"Woah, is that the place?"

In front of Zephyrus field of view, there was a beautiful, yet ancient-looking city carved out of white stone surrounding a huge white tower stretching into the skies.

Surrounding this beautiful city there was an endless sea of colorful flowers up to the eye could see. The only way leading forward was a single road, which he and his entire group had been walking for the last month.

"Yes, that’s right," nodded his mother, Faylen, her long blonde hair waving by the wind. "That is the city I’ve been talking to you about these last weeks... After a whole month of walking and crossing the Heavenly Valley, we’re finally here."

"I can’t believe it has been a month already!" said Lara. "It went on flying, just walking, cultivating, hunting, eating, and well, sleeping, haha!"

The beautiful and cute goat-kin Anima was surrounded by countless colorful spirits, which to the eyes of her companions’ resembled sparkles of light.

"It has been really relaxing, more than I thought..." Mist nodded. "It is a bit weird. I thought we would struggle a bit more, but aside from the first week being a bit exhausting, we got used to the atmosphere rich on spiritual energy and light essence very quickly."

The little Jaw demon had gotten a centimeter taller in this month, Faylen had noticed she was having growth spur, and might not stay looking so small anymore.

"Hahh... Yeah!" nodded Zephyrus. "Though I have to apologize... It might’ve been because of me that we took so long. If I didn’t need to rest so much, we could have advanced much more easily."

"Well, everyone has their own rates of growth, you’re much younger than Lara and Mist, my son," said Faylen. "Anyways, welcome to Celestia, the city of the Holy Fairies, or Celestials, as some call them. One of the races closest to the gods."

They walked forward, reaching the golden gates of the beautiful white city, which were closed shut. There was no guardian until someone finally stepped forward, flying down from high above the wall.

"Hal, who dares trespass holy land?"

A tall man descended, with a fortitude appearance, muscular arms, a handsome face, long blonde hair, and bright white wings, they were like the wings of butterflies, but shaped like those of birds, as if they were trying to resemble angels.

Below the reflection of the sun, such wings shone brightly, making the Celestials look as if their wings were made of light.

His silver eyes glanced down at the intruders, his tall figure of over two and a half meters surpassed everyone’s height by far.

Celestials were tall people, and also strong, despite being fairies, they were all as mighty in musculature as the Amazonians and could fly like fairies. They were gifted in both physical and magical abilities and could even be considered one of the strongest races in the entire world.

Yet they also were secretive, disliked interacting with the outside world, and were always dedicating themselves to their religion instead, and the protection of the Saint’s Spire, where the Saintess’ body rests, and the place of her inheritance trial.

"Eep!" Zephyrus was a bit scared the moment he saw the tall man descend, his Aura exuding the power of someone at Tier 9.

"H-He’s like an angel?" wondered Lara. "Wow! The spirits sure like him! He’s a good person then!"

"s-Scary..." Mist muttered, giving a step back.

"Hm? A demon child?" the man glared at Mist with skepticism. "You, why are you here? This is not a place for-"

"Hendrickson!" Faylen’s voice reverberated like thunder, the intimidating and tall man suddenly froze, and then looked at the elven woman in front of him.

"Ah! F-Faylen?!" he muttered. "Lady Faylen! The Saintess of Holy Light! My, what a surprise! So it was you! My bad, I had gotten slightly agitated, are these children with you, your majesty?"

The man, named Hendrickson, who was only wearing white robes covering his body, and golden sandals, suddenly was surprised to see Faylen, at first calling her by her name but then rapidly ending up calling her "majesty"!

"Majesty?!" wondered Zephyrus. "I know this place is in the territory of the Kingdom Alliance but..."

"You see, in Celestia, the city of the Saintess, every Saint is given royalty status," Faylen answered. "It is part of their customs. So to them, I am a queen. And they treat me with such respect because I carry the Legacy of the Saintess."

"Yes, that’s right!" Hendrickson nodded. "I apologize for intimidating you, children. I had no bad intentions, but you see... We have to be rough here, or barbarians and monsters might try to get inside."

"Are you not upset I’m a demon?" wondered Mist, hiding behind Faylen.

Faylen gently caressed her hair, and let the girl walk forwards.

"I... well, we do not discriminate demons, but... The same is not true for our Saintess, after all, she was the enemy of all demons," sighed Hendrickson. "It is complicated. But no, we do not hate your kind. We simply try to be wary... perhaps... Um, this is hard to put into proper words."

"It’s fine, you can sense the Light within her though, right? She has even contracted a light spirit," Faylen smiled. "I am sure she is more than welcomed in the city of light, right?" "I... Well, I suppose she is, if she comes with the Saintess..." said Hendrickson. "And who might these children be, your majesty?"

"She is Mist, this is Lara, the new Saintess of Spirits, and this is my son, Zephyrus," Faylen introduced the children to the guardian of the city’s walls.

"Ohhh! T-The second Saintess is here?!" Hendrickson gasped. "T-That’s right, that Aura! All the Spirits of the entire garden... they’re flocking to her nonstop!"

"Heheh, hi!" Lara smiled.

"And an Anima! This might be the first time an Anima is chosen as a hero, I believe... It was often times humans and elves," said the Celestial. "Perhaps the times are changing, and the gods are choosing a higher variety now."

"Um, I suppose," Faylen shrugged. "I’ve brought the Saintess to do her Trial. Also my son and Mist to attempt it as well, and at least gain some power out of it. They might probably not be able to carry the entire Legacy, but perhaps a part of it."

"T-That’s... we would need to consult this with the Matriarch," he sighed. "I have no such authority to give you a confirmation, your majesty."

"It is fine," she said. "So? Will you let us inside?"

"Of course, please follow me," Hendrickson walked into the golden doors, opening them



The sound of the metallic doors opening reverberated across the entire garden surrounding it, the beautiful city of light shining brightly beneath the eternal sunlight, the children gasping

In surprise.

The buildings were all spire-like, long, and pointy, it was mostly all towers, the celestials flew around, in and out of their towers through many doors.

There were no stairs in this city, made only for people that could fly after all.

The Celestial flew around, many of them noticing the doors finally opening after many years.

"Now, welcome to Celestia! Please, try to use flying spells around here, everything is usually

Made for us, so there’s no stairs," said Hendrickson.

"Will do," nodded Faylen. "Alright children, let’s go."

"Where to?" Zephy wondered.

"To the tower, of course. That is where the Matriarch is."

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