It wasn’t just grandma and grandpa that were waiting for us at the airport that were part of my family, there was also auntie Aina, her daughter, and her husband waiting for us. I don’t know why they all came here to greet us, especially grandpa, who is supposed to be always watching over the capital! Isn’t it dangerous for him to step out like this?

I never thought he would go this far...

"Mom? Dad? Aina!" My mom quickly greeted my grandparents and my aunt. "Why are you all here out of nowhere? D-Did something happen in the capital?"

"No, we came here to greet you, my daughter." My grandfather said. "Fear not, I possess this Teleportation Ring. If anything happens in the capital, I will teleport there immediately."

"Hahah! It is as he said! We wanted to come check on everyone! You had quite a big vacation over at Cloudia. We are quite interested in learning more!" My grandmother said. "Oh? Oh my, everyone! Hello! Sylphy! Zephy! Allan!"

Grandma, as bright and cheerful as always, greeted us with a wide and happy smile, flying towards us with her big, fairy wings, and greeting us with hugs.

"H-Hi grandma..." I groaned, feeling the strength of her tight hugs, she was quite strong actually.

"Grandma! Hello." Zephy greeted her.

"Zephy, is it my idea or have you gotten bigger now? Ohoho!" My grandma laughed. "So cute! You two are so lovely! Allan, I am so grateful you gave me such beautiful grandchildren!"

"A-Ah, well... Thanks, they’re good kids! We had a lot of fun." My father said. "Thanks for visiting us, mother-in-law."

"Faylen, did you have fun?" My grandfather asked to my mother, his stoic face without changing his serious, expressionless appearance.

He was one tall juggernaut, his large, muscular body was always overwhelming to see. He was over two and a half meters tall, and his arms were like huge logs. Honestly, I never thought Elves could get this muscular.

"Y-Yes, father. I am just surprised you’ve come here out of nowhere..." My mother felt a bit flustered. "Wouldn’t my other siblings get upset you’re giving me attention?"

"What? Well, none of them had ever accomplished any of the things you and your family have." He said. "Isn’t it obvious for my great daughter to receive some attention from her father? Sorry, if it upsets you, I can leave immediately. I know I have never been a good father, and it might be too late to try to be a good one now... But at the very least, I want to be a decent grandfather."

"Hah, there’s nothing to apologize for, father." My mother smiled, patting my grandpa’s big arms. "You’ve done what you could, and I know why you’ve struggled to be a parent, with all the responsibilities you carry in your shoulders. I never questioned you, because I knew you were constantly watching over our entire country. I can’t begin to imagine how stressful it is, every day like that... Yet you always look completely unmoved by it. No worries, I really appreciate it though, the kids have begun to like you more."

"Faylen..." My grandfather remained in silence for a bit, his eyes looking down, he opened his arms slowly and awkwardly, and hugged mom. "I love you, my daughter..."

"F-Father..." My mother opened her eyes in shock, as tears quickly started falling from her eyes. "I-I love you too..."

Wow, I guess my mother never ever received a hug from grandpa?

It’s probably why she began to cry over just that...


I guess she indeed had quite a harsh childhood, huh?

Being born in a huge family in royalty was definitely not something easy, even when it comes with many commodities, there are also many challenges.

"Now, now, enough with crying about! Let’s go all celebrate, shall we?" Auntie Aina broke the ice and lightened the mood of the atmosphere created after all of these conversations.

"A-Ah, right! Yes, let’s do that." Mom said, as grandpa offered her a handkerchief.

"Here." He said, giving her a head pat. "It’s alright."

"Thank you, father." My mom smiled as she cleansed her tears.

"Grandpa... Can you carry me piggyback?" Zephy suddenly walked behind grandpa.

"Zephy! Don’t ask that to your grandfather out of nowhere, he’s the King of-"

"Sure." Grandfather gently grabbed Zephy and put him over his left shoulder. "Wooow! Grandpa’s so big! I can see the whole world from here! Hahah!" Zephy laughed. "Sylphy, do you want me to carry you as well?" He extended his hand to me.

"Eh?! No, no, thank you but I am not a kid anymore, grandpa..." I sighed. "That would be embarrassing!"

"You’re fifteen, right? That’s very young. Usually elves are considered children for the first hundred years, there’s nothing wrong with-"

"Yeah but she’s a half-elf, so she feels much more grown up than others." My mother sighed. "In fact, in three more years she’ll be officially hitting adulthood. Also that thinking is rather outdated, father, that was something thought back then. Elven children have always grown faster, and for three decades now, eighteen is the age of adulthood."

"Hmm, that’s right. My bad." Grandfather nodded. "I have to prepare a good gift for her coming of age ceremony then."

"C-Ceremony?" I wondered.

"Whenever we reach adulthood, there’s a coming-of-age ceremony. Usually it’s nothing big but... Well, you belong to the royal family, so they’re going to make some sort of celebration, usually a party with every other member that reached that age as well." My mother said.

"Huh, yikes... Well, okay then..." I shrugged. "That’ll be for much later, so I better not even think about it for now."

"Then let’s go!" My grandma said. "I’ve brought my whole squadron of servants with me, so they should be almost done with preparations. There should be a big feast waiting for us back


We moved back home as grandma commanded, and indeed, there were three huge tables in the garden, decorated with dozens after dozens of plates of food of all shapes and sizes. The food of the elves was more varied than "just veggies" and it showed now.

Roasted wild game mixed with cattle meat, all kinds of ways for meat to be cooked, from croquets, to meatloaf, to burgers, to steaks, to soup, and so on. There was also another table completely dedicate to desserts and pastries!

I was getting hungry, so this is amazing...

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