We explored the town while being led by the Chief, he introduced us to the ten new smithies, alongside the golem manufacturing place. The scrap metal we’ve supplied to them was already running out. But they were constantly reusing it by smelting their failures. Because they were constantly striving towards perfection, they reused metals a lot whenever something they made either broke or just wasn’t up to their standards.

I think they’ll be pretty happy to learn about the fifth floor’s caves capable of producing metals endlessly and even reproduce multiply them! Though I don’t know if I would let them make the whole travel down there without my help. Maybe if I could modify their teleportation device to lead to other places... Hmm, yeah, we can work around that.

"Here we are. This is. My home. Please, come in."

The chief invited us inside his house, it was the same as the rest, with a smithy inside and two floors. Once we stepped inside we were greeted by his wife, simply called "Chief Wife" and there was also a "child" he had.

"Welcome, welcome. Husband. You didn’t said visits would. Come."

"Sorry, wife. I was busy. I’m sorry. I will make up for it. Sorry."

"It’s fine. Come in. Let me serve you something. To eat. We have fruits we keep. They’re shiny and beautiful. We are trying to figure out ways. To extract their colors."

There were a couple of normal fruit trees already growing around their village, so they apparently picked them up for their shiny colors, which they’ve been trying to extract? No idea how they’re going to do that though.

They served a big plate, full of apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruits they didn’t eat, but kept around preserved using preservation magic, very handy for eaters such as us.

"Thank you!" I took a bite off the apple, it was sweet and juicy. "Anyways, I’ve seen you guys are working well. Any problems or something?"

"Not for now. Everything good. As you can see. The tree has grown. Something like that hasn’t happened. In many years. We are happy. The tree is happy."

"So that tree grows based in your happiness?" My mother wondered. "How interesting-Ah, right, the reason I came here. I was wondering if you were willing to work for me? We’ll pay you and all. I’ve already arranged a few things. My father wants to arm his soldiers better. Could you create weapons based on blueprints we give to you? And armor too. We can do the magic enchantment ourselves, as long as you provide the thing mostly done."

My mother suddenly pulled out some blueprints out of nowhere and showed them to the Chief.

Wait! So this is why she wanted to come here!

Huh, well, the robots will decide I they work or not.

"How much. Will we be paid?" The chief asked after looking at the blueprint. "And how can we. Use the money we will be paid?"

"First of all, you can either chose to be paid with money, and then use that money with me or Sylphy to exchange for goods, or we can pay you with your preferred item. We can offer you materials of all kinds for payment." My mother said. "Right Sylphy?"

"Why are you including me...?" I sighed. "And yeah, sure..."

"Come on dear, this is something to help our country get stronger." My mother whispered to my ears. "We’ll start with the armor and weapons, then we can begin asking them for larger things or special materials. Pieces for flying ships, and even pieces for magic sentinels, ultimately, we could commission them giant golems."

"You’re really trying to prepare for a war..." I sighed. "Was this grandad’s idea?"

"Yeah, once I told him about ancient golems that manufacture things at lightning speed he got excited about the prospects. And got really happy after knowing you possessed a dungeon and allowed them to live inside." My mother said.

"Ahh... Okay, fine. I guess it is my duty to help my country?" I wondered, still feeling slightly conflicted.

At the end it was still on the robot’s decision anyways.

"Just so you know guys, I can also offer you materials later. For free, mostly?" I told the chief. "So don’t feel forced to work for mom."

"Sylphy!" My mother was a bit shocked.

"Sorry but I don’t want to just force them to cooperate because they’ll lack materials or something." I said. "I invited them here and I plan to make their lives better."

"Well... I guess you’re not wrong." My mother nodded. "Well, it is your decision at the end, Chief."

"Hmm." The chief was thinking. "I think this is something. We should ask the rest of my people. I will call them and ask them."

However, he just remained where he was.

"Finished. We’ve made a voting poll inside the network. It seems eighty percent agrees on it, and twenty percent disagrees." The chief said. "I work for my people. So I couldn’t just. Take the decision for them. Apologies."

"It’s fine... So?" I asked.

"We’ll work for. Lady Sylphy’s mother." Said chief. "I am. Thankful for your generosity. Lady Sylphy. However, we can’t no longer depend on just you. Forever. We want to earn our keep. As they say."

"Perfect!" My mother nodded. "Then it is decided! These are the papers. Read them careful and once you’re done, please place your sign over here. Don’t worry, nothing shady, just a standard working contract. There is a deadline of one year too, so take it easy."

The contract asked for the production of ten thousand weapons and ten thousand sets of armor! And she asked only for a year?! It was already a bit too much!

But seeing how fast they worked, plus my dungeon’s time dilation, it might actually just work.

"Understood..." The chief signed the paper. "We will begin immediately. Will you provide the materials?"

"Yes, I’ve already prepared them here." My mother tapped her ring, as a large bag of metal appeared. "I got a few more of these. Let’s begin then!"

My mother is... quite the businesswoman.

I guess I need to learn more from her, actually.

"She never changes, huh..." My father laughed. "Sylphy, your mom’s a bit scary..." Aquarina said. "Eh, you get used to her little schemes." I shrugged.

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