥲 䗴䶁㙒㬕㙒 䗴㡮䟓㡧㛖㙒㡮㬕 㲽䑕䈌 㰍㬕 㬕䃌䃌䑕 䟓㬕 㢰 䆃䟓䑕㥲 䗴䶁㙒㡮㙒䵉 䗴㙒䆃䆃 䗴䶁㙒䰪 䗴䃌 䤌䟓㲽䗴 㵈䃌㡮 䰪㙒䈌
"㰍䆃㡮㲽㱯䶁䗴䈌 䘝䃌䑕'䗴 䤌䃌㡮㡮㬃 䟓㼰䃌䉦䗴 㲽䗴䈌
䅝䃌䉦 㡧䟓䑕 䆃㙒䟓㺨㙒 㲽䑕 䟓 㵈㙒䤌 䶁䃌䉦㡮㬕䈌"
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