Reincarnated As The Hero’s Daughter: Wait, Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1189: Using The [Chief Robot Skill Scroll], Learning The Skills Of A Robot!


At the end I ended blowing up like twelve trees in this island because I tried to manipulate

This power without thinking too well. The trees blew into pieces and were left burning. Although I wasn’t damaged myself, if I had tried using this power near my family or friends, someone would have been definitely hurt.


"Yikes this is really... Quite something." I said while sighing. "It is really hard to control, lightning is so fast and... Like, very insane? It doesn’t move how I want it half the time, it just follows its own crazy and speedy instincts. But I’ve seen Zack wielding thunder like it’s nothing!"

"It is because he had been practicing and using such an element since he was very young." Alice told me. "You’ve been mostly specializing on three elements instead, Sylphy. Fire, Nature, and Light. With a bit of Life too. The element of Lightning is related greatly with Fire and Light though, so it shouldn’t be completely impossible for you to control it, if we keep practicing for a little while more."

"Hmm, okay, yeah. I’ll practice with it later I guess." I said. "Maybe if I can temporarily change into a Class and Subclass to help me better learn how to wield thunder and lightning, that would help. The same way I absorbed it and controlled it when I fought Jupiter, remember?"

"Still, those classes were quite unstable, and you would be relying on their power to control the thunder, I would recommend you to simply learn it alone, step by step! Not everything has to be rushed, Sylphy." Alice said. "One of the major flaws you have is that you are always very impatient about things!"

"Agh... Fine, well, okay." I sighed, nodding. "Let’s practice... later though. Now, let me see what I can do with these other items... Ah, let’s just use the scrolls already."

The Scrolls I had were the [False God of Thunder Jupiter Skill Scroll (SSS Grade)] and the [Chief Robot Skill Scroll (A Grade)]! Naturally, I went for the weakest of the two first, to see what I can get from it right away. I can more or less imagine what I can get from Jupiter, but from the Chief Robot scroll? It remains a mystery.

[You have used the [Chief Robot Skill Scroll (A Grade)]!]

[Please choose one of the following skills to learn.]

[Option 1: [Heavy Weight Carrier: Lv1]

[Option 2: [Electromagnetic Crystal Core: Lv1]

[Option 3: [Internal Electricity-Storing Circuits: Lv1]

"Huh? These skills..."

Didn’t the last two sound a lot like something that could benefit my manipulation of electricity?

"Look at the options." I showed Alice, as she nodded and took a peek.

"I see, interesting, the skills that a robot could possess are sure intriguing." She said. "The first one might help you carry heavier weights with ease, perhaps giving you boosts or something by doing so?"

"Huh, could help me handle my small weight, possibly... But nevertheless, it still sounds a bit too dull and tame." I nodded. "What’s next?"

"The second skill seems to be something like the robots’ core? Perhaps you could develop a similar core, which will help you not only harness this electromagnetic energy, which is most likely just the electricity you can produce, but cultivate it and make it grow in power, intensity, and so on." She said. "But I fear it might either fuse with your Spiritual Heart or conflict with it. The latter seems unlikely though, the System synapsis can’t create skills that’ll affect you negatively."

"So my Spiritual Heart could generate some sort of spiritual electromagnetic energy? Sounds kind of strange. I think I have enough of that for now." I commented.

"Then the best option is the third. I think those circuits will allow you to better store the lightning you produce and control it." Alice said. "It might even let you become even faster than before if you can store it within you and use it to charge your own body, like some sort of battery."

"Interesting..." I nodded. "Alright, let’s pick that one!"


[You have chosen the [Internal Electricity-Storing Circuits: Lv1] Skill!]

[You learned the [Internal Electricity-Storing Circuits: Lv1] Skill.]

[The Skill’s effects have been activated automatically; your body is now undergoing the process of refinement. Internal Circuits are now being formed within your internal body.]


I felt an electrifying feeling all across my body the moment I learned the Skill. No, I wasn’t suddenly growing metallic wires or cables inside of my body, but my skin and even my muscles were gaining strange runes which interconnected together.

Were these the Circuits themselves?

I saw my own arms grow glowing lines of blue and golden light, covering my entire body completely. There was no area of my body that didn’t had these lines.

"Aahh, alright, this is a bit freaky. I won’t stay like this forever, right?"

"Certainly not... I think."

I breathed in and out, calming down until the runic circuits across my body slowly disappeared. Or maybe deactivated. I didn’t know which one was, but I think things went to normal.

"I-I think I am fine now." I sighed. "Well, yes, I feel better. Shall we try the rings again?"

I quickly channeled Mana into my Soul, as I summoned the three Divine Rings of Golden Thunder around my body. They spun rapidly, lightning bolts surging from my hands rapidly. They started blowing up the nearby trees and even the blown-up ones began to shatter into

Even smaller pieces.


"Aaagh, dammit, calm down!" I said. "Come on...! Circuits, do your thing!"


The circuits around my arms glowed with a bright gold and blue light, the lightning bolts coming from my hands slowly calmed down, going back to my hands, and then starting to move across my arms and the rest of my body.

"Woah, it feels like lightning became my own blood. But my blood is fine? Ah, is there some sort of synergy between my metallic blood and the circuits? It feels like even my blood is being energized!" I looked at my own arms, which were glowing very, very brightly.

"It seems so!" Alice was also rather amazed. "Alright, let’s practice some more now, Sylphy!"

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