These moments I spent together with my family and friends would never leave my heart, even if we move apart from one another.

The days of the week went by as I spent every single day with them, even though we laughed, had fun, and relaxed, everyone also felt a small weight over our shoulders.

The responsibilities that come with growing up aren’t a laughing matter, and everyone had already realized that life would only get tougher and harder as we grew up.

Although we see our parents relaxing and adventuring with us, the truth is that they’re always working very hard to maintain such a life, even if it doesn’t feel like that in the surface level.

My mother spending every day working to maintain the entire city, my father doing a multitude of jobs, from hunting, teaching swordsmanship, farming, selling products, crafting, and all matter of other jobs.

My mom and my dad were constantly keeping Agartha together, and now that they were going away, I couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. But I know that mom had a plan anyways.

Grandma and grandpa stayed with us as well for the rest of the week, imparting us both their wisdom (sometimes), and other times just being present.

I was able to see grandma open up a bit more, as we’ve managed to make her see through things other than the surface level of cuteness.

And about grandpa, he had become more emotional, even if a little bit. Mom spent a lot of time with them, she seemed really happy.

I guess she always wanted to have a relationship like this with her parents, a much more emotional and deeper one, like what an actual daughter with their parents would have.

But because of how they were, or because of their titles, or because of their responsibilities, they were unable to give her the attention and love they should have given to her in her younger years.

Despite all of that, mom grew up to be an exceptional person, a Saintess that protected a whole country- no, perhaps the world at one point.

She has many regrets too... But I think mom is amazing, and I always make sure to remind her that I love her.

I think she finally got one of her wishes, to be loved and given a lot of attention from her mother and her father, even if for a couple of days.

I don’t remember ever seeing her so happy, aside from the moment I was born, or Zephy was born.

As the days went by, the end of the week finally arrived, the very last day before tomorrow, where we would finally depart.

Everyone had everything ready by now, both resources and all kinds of things. Mom made sure to buy storage bags or rings to anybody that didn’t have them too, to make traveling smoother and easier for everyone.

After finishing lunch today, we moved to the garden, resting above the grass, the wind was nice, and today’s sky was nicely decorated with a few clouds, giving us some refuge from the strong sunlight.

"So tomorrow is the day, huh?" Zack said, he was the first to finally address it.

We’ve been trying to not talk about it all these days until now.

"I guess so..." I nodded. "Are you ready, Zack?"

"Of course I am not, I feel pretty sad..." Zack sighed. "I don’t think I would ever feel ready for it, no matter how many days or months I was given..."

"Honestly, same..." Aquarina agreed. She was sitting at my left, holding my hand tightly, as I rested my head over her shoulder. "I don’t think I am ready either, but it is what it is. We have to do this anyways. There’ll be times in the future where we’ll also need to be apart to do our own things too, so I suppose... It is important to get used to this feeling."

"You’re saying we won’t be together forever? But we’re a family..." Celica sighed, looking a bit sad.

"I-I didn’t mean it like that but..." Aquarina muttered, she didn’t know how to put it into words.

"I think she means that once we grow up, we’ll all have our own jobs, ambitions, or other things. Maybe we’ll be a party, but there’ll be sometimes where we will need to do our own things anyways," I said. "But I guess that also depends on a million variables of how we’ll take our lives from now on, and... I guess it’s not really worth worrying about that much."

"I don’t know, but I plan to live forever as a big family with everyone!" Mist pouted. "Right, Zack? Like Sylphy’s parents with Aquarina’s parents, all living together like that! Wouldn’t it be nice?"

"I guess so... But we might change our minds in the future too," Zack nodded. "But definitely, I will stay by your side no matter what, Mist."

"Okay, let’s not be so negative! Everything will be alright and we’re all going to get super duper stronger after this training!" Lara quickly talked. "We’re all besties anyways, you guys should relax and take it easy! Don’t worry about the details, or whatever the future is going to be, none of that matter because it hasn’t happened yet! What matters is the present, and right now, we’re all together!"

Everyone remained in silence over her simple words, it was almost funny how right she was.

"I mean, you’re not wrong... I guess, haha," Zack laughed. "It doesn’t really matter."

"What matters is that we’re together, and that even as we depart, our hearts will always remain connected as friends," Luck smiled, cheering our group. "We’re a party, a group, a family. Or... Well, I think that of all of you."

"Luck..." I smiled. "Thank you, I also think of you as my family!"

"Yeah, we’re all a big family, I guess! Though I’m going to miss my Sylphy, buaaah!" Aquarina started pretending to cry as she rubbed her face on my head. "It’s going to be hard..."

"I know, I know... Calm down, it’s okay, I will also have a hard time, let’s endure it until we finally meet again, okay?" I smiled. "I wish everyone good luck! I know you’re all going to

Make it."

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