Return of the Female Knight

Chapter 205 - Ch. 205 You Are Such A Fool (2)

Ch. 205 You Are Such A Fool (2)

Carlisle looked surprised to hear these words, but Elena’s sincerity was true. He had an inclination to think poorly of himself, but from the very beginning, Elena vowed to walk the road needed to save her family, even if it was a bloody one. Whether Carlisle was human or not didn’t matter. What was most important was that her husband was the man she loved.

Carlisle looked at her in stunned amazement.

“…I never imagined you would say this to me.”

“Then listen carefully, because I will say it only once. When your right arm changes, I worry most about your well-being—!”

Elena didn’t get a chance to finish speaking, as Carlisle abruptly stood up from his seat and pulled Elena into an embrace. Her eyes widened as she was wrapped in the cradle of his arms, and though she couldn’t see his face, she felt him slightly trembling beneath her. Carlisle murmured into her hair.

“…Thank God.”

The sheer intensity of Carlisle’s relief was conveyed in those simple words. Elena raised her hands to hold his waist and buried her head into his solid arms.

“Did you think I’d have second thoughts because of a child who’s not even born yet? Or did you think you could avoid me over such a matter?”

“Yes, I was worried about that.”

“You are such a fool…”

The unholy actions of Carlisle’s ancestor who devoured the heart of a living dragon were difficult to comprehend, but if there was a situation where Carlisle would die…

Elena would surely cut out the heart of a living dragon without a single moment’s hesitation. The depth of her love for Carlisle was so great that she would be a sinner for him.

“Please explain the other things slowly. But the important thing is that you are healthy.”

Carlisle hugged Elena ever more tightly. He had been afraid that she would turn away from him once she discovered the truth, but now he understood the enormous fortune he had finding a woman that was in love with him regardless.

The shadow in his life chased after him no more.




That day, Elena heard more explanations from Carlisle.

Firstly, he had incredible power when his right arm transformed, but it wasn’t Carlisle’s ability to control freely.

Secondly, during the transformation, he would sometimes lose his sanity. It didn’t happen every time, but was risky in its own way.

If Carlisle had been born an ordinary child he would not be in danger, but on the other hand, it was the dragon’s power that saved him in times of crisis.

‘It is fortunate in some ways.’

It was strange to think that the dragon’s power protected Carlisle during those long years without Elena. It would be enormously advantageous if he could completely control of his ability, but it would be difficult.

‘Most importantly…’

There was no precedent for a dragon-blooded boy to not drink human blood, and it was impossible to know the symptoms of abstaining from human blood and giving up the power. In the worst case scenario, one could be driven to madness. Although the couple did not yet have a child, it was certainly the imperative to find out more.


The doctor’s hum broke Elena from her thoughts. He had been checking the wound on her back before speaking to her with a bright expression.

“Your Highness. I’ve heard that you’ve been working hard lately, but fortunately the wound is healing well.”


“Yes. Nevertheless, it’s important to stabilize your mind and body.”

“I will.”

The doctor finished applying the medicine and changed the wrappings on Elena’s wound. When the treatment was over, Elena dressed back into her nightgown and the curtain was pulled aside. It was then she noticed the nanny waiting for her by the bed.

“What is it?”

“Ah, well…”

The nanny did not answer immediately, and the doctor gave a bow to Elena.

“I’ll take my leave now.”

“Thank you.”

After the doctor disappeared, the nanny opened her mouth reluctantly to speak.

“You have a visitor here to see you.”

“A visitor?”

After hearing the news of Elena’s injury, several close friends had sent her their greetings and gifts. Margaret, one of her ladies-in-waiting, gave her a letter saying she would visit when Elena felt better, and Stella, a socialite from the capital area, had sent her well-wishes. Elena had even received a flower basket from Astar.

‘…Who else?’

Elena couldn’t think who else would come to find her. Perhaps Marissa from the south?

“A young man named Harry came to visit from Count Krauss.”


Elena’s red eyes widened at the unexpected name. Out of all the families that could benefit Carlisle the most, Krauss was the most favorable, and Harry was the promising young man that was said to be the next heir. She remembered seeing him at the wedding reception and inviting him to visit the palace.

Elena hurriedly stepped out of bed.

“Bring him to the parlor room right away. I’ll get ready now.”

The nanny looked at her in astonishment.

“I had already advised you not to push yourself when you went to the Emperor’s palace.”

Elena ignored the nanny’s complaint and headed to the dressing room.

“Come help me dress.”

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