I did not know what day it was when I had gained consciousness again. I just felt hot like I was inside an oven or something so I jolted awake, expecting to see me being cremated while I was still alive and kicking. I mean, who knows if they thought I had died, right? A thought also crossed my mind that I might be actually in hell rather than the heaven I was saying the last time.

But when I did open my eyes, all my maids were at the bedside worrying endlessly about me. As soon as they saw me stirring, they all exploded into chaos.

"Milady! How do you feel?" Mari suddenly scooted on my right and touched my hand.

My eyes slightly closed as the light from the windows blinded me momentarily. Freesia and Lily then moved to close the blinds. My body still felt heavy but at least, I could move my limbs now, unlike the first time that I tried.

"Milady, we were so worried!" Erin sniffed at the side, she was even biting a handkerchief as she did so. .

'Erin, it's not like I am dead, you know? Why do you look like a mourning wife right now?'

I tried to speak but of course, I couldn't, because my throat was dry. My hands went to my throat, caressing it. Amy then shuffled to her feet to bring me a glass of water which I gratefully took from her and gulped it down, feeling thirsty as hell.

'That feels better…'

I gave it back to Amy then tried to sit up. Mari and Erin saw my struggle and immediately helped me pull myself off the bed into a sitting position.

"I'll go tell the young master and the doctor," Freesia uttered and left the room.

I looked around the room and then to myself, noticing that I was wrapped in layers and layers of blankets.

'So this is the reason why I felt hot and woke up huh? Man, I look like a burrito...'

I pushed it off of me but Mari stopped me from doing it.

"Milady! The doctor had said that you should always stay warm! Please don't remove it!" Mari exclaims, restraining my arms.

I looked at her with wide doe eyes.

'Can't she see that I am sweating like crazy?'

My eyes caught sight of Amy who was fanning the fireplace so the embers would blaze again, adding more warmth in the already toasty room.

'What are they doing? Are they sure that they are not planning for me to die of extreme heat or what? Why is she fanning the fire!'

"What…" I blanched when my throat hurt. So I swallowed my saliva, hoping that it would moisten it a little.

Mari, to my bewilderment, pulled out a quilt at the sofa and wrapped it over my head, like a turban. I was staring at them with a crazed look in my eyes now.

'My maids are killing me!'

The room bursts open and Nathan comes in, unannounced yet again. He halted when he saw me staring at him with those same eyes and glanced at the door. The doctor, and the other people who were with him, were suddenly being pushed back out of the room. He closed it before I heard two loud knocks, and it opened for the second time. He then came in with the people behind him looking confused as to what just happened.

'I too, wonders.'

"B-brother…" I mumbled, wriggling underneath the layers of blankets covering me.

He rushed to my side and grasped both sides of my face, examining my complexion.

"Are you alright? Do you feel fine?" he rambled, turning my head from side to side-- "You're still pale! You're not well yet!"

"H-hoot! It's hot!" I whined and wriggled again. I wanted to get the blankets off because I feel like fainting from the extreme heat I was feeling. Man, I even wanted to cry!

"Young master, it's probably okay to remove the sheets now," the doctor commented.

'Yes! Get it off me! Thank you, doctor!'

Nathan looked worried at first but seeing that I was pathetically struggling about, just to remove these darn blankets. He must have probably seen my begging eyes too, so he helped me take it off.

"Nadia!" A little voice called out before I heard little footsteps running around.

Kai and Lost climbed over the bed and sat on my side, staring at me with worried eyes.

They are all being too fussy, it made me wonder what happened while I was out.

I sighed in relief when all the suffocating sheets were removed off of me, but the room was still slightly warm and I was even sweating buckets!

"Fire…" I cleared my throat, "put off the fire," I whispered.

Amy glanced at the doctor for confirmation and did it after he nodded.

'Now, what's with this thing about making me warm?'

Nathaniel grabbed one blanket and started wiping the sweat off from my forehead, face, and neck. I could feel, and see, that my hair was in disarray. I probably looked like some kind of neglected doll that has not been combed for years. A bird's nest, more exactly.

I cleared my throat for the second time, and Mari gave me another glass of water which I gulped down in record time, feeling refreshed.

"Do you feel something? Tell me if you do," Nathan worriedly uttered as he brushed the locks of hair off my face.

I tilted my head to the side, beginning to calm down from the overly heightened senses from earlier. I really thought I was going to die from suffocation…

"I'm fine, brother…" I whispered. My voice was still not back, and it sounded grungy to the ears. Just talking made me winced in pain.

"Doctor, is she really okay?" Nathan turned to Dr. Haudie who was fixing his monocle.

The latter then came closer to me and inspected my eyes, then my mouth. I was slightly blushing because I have not brushed my teeth ever since I got bedridden you know, so I was trying my best to hold my breath while he did that.

"Her fever has gone down now, she only needs more rest so she could get back to her feet again," he stated and straightened his back.

"Thank heavens," Nathaniel uttered before he pulled me into a hug out of the blue.

'Woah there!'

Nathan sure had started to not shy away from hugging huh…

Erin suddenly sniffed at the side so I turned to her in surprise. She was even dabbing the handkerchief on her eyes as she tried her very best to stop herself from crying. I looked at everyone's somber expression. Even Mari and Lily were holding back tears. Amy wasn't though, she's a big crybaby out of all of them, same as Erin.

Kai also has this downcast expression which made me extremely puzzled.

"Why are you all being like this?" I can't help but voice out.

"I almost lost you… Don't do that again!" Nathan reprimanded me.

'Woah, wait! What?'

"L-lost? Huh?" I muttered, still not getting it.

I am indeed lost as heck right now. I don't understand them one bit.

Nathan pulled me off from him and with serious eyes, spoke.

"You almost died."

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