Sylphy defeated her brother at the end, despite everything he had done to try to defeat her, he simply couldn’t compare to the immense power his big sister had cultivated through her life, which was over twice as long as his.

For some reason, despite how much he loved her, he felt frustrated, so angry with himself for not being able to stop her, and also devastated, because he thought he would disappoint everyone.

"At the end... I am a weakling..."

He covered his face in shame, as he started crying.

Despite being surrounded by so many incredible people, Zephyrus always felt like he wasn’t enough, that he simply couldn’t compare to anybody.

Even when considering Celica, her power and strengths were simply something incredible. In comparison, he often thought of himself as "not enough".

And each time they were to compare him to his sister when she was at his age, he would feel even worse, thinking he was disappointing his parents for being weaker.

"It’s not like I wanted to be born weak..."

As he started crying and hitting the floor in frustration, his powers slowly started to engulf him. The darkness and blood energy he had exuded before, and the form he had summoned. These were powers that originated from that nightmare he once had. And although he wanted to forget about them back then, he had to retort to them time and time again.

After trying to use the power of the Phoenix instead, he still lost, he lost no matter the power he used.

"I just don’t want to disappoint everyone..."

The darkness slowly shrouded his mind. The memories of the nightmares he had started emerging.

The demons that spoke to him, the darkness that loomed from the horizon, the abyss that swallowed him.

And that become him.

"You can draw even more power..."

A voice whispered to him, the voice of those countless beings.


The kept insisting.

"You can beat her and show everyone how strong you truly are."

As Zephyrus tried to fight back against that darkness, the temptation of more power couldn’t be denied.

"Unseal the chains within your soul."

"Let your power flow."

"The true power..."

"That you rightfully have inherited..."

"No..." he kept resisting. "T-This is not the right way!"

The darkness shrouded his mind, as pools of blood flowed around him.

He kept screaming and crying, as their claws drew closer.


"We are you..."

"Why do you deny us?"

"We are you..."

"Come! Let us in!"

"You can beat anybody, you can do as you please!"

"Unseal the chains, destroy it all...!"




"S-Stop...!" Zephy’s tears kept falling, yet suddenly.

"Zephy! Are you okay?!"

The voice of his sister cleared all the darkness, as it faded away instantly. The figures, the silhouettes, the shadows, they dissipated.

Zephy slowly raised his head, looking at the beautiful green eyes of his big sister, that shone brighter than the sun.

"Big sis... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone so far, I-"

However, before he could say another word, Sylphy hugged him tightly.

The warmth of her hug, and the kiss that came right afterwards on his forehead made him suddenly slowly snap out of his thoughts.

"Dummy! Why are you crying?! Because you lost?"

Her energetic and worried voice reverberated, as he looked at her, tears still flowing from his


She was so worried for him, she loved him.

Why was he being so dumb?

He was still a child at the end, that’s why.

"Sniff... Sorry..."

"There’s nothing to be sorry about!"

Sylphy kissed his forehead and then his cheeks, and rubbed her nose on his own.

"Big sis loves you no matter what!" She smiled cutely. "Never forget that! You heard me? We fought, it was a nice sparring, but that’s it! At the end, we’re family, and we love each other,


"B-Big sis..." Zephy continued crying. "I love you too!" He hugged her back.

The fear and anguish he felt, the frustration, everything faded away as he hugged his big


The darkness that loomed within him.

The demons that spoke to him.

And the pools of blood that followed him everywhere...

It all became nothing but illusions, nothing but dumb nightmares when she hugged him. "Big sis will always be there for you, and I will protect you no matter what, alright?" "O-Okay... Sorry again, I was dumb... I went too all-out, and I broke big sis’ sword..." "Ahh, well... It’s not like she’s dead. I’ll use this opportunity to finally upgrade her."


"Hehe, the one you need to apologize to is her."

Sylphy showed Zephy her broken sword, as he noticed a spiritual soul inhabiting it. He had

Noticed his sister’s weapons were strange, but he never realized they were actually alive.

"I-I’m sorry... Mister sword."

"I am a lady! And my name is Scarlet."

Suddenly, Zephy almost jumped out of surprise as he heard the sword talk inside his mind!

"Eeeh?! It talked!"

"Hahahaha! Surprised? Yep, she talks!"

"S-Sorry lady Scarlet..."

Scarlet sighed.

"It’s fine... You wanted to show your sister you were not just a baby child anymore, right? Even

Though you’re still pretty young though!"


"Don’t push yourself too hard, kid. Everyone grows at their own pace."

After hearing Scarlet’s swords, Sylphy nodded.

"Yep! As she said. You don’t have to push yourself! Enjoy your childhood! I was also chilling

And enjoying my life a lot back then- Actually, I still do, haha!" "M-Maybe..." Zephyrus nodded. "Big sis, I’ll miss you when you go away..."

"Oh?" Sylphy blushed a bit after seeing her cute little brother say such words. "Heh, I’ll miss

You too. Mooch." She kissed his cheeks again. "Big sis will miss my little bundle of hugs so

Much! I think I’ll die!"

"Don’t die!" he gasped.

"Hahaha! I’m joking-" Sylphy giggled. "I’ll be fine! And you should be fine too. We’ll meet

After a year, or two at most. Mama will be there, Mist and Lara are very nice too, try to make

Friends with them."

"O-Okay..." he nodded. "I’ll train too and get strong. Let’s have another spar in the future!"

"Hahah! Sure!"

Sylphy was always giggling and smiling, Zephy admired that.

He always thought his sister could simply not waver against anything.

She was an immovable heroine that always came to save him.

However, deep down, Sylphy also felt a lot of sorrow.

She had simply learned to mask it behind a cheerful smile.

Because she knew that someone had to smile when nobody did.

It was something her father from her previous life taught to her.

"Sylphy! Zephy! Are you two okay?"

Faylen’s voice echoed behind the two children, as their mother came rushing in, looking at

Their bodies for any wounds or something.

"Haha, we’re fine mom!" Sylphy smiled.

"Sorry for worrying you, mommy!" Zephy, a certified mama’s boy, extended his hands

Towards his mommy.

"Sheesh, do you have to go so far just to show off, my dear son? You’re strong, we all know

It!" Faylen hugged her son and carried him in her arms. "Whatever you ever thought, it’s not

Right... Don’t push yourself, and don’t feel inferior because you can’t do what others can.

Everyone has their own rhythm. Their own pace."

"Yes mama... Sorry." Zephy nodded.

"Hahah, see? He’s fine." Allan arrived with a giggle very similar to Sylphy.

Zephy quickly realized where that smile and cheerfulness was inherited from.

Sylphy and Allan were almost the same most of the time!

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