
Seeing the fierce lightning crackling around the Thunderous Bloodhorn, Asher knew it was about to execute a dreadful attack that might actually damage him.

He looked at Euodias and the crimson tendrils connecting the sword to the beast with flickering eyes.

These tendrils couldn’t be seen by others. It was a battle skill awakened by Atticus Ashbourne.

These tendrils were showing him the weak spots on the beast’s body. As it ran, some weak spots would close and some would open, but he could see one that was more glaring.

As Asher channeled his Battle Force into the sword, there was a sudden explosion as the illusory figure of a mighty wolf, several feet taller than the Thunderous Bloodhorn, appeared behind him.

In this form, there was no doubt it could kill both him and the beast, but the wolf averted his eyes from Asher towards the Bloodhorn.


The earth beneath Asher’s foot cracked open as he burst forth with incredible speed. There was water underneath his feet, pushing him like he was gliding on a wave! Spinning, Euodias, Asher unleashed a horizontal cut.

So swift that no one knew where he cut even after he stopped and fell on one knee.

The Thunderous Bloodhorn staggered a bit before its head fell off!

Silence fell on the arena. Everyone was shocked to their bones. They were all expecting Asher to be able to land a good hit on the beast and escape.

No one thought he could kill a Thunderous Bloodhorn! A beast with incredible defense!

“What sort of weapon is that?”

Jon gasped.

“A king’s weapon.” Lambert said with pride as he rose up to his feet and began to clap.

His eyes were filled with pride as he watched his lord rise up to his feet and walk toward his sheath.

There were lots of burn marks on his torso. The burn marks were almost everywhere, except for his face.

However, as he was walking toward his sheath, the burns were closing up at a fast pace. By the time he reached the sheath, his skin was without a single scar!

The loud yells and clapping from the crowd fell into Asher’s ears, but they couldn’t see that the arm holding Euodias was trembling.

As he tried to sheath the sword, it let out a piercing hum, and the lightning still crackling on the dead beast ran toward Asher.

“What in the world is…”

Baron Flameheart couldn’t finish his sentence when Euodias absorbed the lightning and blood of the Thunderous Bloodhorn at an insane rate.

Right before the eyes of hundreds, the Thunderous Bloodhorn became a shriveled carcass.

The sword’s trembling became greater and greater as if it was struggling to get out of Asher’s hands.

Without wasting a single moment, he slammed it into the sheath, only for azure cracks to appear on the body of the sheath!

It seemed like it couldn’t withstand the growing power of the sword anymore. Continue reading at

Water covered his legs to his waist and lifted him into the air. He kept going higher and higher until the people had to squint in order to catch a glimpse of him.

Looking at his territory from such great height and the powerful spinning water under him, Asher’s white eyes flickered.

Just with a thought, he could slaughter everyone in the arena if he controlled the water to do so.

Not only that, but he could feel it inside of him. A new battle skill has been branded to his soul!

Blood Awakening!

He could now see the flaws and weaknesses of his opponents in battle. This skill alone had made him a terror.

“Is that our Lord?” A child outside the arena gasped. Although he couldn’t see Asher’s figure clearly, his white eyes were so piercing that it was hard to miss even with the huge amount of swirling dark blue water.

All of a sudden, the water formed a giant sword with Asher right on top of the hilt. It slowly began to dissolve and sink into the ground until his feet touched the ground.

He only came down when Euodias had calmed down.

The wrath of that sword could annihilate this stronghold if it wasn’t subdued.

“I need a new sheath.”

He sighed.

“That’s the same man we met a year ago? He can now kill a saint-ranked beast? Isn’t he as strong as some dukes?!”

Jon turned to his daughter, who couldn’t hide her shock and dissolving disbelief.

Unable to say a word, he turned back to the young lord, who finally waved at the people. It was as if one added combustible oil into a raging fire.

The audience burst into a great cheer. But Asher didn’t stay to receive the praise. He left shortly after the wave.


“You did well, your Lordship.” Kelvin said as they walked into the castle.

Asher revealed a small smile. “Invite all the officials for a banquet tomorrow. We shall discuss our plans for conquering Greenrock Castle.”

Kelvin blinked but hooded. “As you wish.”

Asher began to ascend the stairs, yearning for the softness of his bed after a clean bath, which, by the way, he did by himself.

Having his maids bathe him was simply welcoming temptation. He was a man.

Although he had his fears with women, it did not make him unable to do the deed. If situations arose, he could fall like any other man.

His only advantage was his slightly stronger restraint.

The moment he opened the door, a yell fell into his ears.

“Your Lordship!”

It was Kelvin’s voice.

“What is it?”

Asher looked back.

Kelvin ran up to him with a letter that he got from the messenger who was just leaving the main hall.

“It’s a letter from Blacksmith Dan. Your armor is ready!”

Asher quickly grabbed the letter and read it.

“My Lord, the dwarven ore is the most stubborn metal I have ever met throughout my life, and after months of great efforts, I have finally completed the armor. Your armor is ready, and I will bring it to you come the eve of the day.”

Asher raised his head.


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