After slamming the black lightning dragon fortress domain into the Wyvern King, its entire body was electrocuted, the smell of burnt flesh filling the entire cave.


The furious beast swung its tail and its four giant claws against us, Zephy rushed in, stopping one of the claws and then slicing the tail with a slashing wave of holy golden flames.



The Wyvern responded by attempting to swallow him whole with a single bite, a bad move. Three of Celica’s golems rushed in, punching its chin three times before Mister Teddy were to kick its exposed stomach.


At the same time, Celica conjured her phantasmal magic, weakening the Wyvern King’s and draining away its lifeforce with ease.

"Let’s finish it off!"

I roared, as Aquarina and Zack roared back in unison, all three of us rushed forward, swinging our weapons against the Venomous Wyvern King’s scaled neck.

"{Divine Battle Axe Arts}: {Tempestuous Rampage}"


"{Dual Swordsmanship Arts}: {Dual Cross Wave}!"


"{Ocean Knife Arts}: {Poseidon’s Frozen Trident}!"


Zack’s thunderstorm blows, my cross-slash, and Aquarina’s old but powerful technique, which shaped the aura of her daggers into a huge trident made of frost all impacted the Venomous Wyvern King’s neck at the same time!

We’ve always been together, the three of us, as friends, rivals, and family. Our combined attack pierced through everything, our bonds strengthening our resolves, and our desire to hunt further boosting our strength.


The Venomous Wyvern King groaned in agony, its thick scales being sliced rapidly before its entire neck was slashed, before an explosion of four-colored flames, thunder, winds, frost, and darkness finished it off where the wound was made.


The monster’s gigantic body dropped over the floor, no longer capable of moving anymore, it collapsed completely and on its entirely! We all stood there in silence, gasping for air, looking at the dead creature.

"Tier 7s are still a bit hard sometimes, huh?" Zack laughed.

"Meh! If I had gone all-out I could have soloed it!" Aquarina bragged.

"Hahaha, I guess I could have done it too-"I giggled.

"What? You two are monsters..." Zack sighed. "I don’t know if I could have managed so easily like you two... Even with all my equipment, this bastard had venom and I wasn’t prepared for that at all," Zacks said.

"Then get stronger," Aquarina smiled back at him. "Like you always do, whenever we get stronger than you, you’re always desperately doing anything you can to catch up, haha."

"You better hurry if you don’t want to be left behind~" I teased him, but he knew I meant it in a friendly way.

"Don’t worry! I won’t!" he smiled. "Ninhursag’s inheritance, and uncle Arafunn’s teachings, I’ll combine those two and become so strong you won’t even recognize me anymore! You better wait and see once we all get together! Zack will no longer be the same! Hehe!"

"That was a bit cringe actually, don’t talk about you in third person dude..." Aquarina looked a bit annoyed.

"Hah?! I was just trying to lift my mood! Do you always have to be so annoying?! Wanna go?!" Zack pointed his axe at her.

"Anytime!" Aquarina smiled defiantly.

These two were more rivals than friends...

"Okay, okay, enough, we just hunted a big wyvern, Mist’s waiting up there too, let’s move! You can spar later if you’re so desperate to show off..." I sighed. "Zephy! Celica! Are you ok?" "We’re fine!" Celica smiled.

"Yeah, that was amazing... You three are so strong!" Zephy said. "I want to be as strong as you three one day!"

"I’m sure you’ll get there little guy," Zack smiled. "Also you’re already plenty strong as you are!"

"Yeah he has become very strong now," I nodded. "Might surpass us at his age I think..."

"Really? I guess he does have some cool powers, yeah," Aquarina nodded.

Zephy felt embarrassed when we gave him all the attention, as he blushed a bit each time we patted his little head.

"Everyone! Should we go back now?" Celica wondered.

"Yeah, right, let’s!" I nodded.

We moved upstairs after telling Mist we were done, which allowed Glutton to come down here and pick all the monster corpses, which he swiftly swallowed up and helped me store in the



[You and your party have slain [Venomous Wyvern (Tier 5)] x47 and [Venomous Wyvern King

(Tier 7)] x1!]

[You earned 1.660.000 EXP!]

[The [Holy Divine Thunder Armament Creation: Lv1] Skill has Leveled Up!]

[The [Dual Swordsmanship Arts: Lv1] Skill has Leveled Up!]

[The [Swift Fighter: Lv2] Skill has Leveled Up!]

[The [Internal Electricity-Storing Circuits: Lv1] Skill has Leveled Up!]

Ooh, three Skills Leveled Up, that’s some good progress.

"Well done guys! I heard all the commotion; it was a bit louder than I imagined..." Mist greeted us as we walked out of the nest hole. "Was it harder than you thought?"

"Hmm, not really?" Aquarina said. "Was fairly easy actually..."

"Yep~" I shrugged. "Ah well, your boyfriend had a few hardships though, he’s not good

Against poisonous foes apparently."

"No need to rub it on me..." Zack sighed.

"A-Are you okay Zack? You didn’t get hurt? Are you safe?" Mist started checking his entire body. "Let me heal you anyways! {Antidote}! {Healing Light}! {Revitalize}!"


Zack’s entire body was encompassed on bright light, as he was swiftly healed, although he was already fine, he didn’t have any wound.

"I told you I’m fine Mist..." Zack sighed. "But thanks nonetheless, maybe as long as I am with you, I don’t have to fear any poisonous foe."

"Heheh, yeah!" Mist nodded. "I’ll heal you of anything you ever get! I always disliked when

People I cared for got sick or wounded, so it has always been my dream to be able to heal people! I will dedicate my life to it!"

"You’re such a pure hearted girl..." Aquarina giggled, giving Mist a head pat. "That’s very nice

Of you."

"Yeah! Mist is a worrywart with the children of the orphanage too!" Celica nodded. "She’s always checking if they’re fine, and always brings medicine to them if they get anything, even

A little scratch."

"I-I am not a worrywart!" Mist felt embarrassed, blushing cutely.

"Heheh, it’s fine, it’s not a bad trait," Zack kissed her cheek. "But you’re a huntress too, right?

So let’s go hunt!"

"Right! Yeah!"

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