Right now, I'm about to go to the palace. For the first time since the ambush, I'm going out of the mansion again. And in lieu of what I thought before, that it's probably going to take me some time to feel fine again. Because I assumed that I would be traumatized by what happened. Turns out, I'm just fine.

Hey, I always say that, don't I?

My maids followed me outside and as soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a sight I can't imagine would happen again. The smile on my face froze as I took in the view in front of me and doubted myself if I was truly being invited as a guest or a war criminal.

You see, aside from the knights of our family, there were another dozen that came from the palace itself. They were all uniformly scattered, surrounding what seems to be the carriage that is meant for me. And to add more extravagance, I could clearly see a bunch of people in white robes among them too.

If I don't immediately know who they are then I might as well be dumb and blind.

Why are there so many people? And why even the mages from the tower here?

"These are my escorts?" I didn't know I had said that out loud until someone answered me.

"Yes." A full voice echoed to my right.

I looked at the owner of the voice, already having a premonition. Lo and behold, Lukas was there just like my suspicion.

"Why are you here too?" I blurted.

Lukas' dark brows raised as he stared at me with a blank expression.

"You should be honored. I am also escorting you."

It's even more incredulous to me, especially when I knew his identity. First of all, Lukas is the current duke of Agera. That title alone is enough to not associate himself with me. He is also a general, another freaking title that would curb stomp me on the ground. And he is also the leader of the emperor's elite knights. 

And yet he is here, escorting me?!

I wanted to ask but his intense eyes made me stop doing so. I mean, why is he looking at me like that? 

He tilted his head to the side, still staring at me with deep eyes and not saying anything. Just humming. I became wary and suspicious of him. Usually, when he's being like that, he becomes unscrupulous and shameless. Surely, he won't do anything of the sort under the gazes of a lot of people, right?

Lukas then met my cautious eyes and smirked, expelling an evil charm that made my heart race.

Damn him and his good genes! 

"Let's go." 

He then went ahead and started barking orders to all the knights present. While I was left behind, still overwhelmed by the sheer amount of workforce that went to my entourage alone. Plus, that smile was quite shocking! I'm pretty sure my maids were all blinded too, I could hear their sighs after all.

The ride to the palace was… well, smooth? No, it was a sight. I don't have to look outside my window to know that all the eyes of the passersby were on us. Heck, it was like there is a vigil from how massive the entourage we have. The curiosity was piqued as they stared and watched us pass by, occupying the streets and forcing the other carriages to give way.

Who wouldn't be curious? It won't be a surprise to me if there is another rumor circulating in the nobility about this spectacle. I could already deduce all their exaggerated guesses.

I was sighing all the way. I knew that they did this for my safety because of the incident before but like… isn't this too eye-catching? I don't know anymore, really…

My father had also briefed me on the reason why I was called, it's about my powers. Apparently, they are believing that I could be the so-called saint cited from the ancient texts and they want to confirm it.

When I first heard that, I had stared at my dad with incredulous eyes. Me? A saint? What?


I don't…

That's stupid!

That's even more shocking than the first time I heard I could use magic and now they think I'm the saint?

That title is too heavy for me right now!

So during the ride, I tried to forget the words my father told me and not think about being a saint and all. It hasn't been long since I woke up and got bombarded by changes. Now they are adding more?

The carriage stopped as soon as we entered the palace grounds. I looked at the familiar place again and felt rather nostalgic. It feels like it has been too long since I last came here. Nothing changed, still magnificent.

Lukas was beside me, looking so casual it will make you question whether he's really the escort guard or another guest like me. He's not even trying to give face anymore, he's just being him. 

"Disperse," he announced to the others.

The knights of my family, especially Uno, didn't leave as his command. They were behind me, willing to cover me any time. Lukas couldn't care and just let them be, not even bothering to glance at them.

The other knights from the palace who received orders to lead the entourage were also left behind, standing at the side formidably. Their leader, a tall burly man with a fierce momentum, can be seen frowning.

He stepped forward, staring at Lukas with gloomy eyes.

"We are ordered by the emperor to escort the lady."

Lukas met his strong gaze and smiled. The kind that gave me chills.

"I'll take it from here." 


"Go," another voice piped in.

"Brother!" I blurted after seeing the person who just talked.

Nathan's arrival eased the tension between the group of knights and Lukas. After seeing the captain and hearing his order, the burly man glanced at Lukas again. He didn't say anything and instead saluted Nathaniel before leaving with his group.

Nathan's eyes lingered on me first before he looked at the man beside me. He paused for a moment, seemingly wanting to say something but then decided against it.

I swear, whenever these two face each other, there will always be this existing tight invisible string. What's the deal between them? Did they perhaps quarrel before?

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