"Yes indeed, we’re almost there, so wakey-wakey already!" I reprimanded her. "Here, we got you some tea and sandwiches, also cookies."

"Cookies!" Celica happily said, quickly beginning to eat. "Hmm, chocolate and almond... Strawberry."

"Hey don’t eat all the cookies Celica!" Celeste panicked. "Ah, so this is the place? It sure looks like the middle of nowhere..."

"Haha, sorry, it is the place. In a couple minutes we’ll land on the City of Blacksmiths and Crafters, Evercraft, it could be considered a sort of city-state governed by a small dwarven royal family. There’s a King, a Queen, some princes and princesses. It was established... roughly five hundred years ago?"

"That little ago?" I wondered.

"Since when five hundred years is little?" Celeste laughed.

"Ah, well, I mean... the Elven Kingdom is like... I think several hundred thousand of years old," I said.

"It sure is even older, I think it has existed ever since the Gods roamed the world," said my father. "Anyways, as I said before, five hundred years ago the dwarves and your grandfather finally got into a good alliance or something, and your father helped them with resources, and in exchange, they built this huge city. He gave their leaders nobility titles and their strongest dwarf and also the leader that led the leaders, a crown, making him the King of Evercraft."

"Damn, he sure did a lot, but what does he gets in return?" Celeste asked.

"Maybe they get those shiny rocks?" asked Celica.

"Haha, yeah, kind of. The dwarves are amazing at mining and creating good paths across the mountains," said my father. "Something elves are not too good at, they could use magic to do this, but because their magic is so strong, they tend to end up burying themselves with big explosions... You know how it is. So dwarves... well, I think their tribes once had a big dispute, it had something to do with an ancient elven king that betrayed the dwarves and enslaved them for like, three thousand years, and then once they were finally freed once the new king arrived, the dwarves lost all respect and trust for elves, hating them, and elves hated them in return for no good reason."

"Okay, okay, calm down dad, your explanations are like, all over the place," I said. "So first the dwarves provide with mined resources, got it. Now, into this piece of history... How long did that happen?"

"I don’t know, it happened four generations of elven kings ago... Imagining how long they live, probably fifty to sixty thousand years ago," my father said nonchalantly.

Elven kings govern for ten thousand years each?!

I think grandpa is also that old, actually...

I guess it is justified now if he’s having such a hard time showing emotions.

Imagine living so fucking long, I would go insane.

Good thing I’ll only live at most five thousand years!

Wait, no! That’s still super long!

Agh, let’s not think about that...

"Okay, so... for like sixty thousand years dwarves and elves hated each other because of dwarves being slaved so long ago..." muttered Celica. "Well damn, and I thought the demon’s hatred to every other race was old."

"It is actually even older, but we’ve been trying to work on that too, I mean, most current generations of Kings are trying to improve the world. Too many terrible traditions, all born out of hatred for one another," my dad sighed. "Sylphy, your grandfather has been of real help in such a cause, he has been helping create peace between many nations, and recently not only he managed to help the dwarves get this far and slowly reconnect the two tribes together, but also he’s been creating more and more bonds with the demon nations of the Demon King Continent."

"Yeah... I guess grandpa is kind of cool," I nodded.

"So, so? What happened afterwards?" Celica wondered.

"Ah right! After the King of Elves helped them, they’ve been building that city since then, every year it expands a little, it is gigantic, and all inside a single mountain!" dad said. "The best crafters and blacksmiths of the entire continent, and if I dare say, the entire world live there."

"Woow!" Celica said. "Is Felicia one of them?"

"I would say so, yeah," dad nodded. "She’s actually older than that entire kingdom, so she’s kind of considered by all the dwarves there as some sort of important figure, but her nature... Well, it makes her very, you know, hermit-like, she doesn’t like getting into politics or anything, and will only step up to protect them if a crisis arrives. But you’ll see there are a lot of monuments for her. She’s like their savior, ancestor, hero, everything."

"I kind of got a bit nervous now..." I sighed. "S-So this Kingdom of Evercraft, it imports all kinds of ores, the crystals, and also all sorts of crafted items?"

"Yeah, the reason of the sudden boom of magic technology in the last five hundred years is because of this city, they create the latest pieces of magic technology available and immediately import them to the capital where the King gives it the last thumbs up," said my dad. "This is how it feels like the Elven Kingdom is much more technologically advanced than the rest of the world. Dwarves with their incredible crafting abilities, elves with their magic, runic inscription, and alchemy, combined together, they make technology advance at an incredible rate."


I felt rather happy I was visiting this place now, so many new people to meet, and so many new places to visit!

And my compass, it was dinging in my head.

One of the Heroes was living in that very city.

"We’re arriving! Please get ready to land!"

The captain called, as the airship slowly began its descent into the airport.

As we entered that "cave" in the middle of the mountain, we were greeted with an enormous

City inside.

In this place, blacksmithing, alchemy, and magic melded together to make a city of genius



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