As I showed the Evolution Stones, my father nodded, understanding it more.

"So pretty much they're like Familiars or Spirits in a way, right?" he wondered. "That's pretty interesting! Your Dungeon is so unique and fun, Sylphy. Haha, I wish I could have my own!"

"Seeing how you are uncle; I think you wouldn't be able to take good care of it..." said Celeste.

"Oof, fair enough, I am not the most responsible of men, raising two kids was already my limit, hahaha!" dad laughed.

I wanted to retort Celeste's words, but she wasn't wrong...

"So we can evolve then?" wondered Ivy.

"Is it possible?!" Bark asked.

"Yes, yes, calm down a bit..." I said. "I'll need some time, like half an hour? After we're done, we'll depart. Is that alright for everyone?"

"Sure," my dad nodded. "I'll go around the village to see how it is and catch on Felicia to tell her everything we learned here then."

"Alright, thanks dad!" I nodded.

He was very interested in learning about this place and its culture, so he quickly went off to explore.

"We want to explore too!" Celica said.

"I also want to give it a round or two," Celeste said.

"I guess you can go too, no worries," I said. "Once I am done, I'll call you here."

"Really? Isn't it better to just set an hour where we can find each other? The city's big, so how exactly are you going to just call for us?" asked Celeste, rising an eyebrow.

"Did you forget I am the goddess of this dungeon? Don't worry about such trivialities. With my powers I can just find whoever I want," I smiled. "Technically, I can also teleport around as much as I want. Thought that action wastes Dungeon Energy."

"Wow, Sylphy sure is amazing..." Celica nodded. "Can you do that outside too?!"

"Ah, of course not... Only inside the dungeon..." I laughed a bit. "Anyways, just go and have fun! There's some endemic food here too, so eat anything you want. Just tell them you're goddesses or something and they'll give you free food anyways."

"Okay then, thanks!"

Celica and Celeste quickly went off as well.

Finally alone with my Heroes, I quickly decided to check the Civilization Shop to see everything available, and what I could use to quickly accelerate their growth.

Aside from evolution, there is also apparently special equipment they can obtain, which fits their "character type" and will rise their stats and give them new abilities.

So let's check.

"Alright guys, I'll start checking what I can do for now, so feel free to leave or whatever," I shrugged.

"We're staying," Bark said. "I do have patience!"

"Yeah, me too, let's just wait," Ivy nodded.

Both had become rather serious out of the sudden, I guess they're nervous, huh?

"Everyone, I brought you something to drink and some snacks- Oh? Where did everyone go?" wondered Selene, who had just returned.

Some minutes ago she went to the kitchen and returned with snacks and drinks, but everyone was gone aside from Ivy and Bark...

"Sorry, they were bored and went to explore the city," I apologized. "But thanks, I was feeling thirsty. What is it?"

"Fruit juice! Orange, Mango, and Apple, try it, it's a new combination I made," said Selene.

I took some of it and... Yes, it was delicious.

The combination of the three fruits together... I never thought it could be blend so nicely.

The fruity flavors all combined, really made me feel more at ease.

And as of snacks, she brought all kinds of edible seeds, and also cookies made with them.

Overall everything was on the healthier side.

"Hmm, I love your cookies, Selene! I missed them so much..." Ivy was really emotional of the blue, eating the cookies happily.

"Heh, is that so?" Selene giggled, seeing her beloved stuff herself.

"Ah, this juice does fill me with energy!" Bark nodded.

It was nice to see them relax a bit, Selene was good at dealing with these things.

Anyways! Time to get to the point.

Let's see... Civilization Shop!


[You have opened the Civilization Shop.]

[In this shop, you can utilize accumulated Dungeon Energy Points to purchase all kinds of items.]

[Some Items have a limited amount of times you can purchase. And they might refreshed once a certain amount of time happens inside the dungeon, usually with 1 year refreshing cooldown.]

