With just a snap of his fingers, runes wrote themselves on the walls. He didn't exert much effort at all. And even without knowing the intricacy of the spell, I could feel how advanced it was. 

That night just solidified how terrifying Janus's ability really is. Or how terrifying the Magia Regis are in general. 

And to think that some of them are devils...

I can't shake that information off my head now.

I'm so glad I am a changed woman and that I am behaving like a good girl with my whole heart. I can't imagine being an antagonist in a world where a powerful being lives who can snap your existence into dust..

And I'm also glad that Janus doesn't care that I am a trespasser at all.

'Oh goodness me… Aren't I lucky?'

Okay back to the topic at hand. 

So to create a magic circle, you only have to imagine what you want to do and chant the spell. The more complicated the magic is, the longer it takes to manifest.

"Magic of basic levels can be cast within seconds and it includes lighting a fire, knocking an object down, and throwing a rock at someone's head…"

Wait, what? That escalated quickly...

The intermediate level has more defensive and offensive spells which can or can not kill someone. It can surely incapacitate them though. And of course, advanced and master levels are in a different realm. Attack spells from these two will, no question, wipe someone out. 

The book explained it in great detail and is easy to understand. I was zoning out from how immersed I was in reading that I soon forgot how many minutes or hours had already passed. 

But that's the best part, isn't it? For your mind to be taken away from the current reality? Fufufufufufu~

Anyway, the book suddenly changed course midway and is now telling me that aside from runes and magic circles, innate types of people can use magic without chanting. The magic is exclusive to them, which means that only the abilities they inherited from their bloodline can be used that way.

To use the magic of your bloodline, you don't need chants to access them, they just come out naturally. Like the animas, for example.

If only the book said that from the start then I wouldn't have to take the magic circle chanting so seriously… I was really digesting the spells you know… committing it by heart… 

Moving on, with animas, it said that to connect with them, you only have to focus and meditate. 

"Ahh, so that's how it is?" I grumbled out loud.

Focus and meditate… 

I can do that… I think…

'Alright, let's try this!'

Straightening my back, I took a deep breath, shook my hands for a quick moment, and closed my eyes. I then focused on steadying my breaths and succumbed to a passive state. 

When I felt like I'm focused enough, I halted.

'How do I connect with them like this though?'

Wait, no.




I called out inside my head and hoped against hope that something would respond. But of course, not everything comes easy. 

Nothing happened. No one responded to my call. I felt rather lonely.

So then I tried again for the second time. Patience is the key.

'Hello? Anima?'

Hold up, is it okay to just call it anima? How do you call an anima out?

'Are you there?'

I paused and waited, yet there was nothing again. 

I'm beginning to doubt if my way of doing things is wrong and that I'm maybe forgetting something. 

Maybe I need to do a ritual first? Or maybe I'm just being delusional with this anima thingy? But naaahhh… That would be hard to believe because I'm really really certain I have an anima or what else could that thing moving inside me be then?

An alien?

'Hmm… This is getting difficult…'

What if I try chanting in my head? Just to see if there's a reaction. 

Okay, let's do that…

"Let's see… Shall I hold out my hand?" I murmured and raised both of my palms.

I have no idea how to cast spells but there is no harm in trying anyway.

I applied what I just learned from the book and imagined a magic circle. It's mostly the same as I saw days ago that suddenly appeared from the walls. I don't actually remember it that well because it popped out too fast and I only got a glimpse. 

So now, I'm just making up whatever the form of that circle could be.

I was struggling but I tried really hard to concentrate and just hope that this time, I will succeed.

Of course, seeing that I'm still ignorant of these things, a magic circle obviously didn't appear. Nor did my anima respond to me at all. There was only silence.

'This is so hard… and frustrating…' I internally sighed.

Tapping my fingers on the surface of the book which was sitting on my lap, my mind drifted somewhere and stayed there for a minute. I have no idea how much time it took me as I was lost with my thoughts. Something then nagged me from the back of my mind.

It was a fuzzy memory. A blurry image of a woman was speaking to me, somewhat guiding me… 

'Imagine that your heart has a door... Now imagine opening it… Let it free…'

'That's right, slowly let it out… You are doing great...'

'You did it!'

'Don't tell anyone, okay?'

'It's our little secret…'

I blinked my eyes in wonder and the memory disappeared just as quickly as it entered. I sat there distracted as hell, trying to remember her name or what that memory was all about.

"What was that?" I whispered to myself.

I can't see who she was but she felt familiar… Her voice too…

There is no question that it's probably Helen, Nadia's mother. It's probably one of her memories of when she was just a child. 

But what was she saying? What were they doing?

They seemed to be practicing… But what could it be?

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