Two days had passed since my friends visited me. During those times, I was bombarded with more gifts and well wishes from different people. 

One after another, they send flowers, or sometimes something edible, and mostly expensive things. Enclosed with it are letters that introduced themselves. Some are not even on my radar, and surely, weren't studying in the academy at all. Then who the hell are they? 

My question was answered after reading a couple. They are from the houses that had participated in the last hunt, mostly males. Mari had pointed out that those letters have a different meaning as well. They are insinuating something akin to wooing.

I was gobsmacked. I have not met these people and they are now trying to win me over? What nonsense?

She said it is like that because they want to score an engagement with me.. 

What's funnier is that I have some letters coming from a few of my 'admirers'. They said that they are writing it for show because their parents are urging them to. 

'I know that Lady Nadia is a flower that blooms on the peak of a mountain. I could only look from below and never reach you, so this lowly me understands my place.'

When I read that particular passage, I almost choked on the tea I was drinking at that time. Their analogy was great but it baffled me.

What's with the flower blooming on a mountain? How did I become such an entity for them that they think I'm unreachable? 

There were more of that and I read them all until my head got dizzy from all the flowery words. I felt like I was going to have diabetes.

Those letters are finally out of the way, now my only problem is the material things given to me.

"Can't I just sell it all? Or donate it to the unfortunate maybe?" I grumbled under my breath.

Instead of being happy for having them all, it only made me want to cry. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful. But that gratefulness got overridden with stress. 

Well, some of these aren't genuine anyway.

"Erin, tell George that I need a list of orphanages or existing charities," I instructed as I separated and grouped the items for varied purposes.

Erin immediately sent out herself to find George and relay what I had just said. Mari and the others remained to help me with it so I could at least make my room livable again. Kai and Lost were having fun playing with the things I had given to them, which is not for playing but that's children for you. 

Nathaniel had come before the evening to help me pack up the grouped items that I was going to donate, while dad made it possible for those to be delivered in their respective places successfully.

'What can I say, I have a reliable family…'

I also told my brother during dinner that I was ready to go to the palace and meet the emperor. My father said that he would make an arrangement and inform His Imperial Majesty for it. Nathan also said that he would not go to the palace in the morning and escort me there instead. Obviously, I declined his offer. I don't want him to neglect his duties just because of me. He is the captain after all.

He argued with me about it, but I did appease him afterward by saying that he could meet me there at the gates or wherever when I arrive. That made him shut his mouth.

The next day, as I was just done dressing up to leave for the palace, my eyes drifted to the little black fox still deep in its sleep. I swaddled it with blankets to make sure that it's comfortable and warm. It is winter after all.

I don't have a clue when it is going to wake up but until it is still unconscious, I made sure that it is well kept.

"Milady, the carriage from the palace had arrived," George informed me.

"The palace? But we have our own?" I asked in confusion.

Why did the palace send one? They don't have to but they still did it anyway. George did not reply, of course, how would he know right?

"The Emperor perhaps had sent one as a compliment, My lady," He then answered after some mere moments.

'Is that so?'

"Is milady ready to go?" Mari asked.

I nodded at her as a response.

Our group made our way outside, and lo and behold, a grand carriage fit for the royal family was waiting there. I stared at it in amazement. I have seen big carriages before, the Ethalion's, in particular, looks dashing, but this one right here has so much grandeur than the former.

It was bigger than the duke's and was decorated with ivory and gold. On its doors, was the royal insignia of what seems to be a rising sun. The horses pulling it were all white, completing the package.

What do you expect from the royals?

And it's not only one carriage either, there are two more that I could see from behind it but is much smaller compared to this one in front. The carriages for royal knights, perhaps.

"Good day, Lady Nadia. I am sent by His Imperial Majesty to escort the young miss," a man in a uniform comes from besides the horses and greets me.

One other person opened the door.

"If you may" the man from earlier spoke out and extended his right hand.

I whisked the bemusement I was feeling away and accepted his outstretched hand. The man then helped me get inside the wagon. After I situated myself inside, he closed the door for me and I sat there marveling at how beautiful the interior was. This must be the best one I have ever had the pleasure of riding into.

'I feel like a very important individual like I'm one of the royals fufufufu...'

I poked the velvety seat with my finger and giggled. What? I am 15, I can be childish all I want!

The carriage then sped away after some moments and we're now on the way to the palace.

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