Chapter 1074 -1073

“M-May I know your name again, Sir ?” Bernie asked with a smile as she looked at Anon.

This time her speaking style was completely different, it was covered in honey. She was talking so sweet that even a honey bee will feel shame in front of her talking methods.

“Well, aren’t you talking real sweet Luv ?” Anon asked with a smile as he looked at Bernie.

“N-No, I-I am sorry for talking to you like that. I am really really sorry, Sir.” Bernie spoke as she apologized to Anon by grabbing his hand.

She then started crying and as tears fall down from her eyes… They turned into snowflakes.

“Yeah, Yeah… Stop that. My name is Anon and I am not from this world.” Anon spoke with a neutral expression as he looked at Bernie.

“Not from this world ?” Bernie asked as she immediately stopped crying and looked at Anon with a confused and shocked expression.

“Yeah… He will tell you the rest of the story.” Anon spoke as he jumped down.

“Ahhh… I-I can’t jump down, I-I think I just used all of my mana into that Frost Lance.

Please Sir Anon… please help this poor Queen.” Bernie spoke as she pretended to fall down on the wall.


Suddenly, A Royal knight jumped over the wall and walked upto Bernie.

“My Queen… I shall help-” Before he could’ve completed her sentence, Bernie gave her a very serious look.

‘Go down or I will fucking kill you.’ She thought in her brain.

“I-I think… M-My leg got injured as well. S-Sir Anon should help you my Queen.” The knight spoke as he immediately jumped down from the wall.

“Oi, What are you doing ? Why didn’t you help the Queen ?” Another knight asked.

“If you helped her… You won’t be able to help yourself after that.” The knight replied.

“I-I see.”

All the knights immediately understood that the Queen wants Anon to pick her up in his arms.

“There are more knights here who can help you.” Anon spoke as he pointed towards the knights.

Suddenly, all of them fell down to their knees and started crying about their legs.

“Ahh… My leg.”

“My leg hurts as well.”

“Fuck… I think someone just hitted me in the legs.”

“I-I can’t get up.”

“They don’t even know how to act properly.” Salvoka spoke with a disappointed expression.

At this point even Anon understood what she was doing, but he was a thousand times smarter than some fairy.

“Fine… I will bring you down.” Anon spoke with a smile as he used his skill.

“Really ?” Bernie asked with a smile.


Suddenly, Bernie started floating into the Air.

“W-What the fuck !? Why am I floating in the Air ?” She asked with a confused expression.

Anon slowly brought her down from the wall and dropped her down as soon as she got closer to the ground level.


“Ouch… Ouch… Ouch… You didn’t have to do that to a Queen, you know ?” Bernie asked with a smile as she looked at Anon.

“May I help you ma’am ?” Salvoka asked as he raised his hand.

“No, I am good… I feel a lot better after Mr. Anon’s help.” Bernie spoke as she looked at Anon with a smile.

Anon on the other side Summoned a Cigar and lit it up.


“Achooooooo…. Fucking hell, is this only happening when I am smoking cigar ?” Anon asked with a confused expression.

“What is that, Sir Anon ?” Bernie asked as she pointed towards the cigar.

“Nothing… Just a stick that I use to produce smoke.” Anon replied with a neutral expression.

“Can I try it as well ?” Bernie asked with a smile.

“Here.” Anon spoke as he handed over the cigar to her.

Bernie placed it over her mouth and blowed into the cigar.

“No… That’s not how you do it. Suck it in and then release the smoke out of your mouth.” Anon spoke.

“Oh, I see…” Bernie spoke as she took a puff out of the cigar.


“Fucking hell… What is this ?” Bernie spoke as she coughed out loudly but without waiting another second she took one more puff and this time she let out a lot of smoke from her mouth.


“Now give it back, it’s not good for your body.” Anon spoke with a neutral expression as he took the cigar from her.

“How do you know about my body ?” Bernie asked with a confused expression.

‘For the last 45 minutes… I have been creating this romantic scenario with her in order to circulate this question.

From the moment she landed here, I knew what I had to do.

Even if I tried to scare her… She won’t be scared because she has litreally nothing to lose.

She doesn’t care about shit… Even if I would’ve killed her back then, no one would’ve done anything.

They would just retreat or attack me and that would end up in a bloodshed… So, I came up with another method.

I can’t destroy something that she loves because she doesn’t have anything to love. So, I will give her something to love and that would be me.

All of her family members died at a young age that means she knows nothing about love, care and affection.

I will show her all of that and make her fall in love with me… Once I sleep with her, I will take control of her mind and make this bitch totally obsessed with me.

Once that happens, she will be turned into a monkey following my commands obediently with no questions asked and that’s what I want.

This is also a strategic way of Manipulating a cold female… Show her love, melt her down and when she becomes totally dependent on me… I will be able to make her do anything I want.

I will make her so dependent on me that she will not be able to breathe properly without me being around her.

Hah… I really missed this part of myself. Using people like toys and playing with their emotions as I please. Hehehe… I am going to have fun with her.’ Anon thought as an evil smile appeared on his face.

“How about you take me to your castle, Luv ? We can talk there comfortably.” Anon spoke with a smile.

“Oh my, Why not ? Please come come. Oi, Clear an unicorn for Mr. Anon.” Bernie spoke as she looked at the knights.

Suddenly, Anon walked upto Bernie and grabbed her ass cheeks tightly.

“How about I travel on your horse, Luv ?” Anon asked with a smile.


“Anhhh~ S-Sure… Please come.”

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