[Additionally, you can use Dungeon Energy Points to directly roll the Unique Unit Gacha every month, and either obtain new Unique Units or special Equipment for them.]

Gacha? What is that?

"Oh, it seems that something from Earth popped up again!" said Alice. "And it appears it can help you obtain even more heroes, aren't you excited?"

"E-Even more? Ivy and Bark are already hard enough to take care of..." I sighed. "But maybe if

I can get a lot, protecting the Civilization won't be so hard..."

[Welcome to the Civilization Shop!]

[Please chose the category of the item you want to Purchase]:

[Special Unit Gacha]

[Civilization Traits]

[Civilization Facilities]


[Unique Units Equipment and Evolution Items.]

[Random Item Tickets and Others.]

[Civilization Guardian Eggs] (LOCKED)

[???] (LOCKED)

Okay, so aside from the Special Unit Gacha, there were several other categories, although the

Last two remained locked.

When I checked in Materials, it pretty much sold all kinds of materials one could imagine, stone, steel, gold, silver, various types of spirit stones and more.

It was insane how varied the shop was, but still there weren't special things from, like, monsters and dragons, none of that.

Nonetheless, it was mostly things that could assist in building and maintain the city, it even included "Food Bundles" if the civilization ever starved.

"Now that's what I call Pay2Win mechanics... Why even bother taking care of people? Just buy

Them resources through that section..." laughed Alice.

"Pay2Win?" I didn't even know what she was even talking about.

Nonetheless, I ignored Buildings for now, they were also very interesting, and it offered many special buildings, but it wasn't the time to check those for now.

Perhaps later I could buy some defense buildings to better protect the city.

But for now, to the meat and potatoes of it, [Unique Units Equipment and Evolution Items.]

And [Random Item Tickets and Others.], which seem to have merged by my command into [Special Items] category, fitting.

[Displaying Civilization Shop Category: Special Items]

[Special Unit Summoning Ticket Bundle x10] [Cost]: [50.000 DE] [Limit]: [20]

[Special Unit Equipment Ticket Bundle x10] [Cost]: [30.000 DE] [Limit]: [100]

[Basic Materials Dungeon Key Bundle x10] [Cost]: [30.000 DE] [Limit]: [100]

[Evolution Stone Fragment Bundle x100 (Water, Fire, Earth)] [Cost]: [20.000 DE] [Limit]:


[Evolution Stone Fragment Bundle x100 (Wind, Nature, Ice)] [Cost]: [20.000 DE] [Limit]:



It was simpler than I imagined, but it had everything I could have asked for.

The evolution stone fragment bundles were there too, a hundred pieces of each element per

200k Dungeon Energy.

Now how much Dungeon Energy I have right now?

Last time I checked, it was regenerating by large quantities constantly, mostly because of the

Sheer volume of it all.

But the Dungeon System had also said they had spent a lot of it in protecting the people, so it might have been going down constantly, but it is now recovering a bit.

However, because the dungeon is infested by Miasma, its input has been reduced...

Nonetheless, it's at...

{Dungeon Energy}: {466.300}

Oh, not bad!

Okay, time to shop to my heart's content.

I help them evolve, then I get them good equipment, and other things.

And then we depart, destroy the Miasmic Nest, save the Dungeon.

And then, back home, we rest.

And tomorrow, to whatever my master wants us to do.

Also Ruby, I'm still worried about her!

I want to go see her soon, to help her somehow.

She seemed so sad deep down, although she acted aggressively outside.

I could tell she was someone that had gone through a lot, she showed her insecurities very

Clearly in the way she talked with everyone.

That hyper aggressivity is the result of being treated harshly by everyone and everything for a

Long while.

And she's also a dwarf that is a quarter demon. I need to learn why the Gods chose someone

With the bloodline of a demon despite their hatred against them.

Ruby, please be safe...


Although I'm so worried, I can't hurry things up either.

Okay, one step at a time.

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