After breakfast, I gathered with all my friends at the backyard, where there was a lot of shade from the giant manor and the trees nearby. There, we sat down over the grass, snacking on sweets and snacks while drinking fruit juice, and chatting about whatever. For once we just sat down and relaxed, no hunting monsters or adventuring.

"I agree that the Blue Witch is probably strong, she’s a Hero after all, but is she really as good as Sylphy? Her equipment is so amazing, it creates powers and skills out of nowhere when just equipping it!" Mist said. She had gotten a bit angry when my mother said I couldn’t even compare to the Witch of the Blue Mountain.

"I also agree. I’ve never received anything from her, so I don’t really know... but the armor Sylphy gave me could make just anybody a hero-level threat, it’s insane!" Zack nodded. "But if her mother said she’s one thousand times better than her..."

"Maybe she exaggerated a bit, right? There’s no way..." Aquarina crossed her arms.

"Hmm, I don’t know myself, but I am really grateful with Sylphy’s gift!" Lara said. "It’s amazing, and it keeps me protected, and everyone protected too! She always makes the equipment with our necessities in mind, isn’t it?"

"Yeah, my armor is also ideal for me and helps me in everything I could have ever needed." Zack agreed.

"And my dress as well!" Mist said. "Not only do I get magic arrows and stronger projectiles, but even an armor to protect myself, because I am quite frail..."

"She also made equipment to help me regulate my Abyssal Embodiment Transformation and help strengthen my Spirits." Aquarina nodded. "To be honest, and they give so many bonus stats too!"

"Hmm, but even then, I made all that equipment relying on the System." I said. "Meanwhile, the Witch of the Blue Mountain did everything and made everything without shortcuts, just her own magic circle’s magic and her own two hands. She has probably reached a level of craftsmanship that cannot be compared to anybody in the whole world. I am really grateful, and happy you like what I made for you guys, but I want to be humble and think I am not at the pinnacle or something. In this world, there will always be someone better than you."

"Hmm... Okay." Aquarina shrugged. "I guess if you say so. You better show her though, you got your own talents and skills, so you have to show off and tell her you’re already pretty good, so she doesn’t treat you like a kid or something."

"Hahah, okay, noted." I smiled. "Don’t worry~"

"Still..." Celeste said. "I wonder what her crafting methods is. I do remember your mom saying something about her being able to manipulate... Particles? Or something. And that whenever she created something, they were bound through them."

"Yes, it appears to be her specialty. She combines Fire and Ice too, somehow using them to create her items." I answered. "Apparently, her being a Blacksmith was something of her own hobby? Her actual blessing and hero abilities are related with Temperature Magic."

"I’m guessing that’s the reason why she’s called a Witch." Luck commented. "Hmm, I want to meet more of the Heroes. How many are out there?"

"I think that’s... All of them? The Witch, our parents, uncle Arafunn." I said. "The rest... Well, there’s Gray, but he’s... not in his right mind anymore."

"Ah..." Luck sighed. "Sorry, I didn’t mean to..."

"Nah, don’t worry." I said. "We already know how things are..."

"Wait, but what about the new Heroes?" Mist asked. "I know you’re one, Sylphy. Aquarina too. Lara and Luck, who else is out there?"

"Hmm, let me see. There were quite a lot of them." I said, checking the information of my Hero Compass.

[Hero Compass]

[Hero of Heavenly Eyes and Draconic Blaze] [Name: Sylph] [Age: 15] [Race: Half-Elf (Half Human)] [Status: Relaxing, Healthy.]

[Hero of Glacial Oceans] [Name: Aquarina] [Age: 15] [Race: Human (Half Amazon Tribe)] [Status: Relaxing, Healthy.]

[Saint of Elemental Spirits] [Name: Lara] [Age: 15] [Race: Sheep Anima] [Status: Relaxing, Healthy.]

[Hero of Wild Beasts] [Name: Luck] [Age: 16] [Race: Black Wolf Anima] [Status: Relaxing, Healthy.]

[Hero of Forging Hammer] [Name: Ruby] [Age: 17] [Race: Dwarf] [Status: Stressed, Working Hard, Tired.]

[???] [Yet to be Awakened] [Status: ???]

[???] [Yet to be Awakened] [Status: ???]

"There are Seven Heroes in total." I said. "The only one that has awakened aside from us is named Ruby! I think it is a girl... She’s a dwarf! And she’s seventeen I think. And her Title is Hero of Forging Hammer! Wow, isn’t that convenient? We might we our own blacksmith too!"

"A dwarf, huh? I haven’t seen one in so long!" Mist said.

"I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with them before..." Aquarina said.

"I wonder if she’s pretty..." Celica wondered. "Would she like to play with me with her dolls?"

"I’m excited to meet her now! I wonder how she is!" Said Lara. "Sylphy, can you sense where she is right now?"

"Hmm, kind of. My eyes guide me the same way they guided me to you two." I nodded. "She’s... Ah."

I suddenly felt a bit surprised, falling silent.

"What? Where is she?" Wondered Zack.

"She’s... She’s living very near where the Blue Mountains are, where the Witch is..." I muttered. "I might even be able to meet her when I go train with the Witch, that’s really convenient, I guess?"

"No, actually, it makes sense." Celeste said. "Wasn’t the Witch a Dwarf that lived near mountains? Probably there’s a dwarf country there, so it makes sense the dwarf hero was born

There... I think."

"Makes sense, I guess..." I nodded. "Well! With Celeste and Celica, we might end up being the first to meet her. We’ll tell her about you guys, of course!"

"Wow, I’m jealous now..." Mist sighed. "Wait, aren’t there two more heroes? You said there

Were seven!"

"Yes, the other two are... Shown as question marks. They have yet to awaken, I believe. I don’t know what age they are, but probably they’re much younger than us."

They’re honestly a mystery, and I am worried there might be something happening that

They’re not awakening yet...

"But I can sense them, both are in the Human Continent..."

I hope I am just overthinking things.

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