Rebirth of a Movie Star

Chapter 47 – Wedding Feast

Chapter 47 – Wedding Feast

“Marriage invitation?” Bai Lang was surprised. He took the red-colored envelope held out by Fang Hua. “For me?”

“Yes. Li Sha and Kang Jian’s marriage invitation. It’s set for the middle of next month.” Fang Hua raised her brow. “Both you and Qiu Qian are invited. Your invitation is sent by Kang Jian. Qiu Qian is invited by Li Sha and Harmony Entertainment.”

Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. He opened the envelope and glanced at it to confirm it. It really was a proper invitation to Kang Jian’s wedding. Both parent’s names were listed. The wedding invitation also came with a small fashionable thank you card for guests. It was a photo of Li Sha in dress, shrunken down to business card size, for the guests to keep as a commemoration.

In the card, Li Sha was wearing a blue colored dress encrusted with rhinestones. The high waistline was unable to completely hide her protruding belly. And the girl also didn’t seem to want to hide it. She used one hand to hold her stomach and was leaning against the straight and tall Kang Jian who was wearing a suit. Both of their faces looked blissfully happy.

Except this blissfully happy woman still had time to come out to find trouble for him. Bai Lang thought about the invitation he had received before to attend “Embracing Love with Nature”, and now there was this wedding invitation. Bai Lang really didn’t understand and so he handed the invitation back to Fang Hua. “I’m not interested. Throw it away ba.”

Fang Hua took it back with understanding. She smiled, “I really don’t know what this small-hearted couple is thinking. They act like they have a beef with you and Qiu Qian, going around everywhere making trouble, but when they got married they still send over an invitation? What kind of emotional conflict are they going through? If they want to make people uncomfortable this isn’t a very effective method.”

“Who knows,” Bai Lang smiled helplessly, “Is Brother Qiu going?”

“The company doesn’t need the big boss to go out personally to make contacts.” Fang Hua waved her hands. “If you don’t go of course he won’t either. I’ll just directly send over a gift in the company’s name.”

Bai Lang nodded. Suddenly he smiled and said, “Other people’s companies have joyous news. I wonder if our company will too?”

“Our company?” Fang Hua paused. Her eyes opened wide and she asked, “Are you guys going to have a wedding feast too?”

“.....” Bai Lang was speechless. This really was him hitting his own face. “I’m asking about Sister Fang and Brother Cheng.”

Fang Hua’s face changed slightly. “What kind of silly nonsense has Ah Cheng been spouting again?”

After Chaos Street, Qiu Qian had instructed Lin GongCheng into send a group of people to follow Bai Lang every day about his business.

Other than being responsible for blocking the reporters, initially he had also been wary whether Su Quan or Bai Li would come up with any new tricks. So of course Fang Hua also had to get involved in this. Using the excuse of needing to communicate for work, Lin GongCheng’s pursuit of Fang Hua for the second time around had been quite successful. This event that had never occured in his past life now seemed like it had signs of life.

Also thinking about it, Kang Jian’s development this life had also gone down a completely different road to before. If not for the fact that Bai Lang had asked Fang Hua to help stuff Kang Jian into the production that ended up having a drug scandal, then Kang Jian would not have been forced to leave his original media company and ended up joining Harmony Entertainment. After that he had met Li Sha and now he was even going to have a child.

It was hard to say if this was good or bad. However this was approximately all that Kang Jian could do right now. In his past life, Kang Jian’s fiancee Shen LingLing’s family background was higher by quite a few levels compared to Li Sha’s, which showed the extent of Kang Jian’s ambition. So Bai Lang originally felt that Li Sha was only a stepping stone in Kang Jian’s life. He didn’t expect that Kang Jian would actually decide to marry and have a child with her. From this his desperation at being driven into a corner could be seen. Because up until right now, other than his initial debut movie, he had only gotten an assortment of minor roles and hadn’t had any major productions.

And thus Bai Lang wasn’t in a rush to deal with Kang Jian. He also didn’t think too much about him.

Right now he had a new and different life. He had to treasure it and work hard at it.

Looking at the Fang Hua who had a rare embarrassed expression, Bai Lang laughed. Life was long and no one knew what would happen. It was important to appreciate and treasure everything that you had now.


It was only that making fun of your manager would have consequences.

That night Qiu Qian grabbed Bai Lang with very bright eyes.

“Fang Hua said you wanted to hold a wedding feast ah? That’s only right. You pick a day, I’ll work out a list of good venues for you to choose.”

“....” Bai Lang was completely speechless. “Do you think right now things aren’t noisy enough? I’m already tired.”

