As I saw the old man laughing and seemingly enjoying our conversation, he quickly became more serious again, looking back at me.



"Before I go, I must pass on my techniques. I think you should be the one to inherit them."

"Ah... Huh? Me?! Why me?! Don’t you have like over ten other sons, and grandsons?" "Nobody is qualified for it. I’ve tested them before, I’ve seen how their carry their lives, how they fight... Nobody has a talent for a sword like you."

"Seriously? Even those that have lived for thousands of years?"

"I had my children rather late on my life. Only three thousand years ago, is where I had my first son with my wife. I spent most of my life working for my Kingdom. I actually met the queen only three thousand and fifteen years ago. My dear is just as beautiful as I remember her. Unlike us elves, fairies never age after reaching their young adulthood stage, and have much longer lifespans than elves. They’re the closest tribe of people in this planet to spirits." "Oh... I didn’t know your children were so young- Wait, three thousand years’ still a lot! There’s absolutely no other swordsman uncle out there? Or an auntie?"

"There are two, I had already tested them before. My oldest son, Gredellin, he’s a Magic Swordsman, but his swordsmanship is swift and precise, using magic to deal most damage through the usage of enchanted rapiers. My third daughter, Sepheline is also a Swordswoman, but her talents rely mostly on Shieldmanship combined with enchanted magic swords."

"I-I see... I had no idea I had an uncle and an aunt with those names. I wish everyone was... more personal and connected, where are they right now?"

"Taking care of their own territories. My son Gredellin takes care of the Southern Port City Of Estella, and my third daughter Sepheline is a renowned scholar, researcher, and knight general, she serves the kingdom and occasionally visits her territory, which is being taken care by her beloved husband."

Wow, every single uncle and aunt I got is amazing, I guess it comes from being long-lived elves born in the strongest royal family of the world, perhaps. After all, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say our Kingdom, which encompasses almost a whole continent, is the world’s strongest.

Not even the Human Kingdom Alliance compares to it, I’ve heard they’ve lost a large quantity of resources after the war and are still trying to recover them by hopelessly trying to invade more of the Demon King Continent’s territory.

However, the atmosphere there is rather toxic due to the miasma, so they have to constantly explore a bit, then come back, wasting away resources while not finding much of value other than... slaves, I guess.

Ugh, that only pisses me off more. I’m glad this Kingdom abolished slavery thousands of years ago, the Elves might be stuck-up and dumb, but they have high morals and are righteous, and much more discipled than humans.

But anyways, let’s not go too far off from the main topic.

"As you can see, both of those children specialize in different swordsmanship styles. However, you’ve inherited the swordsmanship style of your father, which already was compatible with mine." He said. "The very reason I didn’t taught Allan my Swordsmanship Style is because he was unable to imitate it due to a biological limitation."

"Biological?" I wondered.

"Indeed, aside from requiring wielding a very heavy great sword for the techniques to be used properly, you require a Spiritual Heart, something Allan didn’t have and couldn’t have." The King said. "He could combine with his spirits, but it wouldn’t yield the same requirements." "Damn... Wait, so it’s a Great Sword Technique? I should have guessed so, you’re always wielding that huge sword everywhere, grandad..." I said.

"Hah, that’s right." He nodded. "You see, most elves fight using magic. And the knights we have, often prefer to wield spears, halberds, rapiers, or bows and crossbows for combat. Any heavier weapon and it becomes very difficult. Elves are naturally gifted with great magic and spirit magic talent, but our physiques tend to lean to the weaker side."

"You’re an exception to that rule?" I asked.

"Naturally, I cultivated my body to be as physically powerful as I could since a young age. You see, thousands of years ago when I was born, I was a very sickly child." He said. "My parents did everything they could to feed me body-strengthening potions and elixirs. Yet even as I thought I was healed; my body could continue to deteriorate over time. It wasn’t until I was ten years old that I realized that if I continued undergoing physical exercise and cultivating my physique, my sickness would slowly vanish. Since that young age that I began pushing myself against my limits, cultivating, exercising, and wielding the heaviest weapon I could find, a great sword as large as three meters big, and as heavy as five hundred kilograms." "Y-You’re insane... Ahem! I mean, that’s crazy." I muttered.

"Hahaha! Indeed, I was insane back then, but my life depended on it!" The King said. "As I cultivated my body, I discovered a way to breakthrough my racial limits, by undergoing constant destruction and regeneration of my body. I pushed myself to the point my muscles tore apart, and my bones broke, yet I kept healing myself, and standing back up. Eventually, my body limitations were broken. My muscles, my entire body, it began to grow larger and more robust than any elf that has ever existed."


I never knew grandpa had to push himself so much. I always thought he was just born with a gifted physique, but it was all through sheer hard work, for thousands of years.

He suddenly showed me his arm, as I noticed several scars around it, they were located in areas where his muscles were.

"My entire body is covered on scars, most of them where made as I tore apart my body while I kept training and cultivating." He said. "Of course, you’re much more gifted. Human blood courses through your veins, it means you don’t possess the limitations of an elven physique I worked so hard to break. You’re gifted with the human tribe’s versatility and the elves’ gift for magic and spirits. Eventually, you will even surpass me."

"I will... surpass you?" I muttered.

I couldn’t believe it...

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