It looked like Selene and Ivy relationship had developed into a more healthy, not so horny relationship. Ivy had come running here bringing Selene’s favorite meat and was even telling her she would cook it for her. I guess she had become more attentive in these one month and a half since I’ve been gone. Or well, that’s how it felt inside the Dungeon’s accelerated time.

"Who’s this big guy?" Ivy asked. "Oh, hey goddess."

"Hey? Treat the goddess with more respect, Ivy!" Selene reprimanded her. "Greet her by bowing your head." Her cute appearance changed as she looked down at Ivy with an

Intimidating glare.

"E-Eh? Okay, okay, I get it!" Ivy panicked, quickly lowering her head. "I-I greet the goddess... Is that fine?"

"Yep, good enough!" Selene smiled.

"It wasn’t necessary." I sighed. "But anyways, hello Ivy. I see you’ve been doing fine?"

"More than fine, we’ve been hunting and gathering a lot almost every day." Ivy said. "The ants you let everyone tame have gotten bigger. Look at my own steed! She’s all big and fat!" She was riding a huge, silver-colored ant of at least three meters long and one and a half meters of height. It had durable exoskeleton, big and chunky legs, and a sharp set of jaws. I was fairly sure the ants I had captured were just little worms back then, but now became full- fledged giant buggers!

"I see! That is a silver armored... Must be the Queen then! Makes sense why she grew larger than the rest." I nodded.

"Yep, she’s my little ride now." Ivy smiled. "She’s very tough and can spit some acidic substance on foes to blind them, her mandibles are pretty strong too, so she is quite amazing."

"That’s nice to hear!" I said happily. "Anyways, let me get started already. This is Bark, someone I just summoned like I did with you. Bark, this is Ivy, a summoned person like you too."

"I see..." Bark and Ivy said almost at the same time, looking at one another.

"Eh, you look pretty big and resilient. You’ll be a good meat shield... I mean plant shield." Laughed Ivy. "Nice to meet you dude."

"An honor." Bark nodded gentlemanly. "If any of you fair ladies require my assistance, feel free to ask. I am here to serve and help as much as I can, this is all but repayment for the gratitude I feel for Lady Sylphy giving me a second chance at life after I was eaten by a vile dragon... And that’s all I remember."

"Nice, so you remember your past life a bit too! Me too!" Ivy said. "Man, I wish you were a cute girl instead, but whatever. Not like I mind having guys as friends. Now baby, shall we make something for the new ally?"

"Sure, let’s cook something yummy. Lady Sylphy, would you like to join us?" Selene asked politely.

"Eeeh..." I looked at the time. "Err, I don’t know, I should be hurrying back home I believe. Sorry."

"Oh, it’s fine. You are free to do as you please." Selene smiled. "It was nice seeing you again though! I hope you can return soon!"

"Sure, I’ll come back as soon as possible. There are a few things I want to do with the Civilization Shop after all, now that I am accumulating a lot of Dungeon Energy." I smiled, waving my hand.

I quickly teleported outside the Dungeon, finding myself in my room. I felt quite tired, quickly jumping over my bed. My Spirits and Familiars appeared out of my Soulscape to bring me company again.

"Phew, I’m exhausted..." I sighed, rubbing my face on the pillow. "There’s still some time until dinner, right? I want to take a long nap..."

"You’ve done a lot today, you deserve some rest, yeah." Furoh nodded.

"Yeah, not only did you had an intense spar with your little brother, but you also even got a new skill out of him, hunted down monsters in that weird mini dungeon, and upgraded the civilization?" Ignatius said. "Did I catch everything that happened?"

"Yeah, almost everything." Curse nodded.

"I’ve always wondered... How do you guys see what happens outside while being inside my Soulscape?" I asked lazily.

"Oh that’s easy, we see something similar to a TV." Alice said. "Like, some projection of what you’re seeing, or sensing. Only when we get your subconscious permission though, so don’t worry."

"O-Oh, well, that’s nice to know..." I sighed.

I worried they would be peeking at me doing lovey-dovey stuff with my girlfriend!

But thankfully, without my permission they can’t see anything or sense anything to begin with.

"I wonder where’s Nephilim though?" Ignatius wondered. "Where did she go?"

"She’s been really friendly with Sphynxiette and the Slimes lately, so she ignores us nowadays..." Furoh sighed. "I guess it can’t be helped. It’s better like that anyways, as long as she’s happy."

"Hmm, now that Furoh says it, I’ve realized that you guys don’t really like socializing too much with others than one another, huh?" I wondered. "Is this something normal of Spirits and Familiars and Nephilim and Pyuku are outliners?"

"Yeah, I believe so. It just feels... Natural, to just be with those we are connected to through our master." Yggdra nodded. "I’ve waited all my life to meet you and everyone now, so I am happy just like this."

"Me too!" Naturia nodded. "With mama here, I’m super happy."

"I guess its just feels more normal..." Ignatius sighed. "But that doesn’t mean I like it! I’ll socialize with my brethren once we met some more."

"Oh well- Glad to know that." I smiled. "Hmm, so sleepy..."

"Just sleep, we’ll call you once dinner is ready." Beelzebub sighed. "Stop resisting, your body

Needs rest."

"Thank you..." I closed my eyes and fell asleep quicker than I thought.

While I slept, I dreamed of spending time with my friends, family, and familiars for the rest

Of my life, happily and in peace.

I know it was just a dream, and there are many challenges yet to come...

But I wish it could stay like that forever.

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