Qiu Qian was also annoyed by the reporters so he backed down a bit but still insisted, “Why don’t we hold inside the company?”

Qiu XiaoHai who was sitting to one side asked curiously, “What’s a wedding feast?”

“It means getting married.” Qiu Qian replied. “Do you know what getting married is?”

“I know! The teacher talked about it before!” Qiu XiaoHai yelled loudly. “Getting married means being together forever and forever oh!”

Qiu Qian nodded his head in a good mood but he didn’t expect that the next moment Qiu XiaoHai threw away his pencil and wrapped himself around Bai Lang’s leg. His next sentence was, “So I want to get married with Ah Bai and be together with Ah Bai forever. Ah Bai, let’s get married okay?”

Qiu Qian’s face went black. Bai Lang joyfully cuddled Qiu XiaoHai. “Sounds pretty good. Let me think about it.”

“Think about it my ass!” Qiu Qian yelled.

Bai Lang glanced at Qiu Qian. He sighed, “I have no choice. It’s not like anyone else proposed to me.”

Bai Lang would very quickly come to regret his words.

The next day Qiu Qian immediately got his hands on a pair of rings. He forced Bai Lang to wear his one all the time. For the Bai Lang who was in the middle of filming this was very troublesome. He couldn’t wear it on his hand and it was even not okay to wear it on a chain around his neck. If he only took it off while on camera he was scared of losing it. Bai Lang really felt troubled for a long time. In the end he could only ask Hong Hong to help him take care of it.


Just as Bai Lang had guessed, Kang Jian marrying Li Sha was really because he felt desperate.

After all although Li Sha’s father Li Min was the CEO of Harmony Entertainment, however there were many larger program production houses. In Kang Jian’s eyes, Harmony Entertainment was just a mid-tier company. It wasn’t even like Total Entertainment, which while being a new company, had a background and backing that could squash people to death.

Even in terms of “marrying to reach up higher”, Kang Jian didn’t really feel that he was reaching that high.

It was only that after the scandal with the drugs, Kang Jian was kicked out by Grand Media. Originally Grand Media’s Vice President was Kang Jian’s second uncle-in-law and can be considered a distant relative. After the drug scandal Kang Jian had actually been investigated a couple of times by the police and although he was able to clear his name, the scandal was already attached to him. His uncle-in-law was also affected and had suffered within the internal politics of the company. Thus he didn’t want Kang Jian in the company to continue dragging his name down. Very quickly he used his contacts to switch Kang Jian over to Harmony Entertainment.

Even after changing companies, the scandal attached to Kang Jian’s name hadn’t vanished. And the original backing he had was also gone. He didn’t get offered anything close to the sweet role he had gotten in his movie debut. If not for the fact that one day in Harmony Entertainment’s large building he had come across Li Sha and helped pick up the broken heel of her shoe, then right now Kang Jian would probably be bitterly sitting in the background somewhere eating bread.

Of course Li Min did not approve of the Kang Jian who had zero background. Also Li Min had many years of experience dealing with people and his eyes were sharp and poisonous. He immediately could tell that Kang Jian was a cunning and ambitious fellow. So right after Li Sha and Kang Jian had first started going out, Li Min had even hired people to suppress Kang Jian and let him know that it would continue if he didn’t break up.

However Kang Jian right now had nothing to lose. As the saying went, if you didn’t have shoes then you weren’t scared of losing your shoes. So of course he put on a facade of being deeply in love. He had no desires, all he wanted was to be by Li Sha’s side. He completely fooled and won over the Li Sha who still had a young girl’s fantasies regarding what love was and things proceeded very quickly. Right now Li Sha was already pregnant. After all Kang Jian’s heart was clear that without some kind of accident, then Li Min would definitely not agree to him marrying Li Sha.

Li Sha’s pregnancy out of wedlock made Li Min so angry he almost had a stroke. But right now the uncooked rice had already been cooked. Even if she got an abortion, the elders in the family would be unable to come to terms with it. With no choice, Li Min agreed to let them get married. Li Sha was his only daughter after all. Li Min really spoiled her. As for Kang Jian, his desire should be simply to use Li Sha to get the backing and networks of Harmony Entertainment right? Although he was cunning, however if he was clever then at least this meant he would continue treating Li Min’s precious daughter well and continue to spoil her. At least this way he could ensure his daughter would always be protected and would never be bullied. Li Min was able to accept it like this.

Thus under the persuasive force of his daughter and wife, Li Min softened his attitude and consented to hold a lavish wedding feast for them.

“Ah Jian, Daddy just sent over the confirmed guest list. Do you want to have a look?”

