Chapter 28

Battle on the edge

I confirm my remaining stamina .


Race: Plague Kid Dragon

Status: Slow (Big)

Lv: 22/40

HP: 32/116

MP: 43/113


Okay, it’s possible to proceed .

I can endure the next blow .

Using the impact of the Great Vase Turtle’s tackle, I’ll escape crossing over until the other side of the cliff with [Flight] .

There is only that to escape from this trouble .

I use roll and changes my direction to head towards the cliff .

The Great Vase Turtle chases after me .

Okay, I’ll just eat 1 more blow!

After that, it’s goodbye for a while .

I’ll come again if I become strong enough to send it flying with a blow .

The Great Vase Turtle rushes at my body in front of the cliff .

Although I’m frightened by that force, there is also no escaping at the current speed, and I’m blown off the cliff almost without resistance .

Alright, I’ll survive .

I spread my wings and fly over the cliff without a foothold!

A difference from my plan occurred here .

I had underestimated the effect of [Hi-Slow] .

Although I had accumulated repeated understanding of that magic’s unpleasantness, it surpassed my expectation by a long way .


The Great Vase Turtle probably guessed my intention of spreading my wings and releases even more [Hi-slow] .

I was hit by the purple light directly without being able to avoid .

But even if my speed was repeatedly lowered here……was what I thought, but the Great Vase Turtle stretched out its neck to pursue me who had opened my wings .

It plans to pursue me who have already prepared my posture to fly in the air .

My HP is dwindling .

I’ll die if I’m bitten directly . I definitely have to avoid a direct hit .

I should be able to endure it if I’m grazed .

If this is evaded, I can run away .

Spitting out [Baby Breath] to raise my flying speed, I move my limbs recklessly .

I was able to just barely dodge the blow of the Great Vase Turtle thanks to the acceleration from [Baby Breath] .

However, the nails of my feet was caught at the tip of the Great Vase Turtle’s mouth .

The nails of my hands that I was moving recklessly caught the rims of the Great Vase Turtle’s eyes .

Crap, even though it was good that I survived, but I can’t fly like this!

I try to move my hand and foot in order to remove the nails that were caught, but it doesn’t move an inch .

The Great Vase Turtle swings its neck in order to fling me from its face .

I struggle my limbs while wishing that I can come off too .

I fired [Baby Breath] with all my power to tear off the meat and escape, but it had no effect at all as the meat was too tough .

Probably at this point, the Great Vase Turtle’s objective would be to remove me rather than revenge for its kind .

It was an enemy, but our purpose was identical .

However, that is not fulfilled .

If I compromise and return to remove my nails thoroughly, there is no reason why the Great Vase Turtle will not take the chance to attack .

Therefore in the end, I have no choice but to play an unproductive tug-of-war .



Due to the disadvantage of the difference in body weight, I compensate by continuing to spit out [Baby Breath] with all my power .

Hold on, my MP!

[Lv of normal skill [Baby Breath] increased from 3 to 4]

Tear it off! Come off! Tear it!

Come off! Come off! Come offfff!

My breath doesn’t last .

It’s agonizing . Still, I cannot stop the [Baby Breath] jet .

I only have this .

If I stop the breath, I will be dragged to the side the Great Vase Turtle is standing on at that moment, and killed as it is .

There is no choice but to continue [Baby Breath] with the feeling of dying now .

[Resistance skill [Oxygen deficiency resistance: Lv1] obtained]

Alright! I can still do it more with thissss!

I’ll tear off the skin!



It’s possible! I will win!

I can drag that huge body to this side!

Now, tear off! Or come off! Whichever is fine, release me!

[Lv of normal skill [Baby Breath] increased from 4 to 5]

It came! It leans towards my side even more!

[Lv of resistance skill [Oxygen deficiency resistance] increased from 1 to 2]

[Title skill [Grit: Lv1] obtained]



It’s dragged towards my side steadily .

And yet, it’s totally caught and doesn’t come off .

While in that way, the Great Vase Turtle that leaned forward too much to the cliff lost its balance .



Part of the ground that the Great Vase Turtle stepped on collapsed, and its huge body hangs on to that facing down .

And as a result of that, my nails which were hooked onto the Great Vase Turtle broke .

