He always thinks that those who are blessed with a strong affinity to magic should be on top and will always have the final say in everything. He thought that his powers are for taking control and subduing the weak. He was arrogant through and through.

One God came down and challenged him after earning their ire. To further boost his already inflated ego, he came out victorious in the end, thus only making him more self-entitled.

He went on and challenged more Gods. Lesser ones who are still on the cusp of immortality, also as arrogant as he, and are easily angered. He also fought devils who are believed to be the purest of all magic-borns. Magic to them is as easy as breathing, it's already in their blood, marked in their very souls. 

The more he wins, the more frustrated he gets. Which just bored him more. How can he ever be satisfied? Is there going to be a time that he would feel satisfied with anything? He grew mad as he got stronger..

He just can't be satisfied. He went on and provoked Higher Gods, and then he finally lost. Once. Which had almost cost him his life, if not for the one who had saved him from death, his mistress.

From the first time he laid eyes on her, he felt how inferior he was in comparison to that entity. He, who had always stood at the top. She showed him what real power is… what real magic is… what miracle is… And he will never forget that.

So he took her as his master and revered her. To him, she is everything. And for his devotion to her, he finally mellowed down. His thirst for power was no longer his main goal but knowledge. He wanted to unravel the mysteries of magic he carelessly uses and takes for granted.

He followed her wherever she went and learned a lot at the same time. He thought he had seen what magic really is but he was actually dead wrong. There's more to making things go boom… Magic is not just how big your magic circle is, or how complicated and sparkly the spells are. It's more divine and mysterious. It sent his heart throbbing upon seeing what she could do with it. 

Time goes by and he learns how to use his powers to greater use. He subdued the demons who were wreaking havoc towards mankind. If it was the past, he wouldn't care less about it. But then he found out that his master holds mankind special and he wanted to protect it. He offered the demons to her but she never needed them anyway, hence why Magia Regis is found.

And Merlin here was one of the many people he had met in his lifetime. A magic-born like him and also a past troublemaker.

"Huh. Done babysitting a mortal?" Janus scoffed.

Merlin, who was about to sit down on one of the couches, glanced at him.

"He has a name."

"Right. Anthony," he uttered flippantly.

"No," Merlin rebuked-- "That's nowhere even near."

"Eh. Who cares," Janus grumbled and turned away in indifference, clearly not giving a shit.

"He's still a king, you know," said Merlin as he shook his head in disapproval-- "And it's Arthur, remember it next time."

After all, his king was already like a brother to him now, however cheesy that might sound. They have been through a lot and witnessed his growth… Hmm, now that he thought more about it, it's actually as if Arthur is his son or something.

"Well… he doesn't deserve my attention," Janus replied. His head then turned towards Merlin's direction and proudly raised his pipe-- "And I'm also a king if you haven't forgotten either," and puffed a smoke to the air.

That's right. He was a king before and a king even now. The difference is that he once ruled over lands but now he ruled over magic.

The Wise King, they said. Yet Merlin can't see where in tarnation is the wise part they had dubbed him. If anything, he should be called the Mad King. or the Lazy King, or the Pompous King. Either of the three suits him more.

"Still the same arrogant man…" Merlin remarked while chuckling. He had already known how high his self-esteem is and it looks like it didn't diminish throughout the years. Though the way he acts so highly doesn't really come off as overbearing. It's actually more awe-inspiring now. 

He won't ever tell him that though. No way will he make this bastard's head bigger.

"Don't also forget that you were once a mortal," Merlin added.

"I'm a magic-born, there's a vast difference," Janus immediately rebuked.

Merlin nodded, "Hmm that's true…"

"If you have nothing to do, go and destroy a planet or something."

Merlin stared at Janus in bafflement, "... I can't possibly do that, I'm not an omnipotent God, you fool. And even if I am, I won't do it."

Janus laughed sardonically at his words.

"Should one be an omnipotent God to destroy a planet? Here, I will teach you. You just need 777 different spells at the same time."

"No thanks," Merlin declined.

'777 different spells at the same time… Seriously...'

Merlin is a wizard. The most powerful among his class. But he is mainly best on the defensive side. 

Sure, he can make countries go boom and more but he's nowhere near this man's capability when it comes to offense and making everything else explode as well.

People call them equal in strength but he doubts it. He has seen him in action before and he was already so strong. What about now? He sure is curious but he also doesn't want to make him go around and destroy shit.

"I'm teaching you for free."

"I don't need it."

Janus then proceeded to ignore him again.

"Suit yourself. But don't pester me if you're just bored."

Merlin beamed at him, his pair of hazel eyes sparkling.

"But that is what I'm going to do. I want to plaaay."

Janus scowled at him.

"Then go play somewhere else.

'What is he? A kid?'

"Come oooon," Merlin walked over to his hammock and tried to touch him. 

Before he could, Janus stopped his movements with a spell which he easily broke away from. But the former already predicted it and he found himself facing an empty couch instead of his hammock. Merlin was surprised and had totally not expected it. His momentum let his body fall on the softest couch he had ever laid on. 

"Holy shit this feels great. I want this!" and snuggled onto it.

"It's velvet," said Janus.

"I want this, give this to me!"


Merlin shifted on the sofa to face him and pouted.

"You're so uncharitable…"

"Go away, Merlin."

Janus has always been alone at the top of the tower for so long that having a rambunctious person there gives him a headache. Plus the fact that the person was no other than Merlin and his devil-may-care attitude.

"Nope! Not until you agree to play with me. Just like old times," Merlin replied.

Janus frowned, "What? You want to burn down a kingdom or something?"

"No," he responded and evilly smiled-- "Let's pissed off some Gods instead."

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