Chapter 1090 -1089Chapter 1090 -1089
Alder is on his knees with both of his hands completely broken and blood is coming out of his mouth.
“Do you still want to fight ?” Anon asked as he looked at Alder with a neutral expression.
“N-No… But, I have to fight… Until I can.” Alder spoke as he stood up and immediately tried to kick Anon in the face, but before he could’ve even touched his face, Anon grabbed his leg and crushed it.
“FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK….” Alder shouted loudly as he felt everything under his knee going numb after an immense wave of pain.
“Nice try…” Anon spoke as he left his leg and kicked on his other leg, breaking it as well.
“FUCKING HELLLLLL…” Alder shouted as he immediately fall down to the ground, completely immobilize.
“Well… That’s it for you.” Anon spoke as he looked at the other side and noticed that the King of the Vermin kingdom was standing at the frontline with a very angry expression on his face.
“Ooh… You look really Angry, Sir. What are you going to do ? Kill me ?” Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at the king.
“DEAR…” Suddenly, Bernie’s sound came from behind.
“Hmm…?” As soon as Anon turned around he noticed that Bernie is coming towards him with a worried expression on her face.
“Dear are you al- Oh…” Bernie stopped speaking as soon as she saw the king of the Vermin kingdom looking at Anon with a very serious and angry expression.
“Is this the guy… Whom you choose to marry instead of my son ?” The King shouted and his voice was so loud that the leaves on the trees started shaking.
“Y-Yes… Mr. Anon is my dear fiance and the future king of this kingdom. You have a problem with that, Sir ?” Bernie asked with a brave expression as she looked at the King of the Vermin kingdom.
“I am Rodrick Rands, The King of the Vermin Kingdom… Today, I will either die here on this field or take that guy’s head with me to my kingdom.” Rodrick shouted as he looked at Bernie.
Anon started cracking his knuckles and neck as he looked at Rodrick.
“Well then… Shall we start ?” Anon asked with a smile.
“SOLDIERS… I WANT HIS HEAD.” Rodrick shouted as he commanded all the soldiers.
Four Assassins and ten soldiers immediately started running towards Anon.
“What are you waiting for ? Go and Fight them.” Bernie shouted as she looked at the soldiers standing behind her.
“Y-Yes, Ma’am.” The soldiers spoke as they started walking, but all of them stopped as soon as Anon raised his hand in the Air.
“If someone crossed me… I will kill without looking.” Anon spoke as he started walking towards the soldiers who were coming at him from the other side with a smile on his face.
🎵 Tana na… na na na… 🎵 As soon as Anon started singing the whole battlefield turned silent.
“Is he singing ?” One of the soldiers asked with a smile as he looked at Anon walking calmly towards the enemies.
“He is…” Salvoka replied with a serious expression.
🎵 “This man’s just got to go!” declared his enemies….
But the ladies begged “Don’t you try to do it, please.”🎵
“Take him from the front, I will go from the back and you two go from the sides.” One of the Assasin spoke as he immediately disappeared from his position.
“Got it.” All other Assasins spoke as they disappeared as well.
🎵No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms…
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms. 🎵 Anon continued to sing as he raised both of his hands towards the incoming Assassins from the side.
“KILL HIM.” The Assasin shouted as he appeared right behind Anon and two of them appeared to his left and right side.
All of them were pointing their swords at Anon’s neck.
Anon immediately grabbed the sword of the Assasin on his left and pulled it with full force as he ducked down.
The Assasin who was coming from behind stabbed the left Assasin’s head with his sword and the Assasin who was coming from the right side got stabbed by the left Assasin’s sword.
As Anon ducked down, he prepared his punch and released it on the remaining assassin’s throat to kill him in one blow.
As soon as the three Assasin’s died, Anon picked up one of their sword and threw it towards the ten soldiers that were coming towards him with full speed.
The sword pierced through one of the soldier’s skull and killed him instantly.
🎵 Ra ra Rasputin, Lover of the Russian Queen…. There was a cat that really was gone.
Ra ra Rasputin, Lover of the Russian Queen… It was a shame that he carried on.🎵 Anon sang as he picked up another sword and walked towards the soldiers with a neutral expression on his face.
“DIEEEEEEEEEEE….” All the soldiers shouted together as they thrusted their spears at Anon, targeting his neck.
Anon dodged all of their attacks without even blinking and in counter he did one clean Strike.
With just one strike, Anon decapitated all nine soldiers and their heads rolled down on the ground.
His face got covered with golden blood and as he wiped it off… Rodrick looked at him with an even more angry expression.
“What in the fucking world was that ?” Flinch asked as his eyes widened in shock.
Hundreds of soldiers immediately started running towards Anon.
“Hehehee… This is going to be fucking messy.” Anon spoke with a psychopathic smile as he dropped the sword.
“H-He dropped the sword…?” Salvoka asked with a shocked expression as he couldn’t find out the reason, why Anon would do that.
‘I have been holding back my physical powers till now… But, no more holding back.’ Anon thought as he removed all the limiters from his physical strength and jumped into the enemy horde.
He grabbed the skulls of two soldiers at the same time and crushed them like watermelon with his bare hands.
Their skulls Exploded and golden blood splattered all over Anon’s body and over the other soldiers who were coming at him.
As soon as the other soldiers saw this, they stepped back and looked at Anon with a sacred expression.
“N-N-No… Please-” Before the soldier could’ve completed his sentence, Anon inserted his hand into the soldier’s chest and pulled his heart out.
“KILL HIM MOTHERFUCKERS….” The King shouted loudly and since the soldiers had no choice they ran towards Anon pointing their swords and spears towards him from all sides.
The soldiers started shouting as Anon tore their body parts as if they were made out of paper.
He killed every single soldier that came at him and in just a few seconds, more than hundred dead bodies were lying over the ground.
Anon’s whole body was covered in golden blood and everyone in the battlefield was scared of him at this moment.
He walked upto a small stack of corpses and sat over them as he looked at Rodrick.
“Send more… This is fun, the more you send the more corpses will be added to this mountain… Hehehehe.” Anon spoke as he laughed like a maniac.
“EVERYONE IMMEDIATELY ATTACK HIM FROM ALL SIDES.” The King shouted as veins started popping on the side of his head.
The soldiers were scared and afraid to even go near Anon, but they couldn’t run away from the king’s orders.
Gathering all the courage in their hearts, they started running towards Anon.
Anon licked some of the golden blood on his lips and smile as he started running towards them as well.
That day, Anon started killing non-stop and the more he killed, the more he enjoyed it.
For the next three hours, Anon killed the soldiers of the Vermin kingdom like bugs and Bernie looked at him with astonishing eyes.
‘My Husband is so strong… I am so lucccky.’ She thought as a smile appeared over her face.
On the other side, Salvoka and the other soldiers let out a sigh of relief…
“I-Its good that he is fighting from our side.”
“Our side ? You think he is fighting from our side ? This whole kingdom is his side, didn’t you hear that the Queen is going to marry him ?
We are standing on his side.” Salvoka spoke as he looked at Anon with a serious expression.
‘H-He was right… This guy is a fucking monster. He is even dangerous than Saleks, what kind of physical power is that ? He is basically tearing our soldiers apart without using any magic.
I-I can’t imagine anything after this point…’ Flinch spoke as he looked at the king with wide eyes.
At a distant place…
“Fuckers… They are all *Huff-Huff-Huff-Huff* going to die.” Artemis spoke as he flew from the battlefield.
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