The Civilization System quickly teleported itself in front of us, appearing on his little red- colored, fairy-like appearance. Well, it resembled an abstract sort of shape. Like a little soldier toy made of red light, it had a big golden shield, but the thing is, it wasn’t bigger than the palm of my hands.

Every System seemed to have their own shapes, except the Quest System, which hasn’t revealed its own appearance, and it seems unable to summon itself. But Alice, the Dungeon System, and the Civilization System all had defined appearances.

And right now, the Civilization System was quite excited.

"What’s wrong? You look really happy. Did you finally do the weird thing you were trying to do?"

The little System nodded.


[The {Civilization System} has finished preparations! They say they have fully integrated new functions into your Civilization Status.]

[The Robot Village, which has already grown very large, has been integrated into the Civilization System.]

[The Village and all its robotic inhabitants have been called {Village of Rust}, and its inhabitants {Children of Technology, Robotians}!]

[The {Civilizations Annexed} Section within the Civilization Status has been created.]

[The {Village of Rust} has become annexed to the main Civilization Core of the {Village of Eden}!]

[The {Village of Rust} now shares the same Civilization Rank with all annexed Civilizations.] [The Robotian, Chief, has been integrated as the Leader of the Rust Village.]

[The Robotians have been integrated into the Yggdrasil Civilization.]

"Wait, what?!" I asked in surprise. "No, wait, I am not that surprised actually, I should have seen this coming a mile away..."

"Wait, so the robots are part of the civilization now? How odd!" Said Alice. "Are you sure this is safe for them though, Civilization System? I feel like you’re overstepping your boundaries now!"

[The {Civilization System} assures everyone that they’re safe, and that this will merely help them prosper and grow even more.]

[Due to the annexation of a whole new Village, all of your Civilization Stats have increased!]

[You gained +105 Population (Robotians)]

[You gained +100 to all Civilization Stats.]

[You acquired the {Village of Rust} Civilization Traits: {Tireless Workforce (A)} {Mechanical Processing (B)} and {Golem Guards (C)}!]

[These Traits will slowly begin to affect the Arboren now, though limited to their own physiology, meaning that they won’t become as incredible as the robots themselves, but will still be greatly benefited.]

[You acquired the {Village of Rust} Civilization Facilities: {Metallic Scrap Houses (D)} x100 and {Robotians Smithies (B+)} x50!]

"Woah, so many thing... Wait a second, I gained 100 to all civilization stats?! That means 100 Faith too!" I gasped. "So I got 1000 to all Stats! Nice."

[For having added a whole new Village into your Civilization with great potential, you gained +1000 Civilization EXP!]

[Congratulations! Your Civilization has reached {Rank 2: Developing Small City}!]

[Your Civilization Bonus Stats have increased from 2000 to 4000!]

[Your Civilization Expands! Some Civilization Traits have increased their Ranks.]

[The {Special Civilization Challenge} mode has been unlocked. Let your Civilization’s strongest warriors face challenges to gain rewards and strengthen your Civilization, put to test your Civilization’s Defenses and Ability to survive.]

[The next {Special Civilization Challenge} is already here! However, because you’re in the Tutorial Mode, you may choose whenever to activate it or not.]

[Once you are done with the first tutorial, new Challenges will appear sporadically every few months, make sure to strengthen your Civilization.]

"Challenges? Well, that’s new. And isn’t it a bit too much? So you’re going to torture my people now?!"

[The {Civilization System} sighs, they say this is not something they can control.]

"He’s not wrong, this is just part of his functions left by my creator." Said Alice. "I was already beginning to think it was something bound to happen... Being gifted this entire dungeon, and all the powers of a civilization, it was bound to be connected to some challenge as well."

"Hmmm, I hope it’s nothing too terrible." I sighed. "But okay. At least I can choose when to start it, so if I chose to never start it, it never happens, right? Might as well ignore it for now."

"Please don’t worry, these Challenges are controlled by the system itself, so they cannot be impossible." Alice said. "At most, they will be challenging, but nothing too stressful I believe. It is just to help your people become stronger."

"I guess... Okay, fine." I shrugged. "Anyways..."

After all of those messages, I took a look at my Civilization Status.

{Civilization Core}: {Village of Eden}

{Civilization Rank}: {Rank 2: Developing Small City}

{Civilization EXP}: [800/10.000]

{Civilization Faction}: {Yggdrasil’s Children}

{Civilizations Annexed}: {Village of Rust}

{Civilization Races}: {Children of Nature, Arboren} {Children of Technology, Robotians}

{Civilization Leaders}: {Eden: Selene} {Rust: Chief}

{Civilization Population}: {296}

{Civilization Bonus Stats}: {+4.000} {+4.300 Strength, Magic, Agility (Faith is Power)}

{Civilization Statistics}: {Faith}: [430 (D-)] {Government}: [310 (D-)] {Culture}: [260 (D-)] {Military}: [380 (D-)] {Economy}: [190 (E+)] {Production}: [340 (D-)] {Food}: [260 (D-)]

{Research} [240 (D-)]

{Civilization Traits}: {Path of Nature (B)} {Active Goddess (A)} {Mild Reproduction (D)} {Faithful Will (D)} {Slightly Motivated (D)} {Cultural Beginnings (E+)} {Starting Politics (E+)} {Brave Soldier Battalion (B)} {Beginner Tamers (E-)} {Indestructible Defense (C+)} {Faith Is Power (B)} {Tireless Workforce (A)} {Mechanical Processing (B)} {Golem Guards (C)} {Civilization Special Units}: {Selene, Saintess of the Arboren (Saint Grade)} {Ivy, Huntress of the Poisonous Forest (Unique+ Grade)}

{Civilization Facilities} {Living Wood Houses (D+)} x270 {Temple of Goddess Sylphy (B-)} x1 {Research Facility (D)] x1 {Eden’s Royal Palace (C)} x1 {Orichalcum-Reinforced Spirit Walls (C+)} x1{Metallic Scrap Houses (D)} x100 and {Robotians Smithies (B+)} x50.

{Civilization Tasks}: {Finish your First Research: 0/1} {Hunt Monsters Using Your Soldiers and

Hunter Units: 64/100}

{Civilization Research): {Alchemy Research (D)}: 3 Months.

{Civilization Vault}: [Special Unit Summoning Ticket] x1 [Basic Materials Dungeon Key] x1.

"Oh, it sure has grown from its humble beginnings..." I nodded. "Hmm, I got that

Summoning Ticket, might as well use it now while there’s nobody watching."

I grabbed the golden ticket and decided to use it. I originally felt bad about dragging people

Here out of nowhere, but after confirming they were the souls of long dead people, and that I was just giving them a second chance, I felt slightly better about it.

"Now, let’s see..."


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