GAAAaaaa! It’s extremely painful!

My body that was freed from the shackles, flew backwards as I was until the other side of the cliff in one shot like a pachinko .

As the effect of [Hi-Slow] has just weaken, the force was tremendous .

When I noticed, my back had stiked against a tree on the other side of the cliff .

He, He he……Did I escape?


The screams of the Great Vase Turtle echos in the surrounding .

N? Did something happen?

[Gushaa], I heard the sound of something being smashed in the distance .

[288 Exp obtained]

[Due to title skill [Walking egg: Lv-], an additional 288 exp was obtained]

[Lv of [Plague Kid Dragon] increased from 22 to 30]

[Title skill [Big game eater Giant Killer: Lv1] obtained]

[Lv of normal skill [Status inspection] increased from 4 to 5]

[Information related to items obtained and nature monster confronted can be investigated]


I try looking at the other side of the cliff .

The figure of the Great Vase Turtle wasn’t found .

But, the part of the ground that it stood on collapsed .

Come to think of it, just now the ground……Eh?

Did that guy fall off?

Clapping my cheeks, I revitalized my hazy consciousness .

I walked to the cliff and look down at the bottom .

It seemed to have crashed against the rocks peeking out from the river, and there was the figure of the Great Vase Turtle that has turned into remains there .

……Well, well, it was all right in the end .

There is attachment to the cave from before, should I return to the other side if that fellow died?

I want to collect the meat of the vase turtle too .

For the time being, should I confirm my status since my level went up?


Race: Plague Kid Dragon

Status: Normal

Lv: 30/40

HP: 8/140

MP: 10/137

ATK: 129

DEF: 110

Mana: 120

Agility: 109

Rank: D+

Characteristic Skill:

〖Dragon Scales:Lv2〗〖God’s voice:Lv3〗〖Glisha Language:Lv1〗

〖Flight:Lv2〗〖Dragon Scale Powder:Lv1〗〖Darkness Attribute:Lv–〗

Resistance Skills:

〖Physical Resistance:Lv3〗〖Fall Resistance:Lv4〗〖Hunger Resistance:Lv3〗

〖Poison Resistance:Lv3〗〖Solitude Resistance:Lv4〗〖Magic Resistance:Lv2〗

〖Darkness Attribute Resistance:Lv2〗〖Fire Attribute Resistance:Lv1〗〖Fear Resistance:Lv1〗

〖Oxygen deficiency resistance:Lv2〗

Normal Skills:

〖Roll:Lv4〗〖Status Inspection:Lv5〗〖Baby breath:Lv5〗

〖Whistle:Lv1〗〖Dragon Punch:Lv2〗〖Plague Breath:Lv1〗

〖Poison Fang:Lv1〗〖Paralysis Poison_Claw:Lv1〗〖Dragon Tail:Lv1〗

〖Roar:Lv1〗〖Star Drop:Lv1〗

Title Skills:

〖Son of Dragon King:Lv–〗〖Walking Egg:Lv–〗〖Clumsy:Lv4〗

〖Just a Fool:Lv1〗〖Infighter:Lv4〗〖Pest Killer:Lv3〗

〖Lie Spitter:Lv2〗〖Evasion King:Lv1〗〖Relief Spirit:Lv4〗

〖Tiny Hero:Lv1〗〖Path of Evil:Lv3〗〖Disaster:Lv1〗

〖Chicken Runner:Lv2〗〖Mister Cook:Lv1〗〖King of Meaness:Lv1〗

〖Grit:Lv1〗〖Big Game Eater Giant Killer:Lv1〗


Ugh, my HP and MP are mostly empty .

A little more and I would have been killed by the Great Vase Turtle, being unable to spit breath anymore .

Dangerous, dangerous .

But as expected, I sure do grow when cornered, yea .

My skill level is progressing well, and I was able to see the next evolution that had seem would take a while .

……Although I want to increase areas such as [Relief Spirit] or [Tiny Hero] until the next evolution .

But I didn’t pick up [Art of Human Transformation] at all .

Because there is still 10 levels until the next evolution, can I pick it up during this period?

I will seriously cry if I become Lv Max uneventfully .

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