They were in a new luxurious apartment that Li Min had gifted Li Sha. Li Sha cuddled close to Kang Jian with a joyful face.

Kang Jian embraced Li Sha first. “Don’t trouble yourself over these small matters. You should take care of yourself. When other people get pregnant they become fat so how come your chin is still so pointy?”

Li Sha leaned into Kang Jian and acted spoiled. “Of course it’s because I want to look beautiful on my wedding day. There will be so many people that day, I can’t let you lose face.”

“You will always be the most beautiful person in my eyes.” Kang Jian gave her a indulgently loving glance. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Such a sweet talker,” Li Sha smiled happily. “Hurry up and look at the guest list. Daddy really put in a lot of effort this time. He invited all the bigwigs in the entertainment world. There’s even quite a few from the political and business circles.”

Kang Jian smiled and watched as Li Sha recited the list name by name.

Only until they reached the column with Total Entertainment’s Qiu Qian. It was written: wedding gift already received. Will not be attending.

Li Sha’s originally good mood dissipated. She flipped to the back and found that Bai Lang was also recorded as not attending.

Li Sha humphed. “I knew that Bai Lang would be too scared to come. I just don’t believe that disgusting gay pair would have the courage to come to our wedding.”

When she said this Kang Jian’s face changed. He forced himself to laugh. “You invited Bai Lang?”

Li Sha looked at him in a gloating manner. “Didn’t you go graduate from the same acting program as him? I used your name to invite him to make him uncomfortable. Hn, I never thought some cultured looking at him was actually thinking about men’s bottoms- ai! What are you doing, that hurts!”

Kang Jian started and realized that he was clutching Li Sha’s arm so tightly it was painful. He hurried to let go. “I’m sorry ah. Are you okay? It’s just that I remembered your dad asked me to write some thank you cards and I haven’t done it yet, so I momentarily panicked. Are you okay? Ah? Let me look.”

Kang Jian’s face looked so anxious that it made Li Sha giggle. “What are you so nervous about daddy for? As long as you treat me well he’ll be happy. Don’t be scared of him.”

“Dad finally acknowledged me a little bit. This means you also don’t need to be wedged between us and be so troubled.” Kang Jian sighed.

This tone was both spoiling and helpless. Li Sha liked it immensely. She pulled down Kang Jian’s head. “Kang Jian, you’re the best....” She kissed him lovingly.

Of course Kang Jian couldn’t reject it. He had to return it with equal appearance of love.

It was only that the lipstick on Li Sha’s mouth suddenly this time made Kang Jian feel especially disgusted.

In addition her soft and perfume-filled body....

Kang Jian closed his eyes. He forced himself to imagine that in his arms was a clean and beautiful youth instead.

He had straight black hair, white and clear skin, and four long and slender limbs...

Just like Bai Lang.


The week before the Golden Emperor awards, Chaos Street had finished over half of its filming and entered its promotional period.

Previously the opening ceremony had been done simply. They had just introduced the plot and the main actors. They didn’t even show any costumes or visual images. The filming had also been done under a veil of secrecy as though they really wanted to give people a shock and a surprise when they began their promotions.

Their strategy can be considered quite effective.

When Chaos Street’s first wave of promotional materials hit the meida, it immediately caused a firestorm of opinions.

In the short clip, Bai Lang’s appearance was both handsome and somewhat evil and twisted. He spoke in a coarse and rough Southern accent, rolled around wearing a pair of flip-flops and sat legs spread on the street eating skewers. This really shocked most of his fans.

This, this was Bai Lang!?

This was Partner’s warm and gentle, Gold’s regal and elegant Bai Lang!?

This wild and crazy behaviour, his cruel and ruthless expression, and that final deadly roundhouse kick.

This completely subverted image of Bai Lang made all the sites which broadcasted this clip not have a moment of silence the entire night.

Small Theatre:

Qiu XiaoHai (anxious): Ah Zan, yesterday I said I wanted to get married to Ah Bai but he said he has to think about it.

Rong Zan (shellshocked): .....what about me?

Qiu XiaoHai: En? I can also get married to you oh.

Rong Zan: You can only choose one.

Qiu XiaoHai: What?

Rong Zan: The Teacher said you can only get married with one person. Did you forget?

Qiu XiaoHai: Re-really!?

Rong Zan: Then who do you want to marry?

Qiu XiaoHai: En... (frowning)

Rong Zan: (glares)

Qiu XiaoHai: !

Rong Zan: !?

Qiu XiaoHai: I’ll marry Ah Bai, you can marry daddy ba. That way we can still all be together!

Rong Zan: (Completely stunned).

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