The rewards arrived faster than I imagined, and Saphira was already back after like just half a minute. She brought two more bags of money, and also some items.

"Here, the Wyvern Extermination Quest Reward is one million gold, and also ten Elixirs that can restore both wounds and mana!" she said. "As for the board extermination, there’s a lot of Antidote Potions to heal all kinds of diseases, and eight hundred thousand gold."

"Oh wow, this looks nice," Zack said. "So many potions... We’ll gladly take them."

"Yeah, let me store them for you guys," I stored the items as they disappeared one after another.

"Amazing, to think young lady Sylphy has spatial storage magic!" Saphira said.

"Ah, no, well... It’s connected to a magic bag, actually," I said. "Ah, right! We’re getting quite late, aren’t we? Let’s get going then."

"Sure, let’s!" Mist nodded.

"I’m getting hungry already, so we better go eat," Aquarina agreed.

"Alright then, have a nice day everyone! Thank you for taking care of those quests, they were very problematic... You really gave everyone a big favor," Saphira said happily.

"No worries!" I said.

We stepped out of the Adventurer’s Guild, where we suddenly saw some of our friends approaching from the streets to the left.

It was Celeste, Lara, and Luck!

"Oh, you guys are here, finally!" I said, waving my hand.

"I thought they were training or something, no?" Aquarina wondered.

"Yeah, I just called them using one of my Familiars, they decided to leave what they were doing to spend some time with us eating at the restaurant, they couldn’t miss such an opportunity anyways-" I smiled.

"Hey, everyone! Hi! We’re back!" Lara came running towards us. "Sylphy said we were going to eat at a seafood restaurant or something, right?! I wanna go!"

"Lara, calm down a bit..." Luck sighed. "People’s looking at you because you’re screaming!" "Is that so? Ahahaha!" Lara laughed out loud, finding that even funnier for some reason. "Sorry for not helping you before, I was busy polishing my alchemy, I’m still kind of bad, but I am trying to get somewhere," Celeste sighed. "Thanks for inviting me, Sylphy."

"Well? Aren’t you acting polite? Well, no prob~" I smiled.

Celeste looked a bit down for some reason, so it was better to cheer her up some more with this.

"I am not being polite or something..." Celeste groaned. "Ah, I’m so hungry though..."

"Then let’s go eat, we can chat more once we’re eating," Zack smiled.

We quickly moved back to the restaurant, where the owner greeted us happily. Two tables had been freed already and he used both for our big group. We ordered a big feast, as all kinds of delicious plates and meals came rushing out of the kitchen.

The chef wasn’t the only one working here naturally, although he was very good at Cooking Magic, there were several more disciples he had, which he was also teaching Cooking Magic. It seems that Magic as a whole is greatly integrated into elven culture, even for things such as wanting to become a cook, you need to learn Cooking Magic from a Master Chef.

This is probably something not even present in other cultures, like the humans, amazon, anima, and so on. Elves naturally feel the flavors of food through Mana, so food imbued with Mana through Cooking Magic always tastes better, and it also works better at helping us restore our stamina and satiation.

"Enjoy the feast, everyone! All of this is in the house for having helped me so much back then, and also as a thanks for saving our little town," the chef said, quickly bringing us even more food. "Look, I’ve brought a rather beloved and quite expensive plate too!"

He opened the lid to reveal a new dish, everyone seemed interested and looked at it, stopping to eat the roasted, grilled, and fried fish to see what it was.

However, once the steam dissipated, what was revealed was...


It was the head of the fishman king, which had been roasted and covered in all kinds of spices, sauces, and other ingredients.

"T-The head of that thing?!" Aquarina cried.

"Eugh..." Mist groaned.

"T-That’s a bit freaky..." Zack muttered.

"Hahaha! It is quite shocking at first, but in my endless endeavor to find delicious food, I discovered that the head of the fishman king, that dungeon’s boss, is incredibly delicious! It is full of the softest, creamiest fish meat you could ever find. Once prepared in this manner, the outside remains crispy and salty, and the inside is soft and sweet, the bones are hard, but its easy to pull out the meat from the skull," the chef continued explaining.

And as he did, everyone started making disgusted expressions, me included, honestly.

We’ve been hunting this monster for so long that we were all tired of it and we felt utterly disgusted.

Especially because, even though it’s not a person and just a monster, its humanoid-like form is really freaky.

In terms of intelligence, fishmen are more like... monkeys than people, they’re barbaric and incapable of actual speech, so they have never been considered people.

And it’s not a similar thing to slimes, not at all.

But even then, it still feels disgusting.

"I-I think we’ll be passing on this one..." I groaned.

"Aw, come on, give it a try!" the chef insisted.


Everyone looked at me, as if waiting for me to do it.

Wait, why me?!


I took a fork and scooped out a piece of the meat from the skull, it felt weird.

"Put some of that white sauce on it, the meat will taste the best that way!"


I did as he recommended me, and...


It was crunchy and slightly salty outside, but the inside, it was so soft, softer than any fish

Meat ever.

It was indeed almost creamy, and the white sauce itself, which carried some lemon juice and

Other herbs, made the entire flavor delightful.

"T-This is good... If I close my eyes and..."

I did just that and started eating.

"So good!"

I kept eating, and everyone got curious.



"Let me try!"

At the end, everyone ended eating the fishman king head...

It was both disgusting and delicious, what a weird combination of emotions.

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